*SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country" .

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago (edited)

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Hello Everyone,

I hope you guys are doing well. My name is Zubair Ahmad and I am from Pakistan. I hope you enjoy my post and support me.

I would like to thanks to @hive-181136 for organization this contest. This is oppertunity for everyone to rise the voice for the right of those people whose homeless and lives their life in poverty.

I likely to invite @fantvwiki @robin42 @memamun to participate in this contest.

Are there homeless people in your country?



Yes there is alote of homeless people in my country. I think there no homeless in the village side because there were relative in the village that's why they were no people homeless.

But in city I saw alote of the homeless people. They suffer their life in roads while begging. They started begging and leaves in the foot paths or in a road. The rate of homeless people in city is more than as compare to village side in my country.

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the streets, homeless and without family?

There are alote of causes that leads people on the street homeless or without family some of them are.



The one common reason of become homeless and lead these people to be in the street is when they become job less. When they fire from their job. They haven't their saving money and support of anyone. It make difficult to pay for the house. It make them stress full which can cause these and they become homeless.

When their is no unity in the family and their bound is not stronger, and alote of conflict in their family. It make him week in which they leave their house and become hopeless and cause homeless.



In at the end I will tell you that the main reason is also poverty, lacks of their health resource, inequality and no social support can causes homeless and can lead people to the street.

Has the government tried to treat or create decent shelters to help these people?



Honestly if I can tell you the truth in my country previous government manage everything very well. They think about people. They gave them social and health support with the help of "Health Card" in which treatments is free for poor people up to 6 lack Pakistan rupees.
They make the house in which they feed poor and labour people whose homeless. They gave them shelters to live their live peace full.

But current government of my country doesn't care about people. They banned health card from every city. Also they finish those houses and shelter which makes for the poor labour. Currently government has not even try to give shelter to the poor peoples.

What could you propose so that these people do not continue in this dark world?

I suggest some of them that these people do not continue in the dark world.



The government and community should work together for the prosperity of those people whose are homeless to make a most affordable houses for them.

The government Also need to provide free treatment, job Trining and create more job oppertunity for the homeless people that they get jobs.

There are also more fact that prevent people to people living in the dark.


Our Responsibility.

At the end I want to tell you that We should to take Care about those people who doesn't have their houses and living in the foot paths. We should give them shelters and feed them because they are also like us. We all are human if we doesn't care about that then who care about them.

Best Regards,


You took time to highlight the situation in your country, I can see that in your country there are many homeless people rooming around, especially in urban areas where there is no job, family conflicts, poverty, and lack of social support contribute to their situation.

Hi friend, I agree with you on the points stated here. You know most persons do not care at all when the work, no savings, no investment.its terrible

Yes homeless people life is very hard

Hello @xubair homelessness is a big problem in my country. Many people don't have homes, especially in cities. They end up living on the streets because they can't find jobs or have family issues. The government used to help, but now they don't do much. We need to work together to give these people homes and jobs. It's our duty to help those in need.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Yes of curse we need to help them

Yes of curse we need to help them

It's quite sad and disheartening seeing the homeless in the street begging and living from hand to mouth.

Absolutely I also fell very bad for them and also thanks for the valuable comment.

Yeah, it's very disheartening. Thanks for reading and commenting on my post.

Greeting my friend,

Thank you for your participation in this steem engagement challenge. You shedding a light perfectly on this topic. Thanks for writing ans sharing your concerns about this global issue. I wish you good luck for your participation.


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