The Diary Game || 16.06.2024 || Today I and my brothers and sisters all gave mehndi on our hands

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast month

Assalamu Alaikum

I woke up this morning and prayed Fajr. The sky is very cloudy. It was dark all around. So I fell asleep again. Got up again at 7.30 and brushed my teeth and got fresh. I washed my face with face wash. Then we had tea and breakfast together. I am all parents. Then mother is cooking khichuri and beef. Then I cleaned the room and swept the room. Then my brother and many others came with our sacrificial cow. I went to see the cow. The cow is quite well. But the cow has tears in her eyes. It was painful to see him. Then buying a goat for my uncles sacrifice. He brought the goat. My sister and brother are very happy to bring the goat. She tells me to take a picture. I also took pictures of them. My brother brought food to cows and goats. It seems that the Eid joy of the brothers and sisters was taken by bringing the cow. Brother brought mehndi again. My sister gave henna to them. I sat and watched. Again I also gave henna. Then I talked with grandmother.


At noon I offered the Zohar prayer. Then had lunch. I walked a little outside. I ran Facebook on the phone. My sister came and told me. Then aunt came. Mother and aunt cut ginger and garlic.

In the afternoon I prayed after being refreshed. Then I went out for a walk with my sister. The sky is cloudy. I understand it will rain. I like to walk in the cloudy sky. On the road I saw water and a spider on the leaves The spider is sitting and looking beautiful. I took their picture. Meanwhile, my sister and brother came down to the pond and were playing with the water. I photographed them again. It looks very beautiful from a distance. Then while walking, there are many beautiful flowers blooming on the flower trees on the side of the road. Red small flowers. It looked good behind the leaves. I came home and went to the vegetable garden with fish. Patol is catching well in the tree. But much smaller. On arrival a hen sat with her chicks. How beautiful the mother is with her children.


In the evening I washed my hands and performed the Maghrib prayer. Then I made Puri. I gave my father to eat Puri with beef. We also ate. I also made tea. Uncle came and gave him tea too. Then I talked with my sister and aunt. At 9 o'clock in the night I offered Isha Namaz. I ate dinner. I gave a little henna. Then I washed my hands and cleaned the bed and browsed Facebook with my phone. Then I slept.

My mobile camera: Samsung Galaxy A10s

Achievement :- 1 My introduction Post To Newcomers community

 last month 

Hola amigo que triste lo que le va a pasar a la vaca que mal final para un animal bueno pero también es parte de la vida y debe de ser sacrificio por un bien mayor
Se ve buenísimo ese río para bañarse está fresco y con sombra.

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