SEC - S8W3. "What is your favorite children's story and why?"

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)
Hello Scouts y sus Amigos Community

Introduction about me & Contest Post :

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This is @yourloveguru from India. This is really unique contest which has been launched by @hive-181136 in this community. Basically we need to talk about Children's story and what lessons we learn from these stories :

1. What is your favorite children's story, why? - Have children's stories taught you anything, marked you or influenced you in your life?

Childrens are very honest and true in this world and their heart and mind is like Holy water. Same way their stories are very meaningful and have some lessons always . Now it is up to person what person are learning from them.

There is very popular story of children - Race between Rabit and Tortoise

In this story, there was tortoise and rabit. Once upon a time , they have bet between them to take about race. Both were ready for this race and both wanted to win.


Rabit is naughty by its nature and very clever too and He knows as fastest runner in whole forest. At another side, Tortoise was very simple by its nature and He knows as slowest runner in Forest.

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Most of other animals were saying that tortoise should not bet with rabit, because rabit is clear winner before race.

Rabit known all this facts and he was over confident too.

Race had been started. Tortoise was running without taking pause but speed was too slow.

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Rabit was running very fast and speed was like train.

Rabit was ahead in race so he thought that let us take some rest because tortoise was very slow . He lied down under tree and slept for hours and tortoise crossed him but he was sleeping.

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Tortoise was about to reach to winning point and then rabit woke up and ran fast but he was late . Tortoise won race already.

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This story taught us that we should not be over confident and never under estimate of any one.

2. How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them.

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Well There are a lots of popular children's story which have lessons. I am fond of reading since my childhood. Let me recall my memories to make list :

1. Race between Rabit & Tortoise.

2. Deceived in friendship of Elephant & Jackal

3. Good & Bad Story of Two Sisters -Mungo & Mutko.

4. Alif Laila - Arabian Nights.

All stories which I have mentioned about has meaningful story line and has positive message. If you time go through these stories or when I will get chance so I will share these stories with Steemians.

3. If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

Ofcourse yes, Stories have meaningful message. I was youngest member in my family so I did not get chance but I use to share these stories with my nephew, neice.

When I see that my nephew and neice are being over confident so I tell them Race between Rabit & Tortoise story which teach us that never be over confident, never under estimate of any one.

When they are indulge in friendship without thinking that friend is good or not so I tell them Deceived in friendship of Elephant & Jackal story which teach us that never over trust on any one.

So time to time all story work and deliver a good lesson to them .

4. Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

Yes I had created one story on based of friendship between Cow & Bird .

Actually my neighbour's children got project from school to create thiis story. He came to me and I had created.

Story line :

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There was bird who was living into nest which she maded on tree. She had 1 baby bird. She used to go outside to collect food for her self and for her baby.

There was cow who lived at same place but little far from tree and most of time cow seen that bird's routine life and her baby bird too.

Once upon a time, there were few monkeys came on tree and they were too naughty. They were jumping on tree and was trying to harm baby bird.

Cow was watching this and she had started to ask help for baby bird. But unfortunately no one came. Suddenly Cow seen that monkey is trying to come close to baby bird . She stood up and ran to tree.

Monkey has pushed nest from tree and at once cow came under tree and stood up at right place and baby bird did not fall on ground, it had fallen on cow. She had saved baby bird's life.

In evening when Bird came and got to know all incident, she went to cow and said thanks 🙏.

After that Incident, Bird and Cow became very good friend.

So story taught us that we should help to everyone and should live happy life.


This was amazing contest. I really enjoyed because it transported me back in my childhood days.

I would like to invite my few friends for this contest :


Thanks 🙏



Pride hath a fall is my favourite story and the images that you are showing to us are of story pride hath a fall and it is a story of a tortoise and a rabbit the tortoise was lazy in this story and the rabbit was proud of him.

In this story the author wants to tell that tortoise continues his journey and rabbits in his proud decides to take rest but don't win the race at the end because of his strong determination and continuous efforts and hard work tortoise wins race.

So this story is really very interesting and really tells that we should be humble in our life and we should not be proudy.


I have read some of your stories and they are very interesting. It turns out that our favorite stories have something in common. Good luck always,
I have also participated in this contest, hope you visit 🙏

 2 years ago 

El conejo y la tortuga, una gran moraleja que confirma que en esta vida no hay que dar nada por obvio o por sentado; si te confías demasiado, pronto tendrás la sorpresiva respuesta a ello. Además, Vicente Fernández decía en su canción que no hay que llegar primero, pero si hay que saber llegar.

These types of amazing stories bring children's tales and behind each story, a relevant lesson is to be considered in our lives, always.
Wishing you Success in your entry, best regards!

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