SEC - S8W3. "What is your favorite children's story and why?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)


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Childhood memories are one of the best memories that are hard to forget in life because everything about it was just sweet and super amazing. while growing up as a child one of the best moments of my life is when my grandfather wanted to tell us the story, I so cherish that moment to the extent I can live whatsoever I was doing just to listen to my grandfather's stories. Apart from that my mum usually buys some story book which usually keeps me busy while she is at work.

What is your favorite children's story, and why?

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My favorite story is the Lion and the Monkey.

Once upon a time, the lion was on his way to a meeting, reaching the bus side, he failed down into a bit without him knowing that the bit was there. He was stocked in the pit. He called for help but no one came to rescue him because the road was so lonely. He was there for more than three hours when he finally had the foot of a person walking toward his direction he shouted for help and behold the foot he had was that of the tortoise.

Immediately the monkey came closer to see who was crying for help, he saw the lion, and the lion asked him for help.

The monkey replied and said, I'm scared to help you because if I do you will eat me up. But the Lion said ooh no dear little monkey if you assist me I will not eat you up instead I will always protect you and your family and the monkey agreed to help the Lions.

The monkey now put his tail into the lion's pit and asked the lion to hold it in other for him to come out of the bit. Immediately the lion held the tail of the monkey and came out. Immediately he was out he held the monkey and said, I have been in the pit for more than five hours and I have not eaten anything since morning so can I please cut a small part of your body and eat?

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The monkey said that was not our agreement you promised not to eat me up when I help you so why are you changing your decision now? While they were still dragging, A rabbit was passing in that direction then he came closer to find out what was the matter.

The monkey explained, and the Lion explained all that happen as well, but the tortoise pretend as if he don't understand what went wrong, he now said to them, can you people demonstrate what happen again because I'm confused about what to say at the moment.

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The Lion and the monkey agreed to demonstrate the incident that happens. Now the lion failed back into the pit again, and when the monkey was about to put his tail to assist the lion out again then the tortoise stopped him and said, I understood what happen from the explanation but since the lion was not grateful to you and he decided to eat you up that was why I asked you all to demonstrate the incident.

The monkey appreciates the tortoises and they both left happily living the lion inside the pit.

The end.

Have children's stories taught you anything, marked you, or influenced you in your life?

I love this story because it's very interesting and it teaches us how to be good to one another. No matter the circumstances let's try and keep to our promises. The lion did not stick to their agreement and in the end, he was left inside the pit because of his greediness. More to that, don't be to quick in trusting people.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, and enumerate them.

I have listened to and read a lot of stories from my grandfather, my mother, and my teachers at school. The stories were so many but I will list just a few of the stories and books I read.

  • Baby goes to the market
  • the lion and the monkey.
  • Edet goes to school
  • The pig and the totoies
  • The Magic porridge pot
  • Sarah went to the farm
  • Nana the wisest girl
  • Sugar girl
  • The drummer boy
  • mothers choice

If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

Sure I have told my siblings a childhood story, most especially educated ones like the story of the monkey and the lion, it teaches them how to keep to their word and not to be greedy no matter the situation. Also, it makes them understand that in life no matter how big you are everyone needs help.

Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

I have never created any children's stories from my end but I think it will be nice if I try creating one before I start up my own family.


In conclusion, a childhood story is one of the best stories that i enjoyed the most and it teaches us a lot of moral lessons. I invite @mjerry @jueco @dave-hanny to come and take part in the contest.

Thank you!

This is a very interesting story.

The lion did wrong, despite being rescued by the monkey under an agreement, he then wanted to bridge the agreement.

Thanks to the wise tortoise who saved the monkey.

Thank you for sharing this important post, I wish you all the best in this contest

 last year (edited)

Hello @yakspeace, please kindly remove the hashtag solarsteem25pc among your tags as you didn't set any beneficiaries to @smilenigeria account, it could be termed as tag spamming.

Cc: @fjjrg

I'm so sorry about that sir, it was a mistake.

It's okay my friend, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

 last year 

Saludos @yakspeace.

El cuento del león y el mono deja una gran enseñanza, realmente cuando somos niños no tenemos gran conciencia así que estos cuentos son los que nos permiten desarrollar nuestra imaginación y creatividad y al mismo tiempo nos dejan grandes enseñanzas que nos acompañaran durante toda nuestra vida. Es por ello que siempre debemos procurar mantener este hábitos con nuestros niños.

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The pig and the tortoise is one of the most interesting books that I have read as well. The like the books you have mentioned and i feel like reading the new ones there. There are few that I hear for the first time. I feel first I should read the lion and the monkey.

I enjoyed reading your article friend, thank you somuch for the invite and I wish you the best in this contest.

You have written so well my dear friend. Indeed the story you told about the monkey and the lion m, it really explains how to keep to your words and avoid greed. I am happy you have read lots of stories too. I am glad too to know that you tell young kids stories to inculcate good values in them too. #steem-on

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