SEC-S17W3- "Let's talk about the Ponzi scheme" .


Dear Friends!
I hope you all are fine with grace of Allah Almighty who is most merciful and beneficial. Today I am here to share with you guys about topic Ponzi scheme. First of all i thanks to @hive-181136 for this beautiful contest. Let's start without wasting our time.




1)Have you heard about ponzi schemes?

Goodness, yes! Ponzi plans are a sort of misleading endeavor scheme named after Charles Ponzi, who became popular for running such an arrangement during the 20th 100 years. In a Ponzi plot, the fraudster ensures uncommon respects monetary patrons, but as opposed to delivering genuine advantages, they use the money from new monetary sponsor to deal with earlier monetary supporters. This makes a double dealing of efficiency and attracts extra monetary supporters. Finally, when there are definitely not a satisfactory number of new monetary sponsor to help the arrangement, it breakdowns, leaving numerous people with basic financial mishaps. Ponzi plans are unlawful and can cause pulverizing implications for those included. It's basic to be careful and do comprehensive investigation preceding placing assets into any opportunity to do whatever it takes not to surrender to such deceives.

2)Have you been offered to invest in any of these schemes?

No, I haven't been proposed to put resources into any of these plans. It's generally essential to be wary and suspicious with regards to venture open doors. Assuming something sounds unrealistic, it likely is. It's ideal to do careful examination, talk with monetary counsels, and just put resources into genuine and directed venture choices.


3)Do you know how to detect Ponzi schemes?

Identifying Ponzi plans can be testing, yet here are a few warnings to keep an eye out for:

  1. Ridiculous Returns: On the off chance that a venture guarantees bizarrely high or reliable gets back with practically zero gamble, it's a significant admonition sign. Keep in mind, ventures generally convey some degree of chance, and exceptional yields normally accompany higher gamble.

  2. Absence of Straightforwardness: Ponzi plots frequently need straightforwardness and give unclear or inadequate data about how the venture functions. If the insights regarding the venture system, hidden resources, or budget summaries are not promptly accessible or made sense of plainly, it's a reason to worry.

  3. Strain to Enlist: Ponzi plots frequently depend on a steady flood of new financial backers to support the payouts to existing financial backers. In the event that you're being constrained to select companions, family, or partners into the venture, it's an indication of a potential Ponzi conspire.

  4. Overemphasis on Selecting: In authentic ventures, the attention is as a rule on the hidden resources, market patterns, or business essentials. In a Ponzi plot, the accentuation is many times on selecting new financial backers as opposed to the genuine venture itself.

  5. Absence of Guideline: Ponzi plots ordinarily work beyond administrative specialists. Prior to money management, check in the event that the venture and the people or organizations included are appropriately enrolled and controlled by pertinent specialists.

  6. Trouble Pulling out Assets: In the event that you face deterrents or postponements while attempting to pull out your venture or get returns, it very well may be an indication of a Ponzi conspire. Real speculations normally have clear cycles for withdrawals and opportune payouts.


4)Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?

I don't know steemit is a ponzi conspire. Steemit is a blockchain-based web-based entertainment stage where clients can procure cryptographic money prizes for making and organizing content. While certain individuals have made progress on Steemit and have acquired rewards, it means quite a bit to take note of that the worth of those prizes can vary. Like any venture or stage, it's pivotal to do your own exploration, comprehend the dangers implied, and pursue informed choices.




My dear friend you are right such scheme only destroyed the trust of the people and now a days people are really concern and educated and they explore each and everything before investment but despite of all this few innocent people got engaged and they did not understand the policy and attract towards fraud and passively it destroys the trust of others too.

I don't know steemit is a ponzi conspire. Steemit is a blockchain-based web-based entertainment stage where clients can procure cryptographic money prizes for making and organizing content.

Steemit is fair and transparent and working on highly precise decentralized and how there would be chance of scam or fraud in it.

Good luck

Yes dear you are also right. By the way thanks for your precious words. Best wishes. 😇


Saludos amigo

Que bueno que no hayas sido tentador a invertir en un sistema de esquema Ponzi porque como bien lo has descrito son una verdadera estafa y son sumamente peligrosos porque con las falsas promesas de generar ingresos increíblemente buenos y altos las personas invierten más de lo que deben.

Así es Steemit es mucho más que una res social y para nada un esquema Ponzi o pirámide fraudulentas por el contrario en Steemit podemos estar seguros y confíar en la plataforma.

Buena suerte con tu entrada

Thanks dear 😊

Hi @writer123 am so happy reading your entry, it so quality and nice, I will say before going into any investment in any company, do well to investigate before putting a dam, because some may be wrong. But I wish you success

Thanks dear 😊

Greetings dear friend, lt is my delight to go through your post.

Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment activities that is rampantly seen all round the globe. From your write up, l can see your are so lucky, not falling into their trapped but unfortunately, but So many people have a victim of this, several Times.

Steemit is a legit business that far from Ponzi scheme, l wish you success in this contest.

Thank you so much dear for your precious words. 🥰

Wa alaikum assalam your shedding light on the topic of Ponzi schemes. Your explanation is clear and informative, helping to raise awareness about the risks associated with such fraudulent schemes. It's crucial for everyone to be vigilant and cautious when approached with investment opportunities and your insights provide valuable guidance on how to detect and avoid Ponzi schemes. Keep up the great work in educating others about financial safety..

Thank you so much dear 🥰

I see you have provided detailed information on Ponzi schemes and how to detect them. It's important to stay vigilant and avoid fraudulent schemes. As for Steemit, it operates on a blockchain technology rewarding users for content creation, different from Ponzi schemes. Research and caution are essential in all investments.

So lucky for you not to be a victim of a ponzi scheme.

I have been and since then very cautious of the of investing online without proper check.

Have learn a few points from your post which triggers people to get into ponzi. Hopefully many people come across your post to same same.

Good luck in the contest...

Thanks dear for your lovely words for my post. 🥰

Ya la persona que caiga en este esquema es porque quiere porque nadie te ofrece tanto dinero sin trabajar.

Yes of course dear. And thanks for giving your opinion in comment. 🥰

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