SEC-S8W5. "I missed the idea!"

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Hello friends, welcome to my week 5 entry of the Steemit Engagement Challenge of the Season 8 in Scouts sus Amigos. In this week's edition, we are yo talk about an occasion at which we forgot an idea at the middle of a presentation or speech. If you missed the contest post, you can have it here.

When I saw the content of this week's challenge I was all smiling because I had experienced this scenario several times right from when I was younger.

Before I will go ahead with answering the discussion proper, I would like to highlight some possible causes of forgetfulness while delivering a speech or presentation or discussion.

Stage Fright:

One od the reasons why people forget things easily while giving a speech or presentation is stage fright. And this stage fright is often caused by self undervaluation of the your capabilities, overestimation of your audience's expectations, fear of rejection by your audience, inferiority complex etc.

Lack of Sleep And Good Rest:

When the individual doesn't take good rest before going for the presentation, there is a probability of forgetting things.

Anxiety And Fear:

Anxiety is another cause of forgetfulness. When one is over anxious of what is going to happen and how his delivery will turn out, at a point it will instigate fear and lead to forgetfulness.


Some drugs can affect the memory most times when taken excessively or misapplied, thereby causing forgetfulness or loss of memory.

Have you ever been saying something and forgot what you were talking about, what happened?

Yes!! I have forgotten what I was saying several times, especially when I was much younger.

I am naturally intelligent, but stage fright was a major problem that couldn't let me be then. I did well those days more in writing than in speech. So those days I use to have this bad stage fright, it wasn't funny at all to me. It was a serious limitation.

Then before going for the presentation or speech, I would remember everything I want to say, but once it was time to deliver, I would forget some major things I was supposed to say, it was so bad. But imidiately I'm done presenting and step out, I will remember everything. Once I remember, I will be very angry with myself.

When you have been asked a question that you know, but at the moment of answering you got confused, how do you respond?


This was one embarrassing incident I had ever experienced. I had visited a very prominent man some time ago, I finished preparing myself for days on how to meet him and how the conversation would go, but the d-day came, I got to his office and I started the conversation first, he listened for a while and asked me a question, I went blank immediately. It was so embarrassing, I was looking for ideas in my mind I couldn't find, so I simply kept quite. When he saw that I kept quite, he just asked me, "but you are sure you know what you want", I just said yes, he said it's ok. And that was how that conversation ended.

Do you always remember your ideas and everything you have to do, or do you have to take notes?

No, I don't always remember all my ideas. This is because I have a lot of things I am responsible for, so many times I do forget some important ideas. So I resort to always taking note of an idea. So even if I forget, I can always recover them from the note I made.

Even when one can remember everything he plans to do, it is necessary that one writes them down. A time will come, maybe after few years and you would want to make reference to that idea, if you don't have it written down you might not remember completely.

When you answer a question, do you repeat the question as part of your answer?

No!! I don't repeat my questions as part of my answers.
Once I am asked a question, I would pay a very wrapped attention to understand the question in my mind before trying to answer. By doing so, I will be able to go straight to the answer based on my understanding.

Has anything curious or serious ever happened because you forgot what you were supposed to say?

No!! Nothing serious or curious had ever happened because I forgot something.
I always find a way to cover up my lapses when I'm being asked something especially in the public. So once I can't remember some important things I was supposed to say, I just use other things and cover up and fast-forward to other topic or discussion.

My experience those days was not funny at all and I was not happy with myself. But I am glad that I was able to overcome that experience.

How Did I Overcome Them?


I had joined my church in school newly then, after a while I started following them to go talk to fellow students in their lecture halls and invite them for fellowship.

Most times, they said how to overcome your fear is by facing that fear, so I had to face my stage fright fear by always standing before crowd to talk. I found out that after a while I started overcoming that problem gradually until I was out of it totally.


