SEC - S10W2 | My Languages

Assalamualaikum everyone.

Welocme to this post. Hopefully, all of you will be doing well and enjoying the time with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I am here to be a part of the week 2 contest in the Scouts y sus Amigos community. The topic of discussion for this week is My Languages. So, let's start the discussion without any wastage of time.


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How many languages do you speak? Which of them are your native languages and which ones have you studied?

There are actually three languages that I use in my daily life to speak with other people. One of them is the Urdu language. Urdu is actually the national language of my country, Pakistan and it is spoken in all areas of Pakistan. Some of other countries like India, Bangladesh can also understand Urdu language and some of them can speak as well.

The second language is Punjabi which is actually our mother language because I live in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is the most frequently used language in our area and everyone can easily understand and response in this language. So, I can say that Urdu and Punjabi are my native languages and I didn't need to learn these languages.


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The third one is English language. I am frequent in spoken, as well as, written English. English is actually a language that I started learning from my primary class and still learning the English language. We know that English is the international language at this time and we have to learn English language if we have to deal with the people from other countries or regions of the world for better understanding.

What methods have you used to learn other languages?

As I have already said that I have been learning the English language from the childhood. Actually, when a kid joins the school, he has to start learning the English language starting from the alphabets and other basics and then English grammer and other spoken English skills and many more. So, all in all, I studied and learnt English language from school and college.


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On the other hand, I have also studied the skills and grammer of the Urdu language in our school and college. Moreover, I am also learning Arabic language since the childhood because there was an Arabic Tutor who came to the mosque of our area. Then, there was also a subject of the Arabic language in our school.

In addition to the ones you already speak, what other language would you like to learn?

Off course, I would like to learn two other languages. One of them is the Chinese language and the second one is the Saraiki language. Chinese languages is actually spoken in China and I like it very much. Moreover, the relationship of our country with China are also very good so there is a great importance of the Chinese language in our country.

The second language which I would like to learn and practice is the Saraiki language. It is not a language by it's own but it is a type of the Punjabi language which is spoken in the tribes of the dry areas of Punjab like Multan, Vehari, etc. I would like to learn this language because I am very much impressed by the texture of the language and the politeness which lies in every word of this language.

What do you consider to be the most difficult thing about learning another language?

Learning a new language is not an is it ask because it requires a lot of energy and attention towards the subject. According to my own views, the main problem while learning a new language is that we are not used to that language before and it is always difficult for us to understand the basics and techniques that are used in that language. Because of the fact that we are not listening and responding to that language from the childhood so it is some how difficult for us to understand the language properly.

Why do you think it is important to master several languages?

The main function of every language is to convey messages to others and also understand the messages and commands of others. So, the most important reason behind learning the various languages is to improve the chances of our survival in that area. We all know that we cannot do everything in our life with perfection so we always need someone to help us and so that we must have to use the understandable language for them.

For example, if we are living in China for our studies or whatever, we must have to learn the Chinese language so that we can improve the chances of our survival at that place. If we have to purchase something from a store or we want a service from someone then we must have to convey our message to him so that he can help us in that regard so in this respect to the language is very much important.

I would like to invite my friends @malikusman1, @kouba01 and @fantvwiki to be a part of this amazing contest.


 last year 

Que bueno que puedas dominar el idioma urdu, el Punjabi que es tu lengua y por supuesto el inglés, el cual es un idioma universal y te permite comunicarte con personas de casi cualquier parte del mundo. Esto es un recurso increíble ya que puedes aprovechar oportunidades laborales muy buena en el extranjero.

Right friend, thanks for the comment 😊

Hola amigo saludos!!

Es maravilloso que puedas hablar perfectamente tu idioma nativo además de las lenguas que existen en tu país tienes mucha razón al decir que los idiomas son muy importantes para el desarrollo en esta comunidad actual en donde interactuamos diariamente con personas de todo el mundo.

Sería maravilloso que pudieras aprender los dos idiomas que sueñas el chino creo que es un idioma realmente interesante su cultura es maravillosa y a través de aprender a hablar su idioma podrías conocer muchos aspectos de la misma.

Encantada de pasar por tu participación y te deseo muchísimos éxitos

Thank you for your comment beautiful friend 😊


Language is a communication tool that is very necessary wherever we are. Even people who cannot speak or are mute have their own language. Your posts about the language in this contest are very interesting friends, I wish you luck in this interesting contest friends.

Rightly said, thanks for the comment.

It's great to be able to learn different languages ​​anywhere in the world. Language is a means of communication between us.

You're right 👍. Thanks for the nice compliments

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