SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago

Life after death.png

As a person, I have frequently contemplated whether there is eternal life. This is a point that has been bantered for a really long time and one that is well established in our convictions and social practices.

Actually, I truly do accept that there is some type of presence past the actual world. Nonetheless, the points of interest of what that might resemble or how it functions stay a secret to me. I find solace in the possibility that there might be some type of continuation after our actual bodies lapse.


With regards to death, I attempt to move toward it as something regular. While it tends to be challenging to embrace the situation of our mortality, I believe it's essential to recognize it and value the time we have while we're here. I accept that tolerant demise as a characteristic piece of life can assist us with living all the more completely and value individuals and encounters that we experience en route.

I have been in a circumstance where my life was in danger, and it was a genuinely unnerving encounter. I felt a feeling of doubt and dread, yet additionally a profound appreciation for individuals in my day to day existence and the encounters I had been sufficiently lucky to have. This experience provided me with a recharged feeling of appreciation and a longing to make every second count.


With respect
to how I need to be recalled after death, that is a troublesome inquiry. I feel that eventually, I would need to be recognized as somebody who lived with consideration, sympathy, and compassion for other people. I trust that I will emphatically affect the world and that my heritage will be one of adoration and energy.

Eventually, I accept that demise is a characteristic piece of life, and keeping in mind that it could be challenging to acknowledge, it's something that we as a whole should confront. By moving toward death with acknowledgment and appreciation for the time we have, we can live more completely and leave a positive effect on the world.

I invite @emsonic @samest @xkool24


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 2 years ago 

Saludos @wojuq1.

Realmente la muerte es algo natural pero igual cuesta aceptar que en algún momento vamos a morir y a separarnos de nuestra familia, nadie puede saber de forma exacta lo que pasa después de la muerte, sin embargo, nuestra fe y esperanza es poder trascender y experimentar una nueva forma de vida mas espiritual y no estar atados a un cuerpo físico que se degrade con el tiempo.

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 2 years ago 

Además de lo que dicen las religiones sobre la existencia de un paraíso y un infierno donde van nuestras almas después de la muerte, en nuestra vida cotidiana hemos presenciado más de una vez a personas fallecidas que se manifiestan entre los vivos. Eso nos demuestra que con la muerte no se termina todo.
En efecto, estoy de acuerdo con usted, en que la muerte debe verse como algo normal porque es parte de nuestro proceso existencial aquí en la tierra. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

You are right

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