SEC-S13W3- "The Law of Attraction ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos8 months ago

Welcome guys! It's another time to share with us my contribution to the topic in view. The law of attraction is one that dwells and harnesses our belief system and how much we can stay in action in what we want to come our way. Let's get started...

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Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Definitely yes! I believe completion is the law of attraction. It is all about the law of positivism or negativism where the belief system is at the helm. It is widely noted that what we put our mind to, we attract to our self(s).

There is still a saying in my place that "If you believe, your destiny will be in agreement". So it is important we have a belief system that is tailored towards positivity and void of negativity as this will do us a whole lot.

This is why when I see every member of "Love Word Ministries", it inspires me how conscious they profess good deeds to themselves irrespective of the situation. You can hardly see them say they are broke or lacking instead the word rich is used. I see consciousness in the words of their mouth.

This is exactly what the law of attraction entails. Speak good deeds to yourself to attract them. What we like is what we aspire to be like and God's willing, so shall be for us.

Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?

I also likened this law of attraction to that of psychology. It emanates from our mind and ends there. Because it is the initiator of what we want, it puts us in the mood and in the direction of our thoughts.

Just like the scenarios I talked about earlier, the Love word members, are intentional in their words. They go for positivity irrespective of the situation because they solely believe that what you profess is what comes to you.

I know of so many people who have already failed in their minds due to the words in their mouths. They have already given up when you hear them speak. For such a state of mind, it would be miraculous if the contrary happened.

When you see people within this category, they are happy and cheerful in all their activities as they have a mindset filled with happiness, joy, and success. When you see those with a negative ambiance, what else do you see other than unhappiness and limitations? How does a bitter man or woman be in the association of happy people with positive thinking?

Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?

Definitely, for sure, I have in all my dealings. Growing up in a single-parent parenting..., we learned acts of positivity from my mom and this kept us on the right track. I can remember then in school when we were asked to write an essay on our future profession and school. I've always wanted a boarding school, a place that I supposedly felt was the best for me. I talked about it with my classmates, joked about it, and also dreamt of it.

It happened that my mom fought really well even without her knowing what I desired. She had to put me in a boarding school and for that matter one of the unity schools in my country where education and unity of citizens are paramount.

This positive mind concept also happened to me during my compulsory national youth service corps. I grew up where my elderly cousins were bankers. It sounded so beautiful to me that made me have much positive mindset to work in a bank after my university days. And this worked out for me during the NYSC program. I was initially posted to a school which was cancelled and later redeployed to a bank.

There are other positive stories that the power of mind has brought to me. And at present, it is all about having my postgraduate studies done abroad. I have initiated it just like other stories and know it will definitely play out fine just as wanted.

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How would you describe a positive person?

A positive person is the epitome of good tidings with the right attitude always. He is next to happiness as he turns every situation around him to be at peace with his thoughts. Though there would be challenges around, he does create balance in all of it all and his peace of mind is intact.

He is a good encouragement and adviser to others given the large sense of thinking right in his space. One with such an attribute is far from bitterness, sadness, depression, or limitation. Takes advantage of every situation as a step to better things to come.

This is my one-cent contribution to this topic. I would want to invite @ruthjoe, @hisgeneral, and @tenguhatanga to know their views on this.

Thank you!!!

A positive person creates a positive atmosphere wherever he goes and inspires others to achieve their goals as well. Good luck with the contest.

That's true... A positive emits the right atmosphere for success. Thank you for the addition

You have explained everything so well, I loved reading it. After seeing your smiling photo I just realised that, we can differentiate a positive and negative person just by looking at them. Look at you, your smile, that's damn beautiful. I am sure you are someone who sees good is every thing and in every person.

More love and happiness to you 💛

Oh friend, @manisha.jain9, your comments are very encouraging and sounds lovely. Quite motivating and positive in your wordings.

More love and happiness to you 💛💕

hey @xkool24 Absolutely, cultivating a positive mindset and using affirmative language can indeed have a powerful impact on our lives. It's essential to be mindful of our thoughts and beliefs as they can shape our reality in significant ways.

Very well my, friend. Positive words do us more good than we envisage. They psychologically reposition us both mentally and emotionally. Thanks for showing up...


What we believe always comes to us for sure reason why it is good to have a positive mind always. Sometimes people ask questions why things seem different about their own things than others not knowing it's from their mind settings. Having a positive mind itself sets a path for one to follow which you did and you achieved a lot with that mindset. One can see it clearly from your smile on the picture

It is widely noted that what we put our mind to, we attract to our self(s)

This is totally true and from it springs the power of positive thinking in us.

Thanks for the invite. Good luck in the contest

Good friend, thank-you for coming around. You've made a good addition to my publication. The concurrence is also in line with mine. We have to keep a positive mindset in all what we do irrespective of the situation.

Like the saying, "like minds attract, the opposite repels". You did a wonderful publication. Being positive minded is indeed a great force of attraction of positivity. Thanks for that super publication

Exactly Sir. Like and positive minds are expected to attract the goods they desire. That's the way to stay through for now. Thank you for showing up

Hey friend from the way wrote It's obvious that you are one of the positive minded Nigeria I have come across on steemit I have really admired your resilience despite hard situations and difficult times.

Thanks for sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

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