The experience of forgetting things while discussing with someone or while delivering a speech can be so embarrassing. But then it can be overcome. Like myself, I overcame mine by consistently facing crowd and talking to them. So my advice to anyone facing this kind of challenge is to develop another habit to counter that deficiency.

I invite @thomisin, @ruthjoe and @ninapenda to come participate in this contest.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

En una ocasión el miedo escénico me hizo una mala jugada en el colegio porque, durante una exposición, olvidé todo lo que debía exponer. Jamás había tenido un momento tan incómodo con el olvido y partiendo de allí, comencé a hcer actividades para perder el miedo escénico jajajaja.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

I can imagine how disappointed you will be to yourself in that exhibition.
Yes the best way to overcome stage fright is through engaging in activities.

 last year 

Hola amiga!!

Lo que comentas que te paso con el hombre destacado, eso suele pasar mucho, podemos sentirnos muchas veces muy preparados pero podemos quedarnos con la mente en blanco sin saber qué responder.

Excelente idea la de tener apuntes, así siempre recordaremos todas nuestras ideas, pienso que cuando se nos olvida algo la mejor forma es cubrir diciendo otras cosas por supuesto referente al tema.

Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros tu experiencia referente al tema. Saludos!

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Oh I don't know other persons do experience that personal part with the prominent man. I don't wish to experience it anymore.

Thank you for the rating and the grades.

Stage fright is one thing i battled with as a child, but to the glory of God, i was able to conquer it with constant appearance on stage. And the fright normally comes because i was afraid to make errors

The fear of making errors or disappointing your audience is one of the causes.
Nice to know that you have conquered it.

Sometimes I repeat the question as part of my speech. But I have to focus more on the question than the answer, which probably takes me longer to answer.
Good luck in the contest!

That's funny.
Thanks for visiting, I never knew a lot of persons were having these issues.

Good article presentation. Those listed factors are very much in line. I never knew this topic could be brought up for discussion. Great one!!! We are all victim of this one way or the other,however, we all have to be conscious of those factors that causes this loop.
Thanks for sharing...

Even myself I was surprised seeing the topic, I am very much a victim of it.
Yes if we are conscious of all the factors, we will be able to conquer the experience.
Thanks for visiting.

My friend you have spoken so well. Facing your fears enables you to overcome them. Meeting the boss in a big firm is not easy going too. I know exactly how you felt zoning off during the conversation. I am glad you are out of stage fright. It is indeed a torment. Success in the challenge. #steem-on

Yes, stage fright is a serious torment. It can make one look so stupid in the presence of others.
I am glad that I am out of that now.

Regards once again. Success in the great challenge.

 last year 

Tienes toda la razón, el miedo escénico, nos puede hacer olvidar, en mi caso me sucede ahora que tengo más edad.

Me alegra saber que superaste el miedo escénico, ahora no debes ser tan olvidada jejeje...
Abrazos y mucho éxito.

Yes stage fright is very bad. I am really glad that I overcame it.
Thanks for visiting.

Muy cierto, usted tiene razón cuando se nos olvida un discurso muchas veces es por temor escénico o también cuando no descansamos bien el día anterior al evento, pero a cualquiera ĺe puede pasar y es perfectamente superable como usted lo hizo.


Yes it is surmountable.
Funny enough, I was expecting to see lots of persons who had never experienced it, but I was disappointed that so many persons experienced it, so I'm not left alone.

Menulis ide penting merupakan hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan agar ide tersebut tidak hilang secara percuma, terimakasih telah berbagi, sukses selalu buat anda

Yes, writing is important. Seeing the fact that so many things are always running through someone's mind.
Thanks for visiting.

 last year 

El miedo escénico es una gran limitante para muchos, que le cierran las ideas y muchas veces no les permite responder de forma adecuada, o expresar fluidamente sus ideas.

Tener muchas tareas pendientes hace que algunas las pasemos por alto, por lo que es importante siempre tomar notas.


Stage fright is a bad omen seriously. It has done more harm to people than good.
Thank you for visiting.

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