SEC-S10W5 | Patience.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)
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Hi friends, I'm delighted to make my entry of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 week 5 in Scout y sus Amigos Community.

We have a very significant topic here, "Patience".

Here is the contest post if you haven't submitted your entry.


Patience is the ability to accept, endure and tolerate problems, discomforts and sufferings without being anxious or even angry.

On daily basis we encounter a couple of challenges that always demands patience for us to pull through.

Be it in the family, work place, business place, religious gathering, school etc. There is always a situation that would pop up and it will always require patience to pull through that situation.

Patience is a virtue and a skill. Some persons were born with the virtue while others need to learn it.

If you must corporate with the outside world and even your immediate environment, you need lots of patience.

Do you tend to lose your patience easily or do you control yourself all the time?

I don't loose my patience easily. I try to control myself at all times.

Like I said, patience is both a skill and a virtue. You are either born with it or you learn it.

In my case, I wasn't born with it. I learnt it with time.

Growing up as the first daughter of the house, I had siblings that can be stubborn and annoying at the same time.

At first I was inpatient with them, but as I grow I began to trust that they will outgrow that stage some day and behave matured.

Which finally turned out well.

Another area we need lots of patience is in the case of team work, one needs lots of patience to work successfully with a team. This is because, some team members can be crazy and stubborn.

What is it that makes you most desperate or stressful?

When I have a deadline to meet and things are not just working as it's meant to be, i tend to be desperate and stressed out at the same time.

I love keeping to my words and beating deadlines, so if I have a deadline to meet and I'm behind time, yet things are not aligning, it tends to dis-stabilize me and make me anxious and desperate.

How do you avoid losing your patience?

Over the years lots of things both negative and positive has happened to me that has soften my heart.

So there is nothing anyone can do right now to make me loose my patience.

One thing about patience is that it's a thing of the heart.

If your heart is been dealt with, you will always be calm each time you are being confronted with any situation that might demand you to react excessively.

When you loose patience, how do you act?

Back then when I don't know how to control my temper, I tend to loose it when I run out of patience.

I could remember the first place I worked in a team, our president was so annoying then. Always on my neck, even when others commits any crime, he would put the blames on me.

It was so frutrating, most times he would shout at me, talk down in everything I do. It was unbearable at some point.

So that day I decided to give a piece of my mind. I lost my patience. I spoke and spoke and everyone was really surprised that I could talk that way.

It was after that period that I knew that I have not learnt patience enough, so I decided to start working on myself in that aspect.

What advice can you give us regarding patience?
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Like I said previously, patience is a skill and a virtue.

If you were not born with the virtue, kindly learn the patience skill.

Patience can save you lots of trouble. Patience will give you an edge in a team work.

Patience is one of the qualities of a leader, if you aspire to be a good leader, go for patience and learn the skill.

I also invite @ninapenda, @mesola and @okere-blessing to come participate in this Contest.

My tweet


It is very important to have awareness when we cooperate with others. Patience is the first step to success
Good luck in this contest my sister 😊

Thank you for your input.
Yes, every aspiring leader needs to learn patience to succeed as a leader.


Patience is truly a virtue. I love it that you learned how to be patient having siblings that are under you. How well do you believe the saying a patient dog eat the fastest borne?.

That statement is true to an extent is true to an extent.
Patience will save one lots of trouble if we learn it.

My dear friend you have explained very well about patience every person learns things as they grow up I like your words that you control yourself when you are angry it is very true that you are Because of this, your younger siblings have adopted this habit and learned to be patient.

Wish you best of Luck for competition

Thank you for your input and visit.
I learnt my own patience by Experience.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Aprender a ser pacientes desde el inicio es fantástico porque, eso indicaría que toda nuestra vida va a transcurrir exitosamente y, jamás experimentaremos los conflictos ya que, nos mantendremos aislados de ellos en todo momento.

Excelente publicación amigo, un fuerte abrazo💚

Yes patience is a good thing to learn and to have.
Thanks for visiting.

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