SEC - S8W4. It all ends with death?



Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

My dear steemit family, welcome back to my steemit blog and my today content is about It all ends with death and it is theme challenge of in the community Scouts y sus amigos SEC Season 8 Week 4 , so i am very much happy that i will write on this topic and i will share with you my feeling and believe on this topic. i am Muslim and my all content will be base on my believe as Muslim.


Do you believe in life after death?

First i would like to say that it is good question that team of the community has asked to us .The concept of life after death has been debated and explored for centuries, with different beliefs and interpretations across various religions in the world and cultures ,

it is not new topic ,it is under debating since birth of earth. i believe it that after this life there is new world beyond this life, As a Muslim, I keen believe in life after death adn life after death is real life and i belive this life as a test of my faith and characters, deed, action ,behave that i do in this life with other people every things is my test in this life .

The belief in the life after death is deeply connected in Islamic teachings, in the light of the Holy Quran explicitly mentioning about life afer death multiple times.

every muslim believed that death is not the end of our life , but it is a travel to the next life of our journey. we Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, where all souls will be held accountable for their actions on earth that we will do in our this life. This accountability will determine the soul's destination in the life after the death, either in paradise or hell.i strong beleive life after death as a true muslim.


Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Dear my friends, all world ,universe ,earth skies ever things has been created by Allah, the Most High, and Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Quran that every living thing has to taste the taste of death.

Every person and every living thing has to embrace death.

I am a Muslim and I believe that every command of Allah is right and true. Allah has fixed the time of death, death will come at fixed time. Life and death are in the power of Allah. As a Muslim, I firmly believe that death will come to every soul. I will not say anything more on this subject.


Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Yes I was in that situation when I was very sick, and in 2015 my heart disease was at its peak, I was not able to walk, I was not feeling well, my condition was very bad,

and Dr. He said that the only way to bring me back to life was heart surgery but my condition was too bad, the doctor said that this time the heart bypass would not be successful because the heart was in bad condition and time for bypass was over.

I know the words when the doctor said "Oh my God, at that time the doctor was doing an angiography and I found out that my condition and heart result is not good." But finally one day the doctors said that we try to do a heart bypass and

when the doctors took my signature on the consent form before the surgery, I read that it said that my heart was working at 10%. When I read, I just felt that I will not come back to life after the surgery, that time I felt death so close, so close, I can't describe my feeling at that time. I cannot describe the feeling of my heart about death that was the time, I felt that death was very near.


How do you want to be remembered after death?

i want to live with good name, words among the people after death, i want to live my life as good person as good mulsim , i want to help the needy people that i live alive among the people after death in good words and with good deed so my wish is that i play good role in the society as good person that people remember me with good words after death.
I invite my fellow Steemit users, especially my friend @jessica566 , @prof.zailmustafa @anwar1976 to join me in this challenge

Thank you for reading my post.




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 last year 

السلام عليكم
Saya tidak memberi tanggapan tentang kepercayaan , dan saya juga telah menulisnya sebagai entri kontes ini, sebagai muslim tentu kita memiliki kepercayaan itu,
saya membaca kisah kehidupan anda dengan penyakit jantung dan saya benar benar terharu.
karena kuasa dan kehendak Allah SWT kita semua masih dapat menghirup udara segar hingga hari ini
anda telah membahas tema kontes ini dengan sangat baik semoga berhasil dengan kontes anda

saudaraku, ya kita sebagai muslim memiliki keyakinan bahwa ada kehidupan setelah kematian, jadi tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah. terima kasih banyak atas ulasan baiknya

 last year 

Saludos @yousafharoonkhan.

Definitivamente todos los seres humanos tenemos que probar la muerte, esto es una gran realidad. Como bien dices, según sean nuestras obras en la tierra tendremos la oportunidad de experimentar una vida placentera o seremos juzgados y destinados a un lugar de tormento.

Asi que debemos intentar aprovechar nuestra vida para ser buenas personas y tener buenas obras que nos hagan merecedores de disfrutar esa vida eterna.

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respected thank you so much for great and kind review

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