in Fur-friends3 years ago

Greetings beautiful people. Am glad to be a part of this unique Community in steemit. Thank you @focus for this beautiful initiative.
Today I want to share with us my experience with overcoming Cynophobia and my journey of being a fur friend so far.


Cynophobia is the fear of dogs. I was cynophobic.


I have never been close to any dog and I really didn't want to be. I do see them on the streets on my way out sometimes but I simply pass the other way. I never dreamed I was ever going to be a fur friend. I didn't even like the idea of pets generally.

All of that changed a week ago. I had gone for a courtesy visit to spend sometime with my girlfriend and her family. I was to stay for six days. I was so happy to see her but I didn't know I was in for the biggest surprise of my life. She and her husband picked me up from the park and we drove to her shop. I stayed with her till evening before heading home. While we were talking she mentioned that she had a dog in her house. I screamed in horror and she laughed so heard saying that her dog never rests until she kisses her visitors. I squeezed my face in disgust.

Ewwww, I said, making faces as I imagined been kissed by a dog. She kept laughing while I kept agitating. I hadn't even gotten to the house and I was already considering going home. I would have except for the fact that I had come a very long way, so I couldn't just go back. So here I was faced with my fears. I can't imagine I'll living with a dog for six whole days. Soonest night came and we headed home to her place.

The first thing I heard was a dog barking from within as she heard the sound of her husband's car pulling up at the garage. As we entered in to house, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen an active dog like that my entire life. The dogs name is yolander. She was all over the place barking and jumping on my friend, playing with her, kissing and licking her face and they were both enjoying each other's company, it seemed the yolander has missed her so much.

My friend and yolander

I just stood at a corner hoping she doesn't notice me but I was wrong. In a split second, she jumped towards me, jumping on me and all I could do was scream on top of my voice calling my girlfriend to come and carry her dog. I was so frightened and uncomfortable. I didn't know what do or how to relate with the dog. My friend was only laughing telling me to relax that the dog was playing with me and I shouldn't let it Know am scared. I kept shouting while she kept dancing and jumping around me.

Just like my friend said yolander was looking for a way to kiss me on the face but I was just screaming and covering my face with my hands. After much pleading, my friend called her and she left me alone and went to her. I heaved a sigh of relief and told my friend am leaving her house the next day, I can't imagine dealing with the dog. She told me to relax and taught me one or two tricks on what to do. I knew I had to face this and Overcome it. So right there I then, I made up my mind that I would become a fur friend. I relaxed a little bit even though I was still scared but I didn't let it show. Yolander never rests, she kept coming back to me and with time I started warming up to her. I would rub her stomach and head but she kept trying to kiss me and I didn't like that. I just wasn't ready for that kiss but I had made my first move that night and we took a selfie before the night came to an end.

selfie with yolander

The whole drama stated again with yolander the next day. I just had to adapt and soon we became friends. My friend said she had never seen her dog so relaxed with a vistor around. She said her dog likes me and I took that as a compliment. Yolander is very dramatic.

dragging yola to go and eat

My friend feeding her

One funny thing about her is that she doesn't like to eat, I think she does plenty shakara. They literally had to drag her along, hold her and force her to eat. They literally had to feed her with their hands before she eats. I had the privilege of feeding her too. My friend taught me to do that. I shared my meats with her. Am not much of the meat eating type so yolander had a fair share of the big meats given to me. Another funny thing I liked about her was how she walked. She looks so beautiful from behind and she's just a year old.

One faithful morning the kiss finally happened but not with my consent. I was sleeping in the room when yolander rushed into the room, climbed the bed and kissed me. The kiss woke me up and immediately she took off. After that incident, receiving kisses from her was easier to deal with. I told my friend her dog was suffering from kissology. She loves kissing people at every slightest opportunity, I guess that's her unique way of relating with people.


I had so much fun around them and before I left the house, I was already thinking of getting my own dog someday when am financially capable. So am looking forward to owning one as a pet someday.
That was my journey from being cynophobic to been a fur friend. Thank you for visiting my blog, hope you enjoyed my story.

 3 years ago 

Hi @alexanderpeace,

Thank you for writing in fur-friends Community.We appreciate that.

Yolander is a very beautiful dog.She is very clean and white.

Why not introduce her officially to @fur-friends

She's my friends dog, not mine. I went there for a visit.

 3 years ago 


The fear of dogs is overcome, being with them ... this serves as therapy, until you decide to have a dog friend ... who will brighten your life.

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