50° Concurso de Redacción de historias: "El juicio"

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

Today I am participating in the 50th STORY WRITING CONTEST. / THE JUDGMENT! hosted by @fjjrg in Scouts and Friends.

Before showing my story I want to invite my 3 friend here:



Mr. Armando Romero is being accused of fraud, however, in the development of the trial, the prosecutor introduces a number of evidences that not only show the defendant's guilt, but also implicates him in a series of crimes including extortion, kidnapping and even also blames. the killing. If found guilty, he would face 25 to 30 years in prison.

Defense attorneys, Carolai Alvarez and Cristian Gomez, are having trouble proving their client innocent, as the evidence points to him being guilty of all of these charges. Mister. Armando insists on his complete innocence, his lawyers ask him if he knows anything that could save him from all this, saying it was time, however, he remains silent and lowers his head, apparently ostensibly hides information, when suddenly, he enters the room....

Now my story ahead of this-----

As soon as this new man entered the room, all the men present in the court were amazed. Because this was the same man who was being accused of defrauding and murdering Mr. Armando Romero. The members of the jury and the judge were also looking with curiosity at this man in astonishment.

Finally, after taking the permission of the judge, the man started narrating the story sitting on the witness dais. As his story progressed, there was silence in the court room, everyone was mesmerized listening to his story.

First of all he said Mr. My name is Andrew Wilson and Mr. Armando Romero is being accused of cheating and murdering me, while I am alive and Mr. Armando Romero is a very innocent and innocent person. I had implicated them in all these crimes, and now I have appeared in your court after listening to my conscience to get them punished for their crimes and to prove them innocent.

In fact, his fault was that he was my best friend and, due to some reason, I had a serious loss in business, I went to ask him for help and he ridiculed me by not helping me, that situation blinded me in anger. And I made such a trap and earned money by cheating and conspired to trap them in it.

At the same time, from the mortuary of the government hospital, the dead body of a person of his own stature was put at his house by putting on his clothes, jewelry, identification mark etc. which confused the police and the investigating officers. The police also did not investigate it much considering it as an open and shot case.

Anyway, I had set the trap so well that poor Mr. Armando Romero was trapped. I was hiding in disguise for a long time, but this morning when I heard from someone that he may be given a long sentence for the crime of my murder, my conscience shook me.

Now I am submitting myself to be punished for all these crimes and want to request the court to acquit Romero.

The judge sitting in the court asked the police to immediately investigate and present a new charge sheet against Andrew Wilson, and Mr. Armando Romero was acquitted with honor.

Mr. Armondo Romero, after thanking the judge, appealed to the police to give Mr. Andrew Wilson the least punishment in view of his self-consciousness.



 last year 

Un final de película, algo inusual, ya que cunado una persona se libra de hacer algunos delitos, no es común que tenga un ataque de conciencia y que se disponga a ser privado de libertad por ello.

La mejor forma de evitar estas escaramusas es buscar siempre una salida ante las diversas situaciones que se nos puedan presentar, siempre buscando la manera efectiva y ética de hacerlo.

Participante # 05

Saludos. SLPS

 last year 

Gracias señor @fjjrg , usted ha explicado mi historia de manera muy diferente. te estoy agradecido
Con respeto y amabilidad.


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