SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"

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Do you believe in life after death?

Yes, I believe that death is not the end of it all. As a believer, my belief has shown that when I die, my body and spirit separate. While the body does the physical death, the spirit lives on. There are two places the spirit will be; either in eternal suffering or eternal paradise after judgement. Only our Heavenly Father knows our hearts and the thought that we think, He is the only one that can judge us completely without bias. Those who lived a good life on earth will go on to enjoy paradise while does who live a bad life will suffer pain.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

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Death is respected by no man, it is not something that can be ignored when it comes knocking. As human beings, we must live our lives the best way we can do is to leave an indelible legacy.

Death will always come, and with the increase of both diabolical and man-made deaths, some deaths can be avoided. Nowadays, most deaths that occur happen by fetish or accidents because of bad roads, unsupervised cars, or bad drivers.

Nobody knows when his or her turn will come, the only thing left is to live right and discern certain circumstances.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

It happened one day I was feeling feverish and to reduce the pains I felt all over my body, I took some pills hoping that the pains will subside. My mistake was that I took the drugs on an empty stomach, not knowing that the drugs were strong and very effective. After a few minutes of taking the Drugs, the pain became worse than before. It felt like my whole body was burning at the time like I would die the next minutes and my roommate was not around. At that point, the only thing I could do was pray to God to forgive my foolishness. I didn't know what happened next other than seeing myself in a hospital bed with a drip in her hand. It was my roommate that told me how she found me on the floor almost passed out. That moment taught me a lot, to be careful and grateful to God because I could have lost my life if my roommate had not come back when she did.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

Being a good person doesn't depend on your religion, race, skin color, culture, or country. It depends on how good your heart is and how well you treat others. That will ensure that you will be remembered.

People will be remembered for a lot of things but not by the money you give them but by how they felt in the moment. I want to be remembered as someone who made a good impact on people around her. Someone that they can emulate to do good. To be a person that someone can honestly say has been helped through one means or the other.

I invite @goodybest, @ruthjoe, and @davidmarkgeorge to participate in this contest.

#burnsteem25 #scoutsysusamigos-s8w4 #steemexclusive #nigeria #club100


May our death be remembered by several layers of the next generation, both memories in the form of kindness, work and generosity. Good luck for the contest. I have also participated in this contest.

That is a prayer we must pray at all times. Thank you for visting my blog @nadiaturrin


I am happy to know that you also believe in the life after the death it means that your point of view is matching with my point of view because I also think the same thing.

Everyone wants to be remembered after his death and I don't think so that money is that thing which should be valued after someone's death.

The only thing that we should want from the people after our death is that they remember us in our prayers and in good words because everything you can achieve but the good words you can achieve just because of your good deeds.

The good deeds we do is the only thing people will remember us by. Thank you for visiting my blog @khursheedanwar

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Es sorprendente que, sabemos cuándo nacemos pero, la fecha de nuestra muerte es totalmente desconocida para nosotros... Pienso que solo Dios lo sabe.

Por esto debemos disfrutar la vida al máximo porque, no sabemos qué sucederá después de la muerte.

Excelente participación💚

Yes, Death is inevitable. One should be ready at all times. Thank you for visiting my post

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