SEC - S10-W4 | Manualidades con papel.

Hi Steemit friend, I'am @sushanta83
From #Bangladesh

Made with Canva

I Hope you all are well. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Every engagement contest this week is awesome.So today I'm back to participate in this wonderful engagement challenge hosted by the Scouts y sus Amigos community.The name of this challenge is [ESP-ENG] SEC-S10W4 / Manualidades con papel/ Paper Crafts..So I will discuss this topic in detail. So let's get started, stay with me.

Paper crafting is a famous and an age-old hobby enjoyed by people of all ages.Paper crafting is a wonderful form of art that involves creating beautiful things that are transformed into objects using paper and sometimes other materials.A simple paper fold transforms it into different shapes and new things.It involves a paper that is transformed into something new.So I want to show you a color television craft.


•Drawing book
•4 types of color pencils



First you need to collect a drawing book pencil scale.Then cut the spots with a pencil as needed.Cut as many spots as you need.I cut the square mark and then cut the mark and cut the box.I cut the box as per my convenience.



Now I have drawn as many square boxes as I need inside the box.I made boxes in the middle with as much space as I needed.Inside the box I marked three switches on one side of the TV. And these three switches will be covered with three types of colors.



Now the image of color television is almost at its final stage.So I started painting in no time.First I painted the box around with chocolate color.A lot of images are revealed by just doing a little color.Then I painted the inside of the box with navy blue color.The more colors I give, the more the image emerges.



Then I painted the boxes next to the television pink.Now I like the image a lot.Now it seems that I have actually been able to make color television images possible.I left two antenna marks on top of the television box.As I painted them too, the image brightened more.



I painted the middle with red to bring back the color of the TV.When the edges were finished, I added pink color to the center.If you notice, you can see that I am coloring carefully.In no time I had three colors on the television needle.



Finally I was able to draw color television pictures.Through this competition I drew another painting on another Karu art.

█▓▒▒░░░ Conclusion ░░░▒▒▓█

Finally, I think we should think about the art of painting this color television.This will greatly expand our Karu industry.I am very happy to participate in this competition.Thank you guys.So I am very happy to participate in such a beautiful I invite my friend @pelon @radjasalman @pennsif @patjewell @pandora2010 @cyberrn @eglis @hotspotitaly and to
participate in this contest.
I hope you all will participate in this contest.

[Contest Link Source]

Best Regards To
👉 About me 👈


 last year 

En papel se puede realizar una gran variedad de arte, entre ella el dibujo, como lo ha hecho usted en esta oportunidad, presentándonos un televisor a color.

Me gusto la forma en la que empleó cada color para definir cada parte del televisor.

Éxitos en el concurso.

Hlw Friend: @yolvijrm

Thank you very much for checking my post. Color Television's cinematographers felt very comfortable about making art.

                    WROTE-sushanta83 ♥️
 last year 

Un dibujo bien hermoso, aprovecho el papel, que puede servir como portada de una libreta de apuntes.

Thank you very much for your nice feedback. I definitely believe Karu art is unmatched.

 last year 

Hi, friend.
It is true that there is no age that stops creating paper crafts no matter how difficult it is because we all have something creative to show like what you did in your participation, as you demonstrate your talent for drawing by bringing something old but updated.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Kind regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

Hlw Friend: @pandora2010

Thank you very much for checking my post.We should always look out for creativity. Anyway, thank you very much for your comment.

                    WROTE-sushanta83 ♥️
 last year 

Saludos amigo

Tiene mucha razón el papel es sumamente útil aún después de haberlo usado porque en él podríamos hacer cualquier cosa. En este caso nos muestras un gran dibujo qué has elaborado en papel.
Creo que lo que más resalta es la pintura que has colocado a este televisor definiendo cada una de sus partes perfectamente.
Éxitos con tu participación gran trabajo

Thank you very much for your nice feedback.


Hola amigo 👋 permíteme saludarte.

Has dibujado un lindo televisor a color, con colores muy vivos, haciendo uso del papel como buen protagonista en este reto.

Así es las manualidades abren nuestras mentes y el papel es un material muy noble que como bien dices se convierte en un algo nuevo.

Te felicito por unirte a este maravilloso e ingenioso reto sigue adelante creando bellezas.
Suerte en el reto y en todo lo que hagas. 🩵

Hlw Friend: @rosiortega

Thank you very much for checking my post. Color Television's cinematographers felt very comfortable about making art.

                    WROTE-sushanta83 ♥️

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