28º Concurso sobre Valores. / "Autocontrol".

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago



Self-control is an important characteristic that we as a whole need in our lives. It empowers us to control our feelings, considerations, and activities, and settle on objective choices even in testing circumstances. Without restraint, we are bound to settle on hasty choices that can have adverse results on our lives. Here, I will investigate the idea of restraint and its significance in our day to day routines.


Self-control is the capacity to deal with one's way of behaving, feelings, and contemplations such that prompts good results. It is fundamental in all everyday issues, from individual connections to proficient achievement. The people who have restraint can oppose enticement and defer delight, prompting more prominent accomplishments and fulfillment throughout everyday life.

One of the vital advantages of restraint is that it permits us to settle on better choices. At the point when we have discretion, we can oppose the compulsion to go with imprudent choices and on second thought think about the drawn out results of our activities. This empowers us to settle on better decisions that are lined up with our objectives and values.


Self-control likewise assists us with overseeing pressure and uneasiness. At the point when we have restraint, we can manage our feelings and try not to get overpowered by pressure. This permits us to keep cool-headed and zeroed in even in testing circumstances, which can assist us with performing better and accomplish our objectives.

Be that as it may, creating self-control isn't simple 100% of the time. It requires practice and discipline, and it tends to be trying to oppose enticement when it is surrounding us. One of the most amazing ways of creating discretion is through care rehearses like contemplation or yoga. These practices assist us with turning out to be more mindful of our viewpoints and feelings, and they can assist us with controlling our way of behaving and pursue better choices.


All in all, self-control is a fundamental ability that we as a whole need in our lives. It empowers us to settle on better choices, oversee pressure and nervousness, and accomplish our objectives. While creating discretion can be testing, it merits the work, as it can prompt better progress and fulfillment throughout everyday life. By rehearsing care and discipline, we can all turn out to be more self-controlled and better prepared to deal with the difficulties that life tosses our direction.

I invite


Gives 25% of his prize to @null

 2 years ago 

Como usted señala, el autocontrol es fundamental para controlar las emociones y no dejarnos arrastrar por los impulsos, reacciones que luego nos llevan a tomar actitudes equivocadas con sus respectivas consecuencias.

Gracias por compartirlo.

Participante # 05

Saludos. SLPS

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