SEC - S10W3 | The power of good advice.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

Edited with photocollage

What an interesting topic to start up this week's engagement with. Indeed there is the power of good advice. Seriously this contest remains me of the big mistakes I could have made back then but all thank my adviser who sat me down and put some sense into my head.

What do you think the advice is for, is it really necessary?

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To me, I see advice as an opinion given to an individual or set of people on how to do things in the right way. Even though there is bath advice given out there but it's left for the person to decide if he or she will consider the advice or not.

Ooh yes, advice is very necessary because no man on earth is perfect, we all have our weaknesses, and as such everyone needs help. We make a lot of mistakes today simply because we don't listen to advice from people who are above us and that has made so many youth go astray.

Most times when we are depressed it will be good to share our burden with others just to free ourselves from overthinking and the advice which will be given will go a long way by making us feel better.

What is the best advice you have received, who gave it to you?

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The best advice I received was not to relocate back to my state for service, when I was posted to Kwara state I was like God why me, but I never know God's ways are not of men. After camp I was not relocated at some point I was depressed and I thought the world has come to an end for me.

I cried day and night because my relocation did not work. I never stopped trying but one faithful day my mum called me and said why are you killing yourself over something you know will not work. You have tried so why can't you accept the fact that God wants you to serve in that state? So worry less and carry on with the assignment given to you at Kwara State.

After an hour, I was thinking about all my mum said then I decided to accept my faith and serve in Kwara state. During my service year, I was so lucky to meet with people who help me in different ways, and after the service, I got a job, unlike my friends who relocated and up to date there is no job for them.

Seriously considering my mum's advice was one of the best for me last year, and I will forever appreciate her for giving me this motherly advice.

To whom do you regularly turn for advice?

As the only child of my parents, the only person I regularly turn to for advice is my mum, because I so much believe in her and I know she won't want anything bad to happen to me. When I have an issue I usually call her because she understands me the most, and she knows the right words to keep me calm.

Do you like to give or receive advice?

Mostly I like to receive advice because I'm a quiet type and I don't mingle with many people. But I give advice only when I'm needed, for instance, when a friend needs my advice I will gladly give it based on my understanding of the situation at the particular time.

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I don't always do things without seeking advice, because I may be wrong with my decision but one thing about me is that, when someone me advice me, first I will brainstorm on it and see if it will work out for me, and once my instincts agree to it then I will work with the advice but if not, I will ignore it.

What is the best advice you have received on Steemit, who gave it to you and what has it helped you with?

While on steemit I can say I have received numerous pieces of advice from different users and the best among them all was the advice given to me by my friend @simonnwigwe.

There was a time I nearly give up on Steam because at some point I felt I was not doing the right thing which was why nobody was supporting me, I even stopped writing for some days. He called to find out why I was not active but I said nothing, he smiles and said peace don't give up just try and improve your written skills by applying markdown, and most importantly power up and keep creating content because hard work and dedication pay.

It was not easy but he make sure that I create even if is one piece of content per day, and that has helped me to build myself on the platform and also to dedicate myself to what I love doing the most.

When it comes to servings, back then I don't know how to save but he made me understand the goodness of serving and I can say that I have worked on that.


In conclusion, advice goes a long way in someone's life provided it's coming from the person who cares about you and want the best for you.

I invite @mjerry @josepha @ishayachris and @chomzy810 to come and participate.

Best regards


I'm glad to hear that my advice has helped you to become a good saver. I wish you best of luck in this contest my friend.

Thank you very much, i do appreciate.

Hi @yakspeace,

Indeed seeking advice is very necessary sometimes, because one is not good in all aspects in life. There are some things we need to be guided on therefore we always need to seek advice in other not to makes mistakes.

Wish you all the best my friend

Sure it is my dear friend. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Hello dear freind, i enjoy reading your Contest. You realy made a good point saying "No one is Perfect" which os the more reason why we need advice.

We choose the path of life but we need to be guided by people of wisdom an great knowledge to do what we choose in the right poaaibke ways.

It is intereating toknow that you are the quite type, quite poeple speak just briefe with much wisdom. Thank you for shearing and best of luck in the contest.

Thank you for your kind comments dear friend. I appreciate.

I am impressed that you served with suffering. Best of luck i wish your entry is awesome.

Thank you.

 last year 

Hola amiga. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Qué bueno que tu mamá te dio un buen consejo, pero sobre todo que bueno que la escuchaste porque muchas veces no escuchamos a nuestros padres.
A muchos nos ha pasado que nos sentimos desmotivados en steemit porque no vemos que nos apoyan, pero la clave está en ser constantes en no darnos por vencidos, excelente consejo que te dio el amigo simonnwigwe

Amiga recuerda que para que tu csi sea mayor que 5 debes apoyar y votar los post de tus compañeros.

Éxitos en el concurso amiga.

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Thank you for the review ma'am.

it is glad to see that your life is associated with your mom, and mom is trustworthy person , so nice nice, i appreicate your feeling about advice theme

Mums are always the best and trustworthy. Thank you for visiting my blog.


Greetings dear friend

Sometime advise in life is good and give chances to reconsider certain decision of life. Its a piece of message that can be helpful for the success in the life.

Good luck

You have said it all sir, advise in life gives chances to reconsider decision. Thank you for your comments i appreciate

Un consejo por parte de una madre es el mas preciso sin dudad alguna, ellano querra mal para ti. Suerte en el challenge paz de yak

You are right sir, mothers advice are just the best. Thank you for visiting my blog.

 last year 

Saludos amiga

Tu historia me hace recordar uno de los tantos consejos que me dio mi madre que decía:

No sufras por las cosas que no puedes cambiar, mas disfrutas de las que estés viviendo.

Y es que no podemos perder el tiempo lamentándonos por lo que creemos que es lo mejor para nosotros debemos vivir Lo que la vida nos permita vivir estar agradecidos y ser feliz con lo poco o mucho que logremos solo así tendremos paz en nuestras vidas. Fue un excelente consejo de su madre y es bueno que le haya hecho caso y que haya funcionado para usted.

Bendiciones y buena suerte en el concurso

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