My top 3 favorite Pets/animals: Cats, Dogs and BudgerigarssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Fur-friends4 years ago

Hi everyone! 👋🏼

Now this time I'm partaking to talk about my top 3 pets, according to my opinion, although all animals are one of the best creations that God has made ever. So let's know about cats, dogs and budgerigars.


Of course in my world, the cat goes in first place because it's so easy to deal as pet due to the independence. They don't need too many baths and other types of care for instance because cats are in charge of that through the grooming act. Only a nose/ear cleaning is necessary to provide to them. These felines are also able to get playful quickly by anything they see in movement, starting from a single insect or maybe a ball of thread that I can suddenly drop in front of them. 🧶I love to play with a cat because this makes me forget the current worries for a while.

I've lost the count about how many cats I've had before Misu, but I'm having this four-paws partners taking part of my life a lot of several years ago because I simply love them. 😻 Recently, at job campus I even owned a black cat. So, I never quit about having a cat no matter if we were in Mars planet or another place.


They're the most loyals and best friends of human beings and I'm pretty sure of this fact. I love their way to express emotions through the movement of their tails or even barking in a particular way when you talk to them. 🐶 Cats aren't so like this as dogs in that important aspect. They can be trained if you take them in a daily learning activity to follow orders like walking, getting to sit, bringing things and so. Maybe other pets can grab skills by imposed discipline, but dogs are practically leading the first position of being capable to do so many things we need them for domestic tasks.

When I was working as project engineer in the construction site, of course I was in contact with several cute doggies that let me see how wonderful could be to have a dog as pet.🐕 Oh! On the previous picture, of course I'm sharing a frame with my uncle's pet, the famous Penelope girl dog (but this one is a little crazy).


I can get surprised about how smart these animals could be just like dogs, but in this opportunity they can even to pronounce few words (although they're able to "speak a lot", lol). Their way of signing is also awesome to stop by and stand by hearing the constant sounds that are coming from their throats. I also adore their lovely green color of their feathers. For sure they're special from this point of view. 🐦

My grandmother owned at least a pair of these little dudes and over here in the photograph I'm playing with them by holding and offering them an orange.🍊 For me, they might be a good and lovely pets.

Once again, I want to say thank you so much to the @fur-friends community team for bringing another opportunity to share about one of our fav subjects, the pets. 🐾 And also: Thanks for reading. 🤓


*** See you in next post *** 📝

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