 2 years ago 

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por unirte al concurso!!

El artículo que seleccionaste es muy importante, ya que el ser leal es un valor que hoy en día se ha perdido mucho, como bien dices las personas se enfocan más en sus intereses propios que en los de los demás.

Es grato saber que en esa anécdota que nos comentas supieron salir adelante como equipo y lograr que el proyecto fuese un éxito.

Le recuerdo que para que tenga un CSI superior a 5 puntos debe dar apoyo votando por las publicaciones de sus amigos y otros usuarios de la plataforma.

Saludos y éxitos!!

No plagio✔️1/1
No bots✔️1/1

banner lirvic.gif

La lealtad sin duda es una de las principales cualidades de un Scouts y debería ser un valor que todos cultivemos nos hará merecedores de Confianza y respeto.

Los scouts van dejando huella a través de sus buenos actos por el mundo entero. Son ejemplo para todos

Buena suerte y bendiciones

 2 years ago 

La lealtad es uno de los aspectos mas resaltantes en la filosofía scouts y tu lo has descrito a cabalidad en tu estupenda publicación. Felicidades y exito en tu entrada.

The text of this publication shows indications of being generated by the AI /GPT, unless you check it..


Edited original text



Visit the following publication if you want to know what Plagiarism of information is considered and phishing. Abuse Watcher

@abuse-watcher, @rex-sumon , @fjjrg, @steemcurator01

Please attend to this case to withdraw a vote from the SC04 account.

@suboohi, @steemdoctor1, @nahela

 2 years ago 

@suboohi please remove the vote dear friend

Thanks @nahela and thanks @suboohi to remove your vote on this post. This was really necessary for me . This punishment will be needed. But this was by mistake because I wrote many good articles on Steemit. But this time I did mistake and I have realised but it does not mean that I am copy cat and I will never do this mistake again.

I took oath and after this incident I am doing more hard work . Everyone deserves forgiveness and chance so I expect same things.

I am good writer who can give quality content to steemit . Please don't hate me . God promise this will never ever happen again



Well Dear sir, I am new so I was not familiar with rules and I thought I can take inspiration from it but got a rule now . This is by mistake and I will make you assure that from today onwards. Whatever I will post will be my creative writing. I am really sorry and ask you forgiveness for this . I love Steemit and I wrote many articles with my experience but here I took some inspiration which was wrong . I will not do it again . Please give me chance and You will see my hard work in future. Please forgive me.

If you allow me so I can write again with my creative writing. I am really sorry for this .

Dear sir @scrutinize,
I am feeling very bad that I did mistake. Today is new start of my Steemit journey because I have learnt from my mistake and will assure you that it will not happening in my coming posts. I am asking sorry for this . Please 🙏 I am folding my hands give me one chance to prove myself. I am hard working. I will win your heart and trust again.

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