Amazing Fact About Having A Dog

in Fur-friends4 years ago (edited)


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Dog are known to be faithful, loyal, compassionate, protective of their master and territory.
Several potential traits have been found in dogs for instance fearlessness, playfulness, sociability, boldness and aggressiveness.

Characteristics of dogs:

  • friendly towards other friendly dogs.
  • Affectionate without being needy.
  • Friendly towards people, especially well-behaved children.
  • Relaxed during normal touching and handling.
  • Eliminates appropriately.
  • Usually respond to owners request or command such as, sit down, come here, stay or stop.
    Barks when appropriate but not excessively.

Method on how to feed a dog :

They are two main method of feeding a dog named below.

  • Free Feeding: Free feeding is when you fill a bowl and leave it out for your pet, allowing her to eatas much as she chooses when she chooses to.
  • Scheduled, Portion Controlled Feeding.

top ten(10) most popular dogs:

This are some most popular dogs you may not have heard of :

  • English bulldog
  • German Shepard
  • golden retriever
  • french bulldog
  • Rottweiler
  • boxers
  • great Danes
  • bosten terriers
  • Brittany
  • pugs

Health benefits of having a dog:

Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress and bring happiness to there owners.some of the health benefits of having a pet include: Decreased blood pressure. Decreased cholesterol levels.
Here is a list of ways in which having a dog around you can affect health your health for the better.

  • Get stress_free smile:Having a dog to come home at the end of a long day is proven to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
  • Keeps you company: We can feel incredibly strong emotional ties to our pets; they are our friends, our confidante's and they never judge our transgressions.
  • Love your pet love yourself: our pet makes us feel better about ourselves. Dog owners are found to exhibit a number of improved psychological state that may help ease and prevent anxiety especially in the case of people with psychiatric condition like post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety disorder, dog can learn to tell when their human companion is feeling anxious or paranoid.
  • Keeps you calm: for those who might have issues with anxiety or ADHD, owning a dog might be just what you need. By providing jobs that are regularly conducted on a pet care schedule, like walking, grooming or feeding will help those with ADHD learn to plan and be responsible whilst it being very rewarding. High energy level are commonly associated with ADHD and playing with a pet is an excellent way release this excess energy as well as help them concentrate later in the day.
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