*SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago (edited)

Dear Friends!
I hope you all are fine with grace of Allah Almighty who is most merciful and beneficial. Today I am here to share with you guys about topic Homeless people. First of all i thanks to @hive-181136 for this beautiful contest. Let's start without wasting our time.




1)Are there homeless people in your country?

Without a doubt, there are transients in Pakistan. Vagrancy is a complicated issue that impacts various countries, including Pakistan. Factors like poverty, joblessness, nonattendance of sensible housing, and social incongruities add to vagrancy.

In Pakistan, vagrancy is particularly prevalent in metropolitan locales, where individuals and families could wind up without a consistent spot to dwell. They as often as possible hotel to living in the city, in disgraceful shelters, or in pressed and lacking housing conditions.

The public power and different non-authoritative affiliations (NGOs) in Pakistan are endeavoring to address vagrancy through drives, for instance, giving havens, reclamation tasks, and permission to fundamental organizations like clinical consideration and preparing. Tries are also being gone with to settle on more sensible housing choices and further foster social sincerely strong organizations.

2)What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the streets, homeless and without family?

There can be various makes that lead people become desperate and without family. A couple of typical factors integrate dejection, joblessness, nonattendance of sensible housing, family breakdown, profound prosperity issues, substance abuse, and forceful way of behaving at home.


Financial difficulties, similar to business adversity or low wages, can make it inciting for individuals to deal with the expense of stable housing. Now and again, family conflicts or breakdowns can achieve individuals being distanced from their families and losing their genuinely steady organization.

Close to home prosperity issues and substance abuse can in like manner add to vagrancy, as individuals would fight to stay aware of stable work and associations. Also, forceful way of behaving at home can urge individuals, particularly women and children, to leave their homes and search for security in the city.

It's critical's fundamental that each individual's situation is astounding, and there are by and large muddled and interconnected factors that add to vagrancy. Keeping an eye on vagrancy requires a perplexing procedure that consolidates giving sensible housing, permission to clinical consideration and support organizations, work possible entryways, and social prosperity nets to help individuals with changing their lives and reintegrate into society.

3)Has the government tried to treat or create decent shelters to help these people?

Certainly, the public force of Pakistan has done whatever it takes to address vagrancy and surrender help to those the spring without an oar. They have finished different drives to make nice refuges and support programs for disheartened people.

The public power, aggregately with non-authoritative affiliations (NGOs) and social government help working environments, has fanned out covers in various metropolitan organizations across Pakistan. These safeguarded houses mean to give fleeting convenience, food, and significant solaces to done for people, especially during inconceivable environmental circumstances.

Also, the public authority has started dares to restore blue people and reintegrate them into society. These exercises rotate around giving capable status, work course of action help, and consent to clinical advantages and direction. The point is to interface with out for the count people to recover sufficiency and work on their own satisfaction.

While progress has been made, there is significantly more work to be finished. The public power keeps on attempting towards fostering the compass and limit of safe houses, managing the possibility of associations gave, and maintaining an eye on the mystery motivations behind vagrancy.


4)What could you propose so that these people do not continue in this dark world?

I think there are two or three key strategies that could be valuable to address vagrancy and moving individuals in leaving the troubles they face:

1. Sensible Housing: Extending the openness of sensible housing decisions can give a consistent and secure dwelling environment for individuals experiencing vagrancy. This could incorporate fostering even more negligible cost dwelling units or redoing existing properties.

2. Consistent Organizations: Offering careful assistance administrations is earnest. This consolidates permission to clinical consideration, profound wellbeing organizations, substance abuse treatment, and business help. These organizations can help individuals with settling stowed away issues and gain the fundamental capacities to get consistent work and housing.

3. Tutoring and Capacities Planning: Offering informational entryways and capacities getting ready ventures can connect with individuals to work on their employability and addition their conceivable outcomes finding sensible work. This can consolidate proficient planning, work circumstance ventures, and awards for extra preparation.

4. Social Prosperity Nets: Supporting federal retirement aide nets can go probably as a prosperity net for individuals and families facing money related hardships. This can consolidate pay support programs, food help, and clinical consideration to ensure central prerequisites are met.

5. Neighborhood and Care: Propelling social class responsibility and uncovering issues about vagrancy can help with reducing disgrace and invigorate support for those in a tough spot. Enabling volunteerism, figuring out neighborhood, and developing associations between government, NGOs, and close by organizations can have a valuable result.


I invite my most respectful friend for this contest:


Where is your invitation link minimum three friends ??


There is no doubt that homelessness is a pressing issue in Pakistan, because people are struggling to find stable housing and support. The cause of this issue is being as the results of too much poverty, lack of employment, family breakdowns, and mental health issues this factors has contributed to this problem. Is good to know that the government and NGOs have taken steps to address homelessness by providing shelters, rehabilitation programs, and access to essential services.

Thanks dear for your opinion. Thanks for visiting my post.

Building more affordable houses for these homeless people will be of great help to reduce this problem. The government and other authorities should do well to help these people as they are suffering on the street.

Yes dear that's a good idea. Let's see what happens. Thanks for your opinion. 😊

Hi friends, you have an amazing write up, and I can agree without having a doubt about the suggestions you've made, best of luck.

Thanks dear. 😇

Hello @writer123 hope your day is going well.Homelessness is a big problem in Pakistan too. Many factors like poverty and lack of jobs lead to it. The government and NGOs are trying to help, but more needs to be done.

People become homeless for different reasons, like family issues and not having a place to stay. We need to give them support to get back on their feet.

The government has made shelters, but we need better ones. We should also focus on healthcare, education, and jobs for them.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Yes dear you are right. But i think our government is corrupt 🫣 and i don't think so that if these type of governments will do some work for that peoples because they are collecting money from Pakistan. By the way thanks for your valuable comment. Best wishes to you also..😊🥰

Greetings dear friend, you entry is well details with great information about your country. Homeless people is every way every in my country.

It is my delight to know that the government and NGOs have taken steps to address homelessness by providing shelters, rehabilitation programs, and access to essential services. I wish you success in this contest

Thanks dear for your precious words. Best wishes you too also. 😇

You have analyse that factors like poverty, unemployment, and lack of housing contribute to homelessness in urban areas. The government and NGOs are working to provide shelters, rehabilitation programs, and essential services. Homelessness can result from various issues like family breakdown, mental health, and substance abuse, requiring a comprehensive approach for solutions. Homeless people need help other humans and we're to render it in any way we can.

Greeting my friend,

I am glad to be here on this post and you write very beautifully and express a good note on this issue. I wish you good luck for your post.


Thank you so much dear for your precious words. 😊

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