48th STORY WRITING CONTEST - Live off garbage!

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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José is a young man who lives with his family in the vicinity of the city's garbage dump, they are "Recuperadores de materiales", that is, recyclers. They collect plastics, metals of various types, especially aluminum, as well as paper, cardboard and glass, which they then sell to the company that recovers the landfill and with this they earn their daily livelihood.

They collect and group the materials by type, they help each other, however, the fights for the possession of materials are constant. One day, José finds something that seems valuable to him, hides it in his clothes and takes it to his mother who, when she sees it, tells him...

48° CONCURSO DE REDACCIÓN DE HISTORIAS.  ¡Vivir de la basura!.png

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My Side of the Story


His mother’s eyes sparkled with intrigue as she watched her son reveal a tiny, exquisitely carved wooden statuette. It was a charming piece of craftsmanship, nothing like the usual items they found in the dump. It whispered tales from the past, silently pleading to have its story told.

"Look at this, Mom! Isn't it extraordinary?" José's eyes danced with excitement.

Cradling the figurine delicately, his mother examined it closely. "This is something else, José. We’ve found a lot of things in that dump, but this… this is different. It must have a history to it."

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Their family, who were busy sorting out recyclables, gathered around them, drawn in by the object's unique aura. They began to speculate about the figurine's origins and debated on their next steps.

"We can't just lump this with the rest of the recycling stuff," José's father chimed in, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "We should probably ask someone who might know more about it. Someone who can help us understand its value."

José agreed, eager to unravel the mysteries encased within the figurine. The following day, they sought the expertise of a local historian, Mr. Hugo, renowned for his extensive knowledge about the region’s past.

Mr. Hugo warmly greeted them in his study room, filled to the brim with countless books and historical relics. As he spotted the wooden figurine, his curiosity piqued. "What can I help you with today?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the artifact in José's grasp.

"We found this in the dump, Mr. Hugo," José began, placing the figurine on the table. "Can you tell us anything about it?"



Mr. Hugo looks like he's seen a ghost, his eyes wide as he takes in the carving's beauty. "Well, I'll be! This here figurine is part of a collection of ancient artifacts, thought to be lost. It represents the culture of an indigenous tribe that used to inhabit this very place."

Everyone leans in, hanging onto every word that rolls off Mr. Hugo's tongue. He continues, clearly stoked about their find.

"These little masterpieces held spiritual significance for the tribe. They were symbols of their bond with nature, their beliefs, and their lore. To find one in such good nick is no less than a miracle. It's like finding a page from a history book thought to be lost to time."

Listening in awe, José's family felt a newfound respect for the figurine. Their humble lives of recycling and re-purposing had inadvertently intertwined with a larger narrative of resilience and environmental preservation.

As news of their discovery rippled through the neighbourhood, people came to admire the ancient figurine and learn about its cultural significance. The dump, previously seen as a place of discards and despair, became a beacon of hope and possibility.

Encouraged by this newfound purpose, José's family started organizing recycling drives and educating people about sustainable living. They teamed up with local artists, transforming waste into meaningful art and showcasing the hidden potential in recycling.

Their endeavors began attracting attention beyond their neighbourhood. News stories started featuring their extraordinary journey, and individuals from all corners of the world reached out with support and resources to amplify their cause. José's family emerged as pillars of sustainability, their message resonating far and wide.



With this increased visibility, they could advocate more effectively for better living conditions in their locality. They spearheaded efforts to improve waste management, education, and healthcare in their community.

As the years rolled by, the fruits of their labour transformed the cityscape. The once dirty dump morphed into a thriving green space dedicated to recycling efforts. José, now a young man, stood on a stage, accepting an award on behalf of his family for their significant contributions to environmental and social advancement.

As he looked out at the sea of smiling faces, gratitude welled up in José. Their humble beginnings at the dump had evolved into a powerful movement of change, impacting not just their lives but the entire community as well.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my side of story. 😊

I would like to invite @senehasa, @cruzamilcar63, @damithudaya, @franyeligonzalez, @paholags, @dove11, @ty-ty, and @leonciocast to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 13-June-2023 | Achievement 1

Dumb has a large impact on the community. A very good story with substantial words. Best wishes for the competition.

 last year 

Thanks. 🙂

 last year 

Saludos @waqarahmadshah.

Gracias por compartir esta impresionante historia en la que vemos que a partir del hallazgo de un objeto con amplio valor cultura, las perspectiva de Jose y toda su familia cambio. Desde ese preciso momento su motivacion y visión tuvo un gran giro y se convirtieron en agentes de cambios para su comunidad llegando incluso a recibir el reconocimiento de parte de otras organzaciones.

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Fecha de Verificación06/13/2023

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 last year 

Muy bien narrada su historia de principio a fin. Los acontecimientos van evolucionando sin sobresaltos y el lector se queda prendado de esa prosa que lo conduce hasta a un magnífico final.
Una gran lección de honestidad, historia, superación y entusiasmo encierra su relato. Un joven que estaba confinado a vivir en el basurero pudo sobreponerse a ese adverso ambiente con la enseñanza que le trajo el hallazgo de su estatuilla.
Éxitos, amigo. Gracias por la invitación. Ya había realizado mi participación en este reto. Saludos...

 last year 

Thanks for your visit and valuable comment. 😊

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