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Hello to everyone in this great community and in this wonderful platform today. I greet you all in good spirit and I want to believe that you all are doing well and good.

I welcome you all to this wonderful week and to the steemit engagement contest season 8 week 3 that has been brought forward by the steemit team in other to improve engagement among users in this platform.

Today I will be participating in the engagement contest that has been organized by the community team which has been titled my favorite children's story. So I beckon on us all to sit tight and relax as I drop my entry regarding this contest today.

What is your favorite children's story, why? - Have children's stories taught you something, have they marked or influenced you in your life?

My favorite children's story is called Lion the king. This is a story that teaches us not to be weekend and selfish and also we should not pay evil to evil. No matter what has been done to us, we should learn how to let go and be of good character.

Image source

The reason why this story is my favorite it's because it teaches moral education. When I was a child my mum always tell me to do no evil nor avenge the bad deeds anyone does to me. And that is why she always tell I and my siblings this story of the Lion king.

Another reason why this story is my favorite is that, it prepares one for anything that is to come be it good or bad, be it from your loved ones or your enemies just expect the worse from anyone and be at alert always. Do not expect too much and be kind to all that crosses your path.

The story has sure influenced me a lot. It was as a result of the story that I am where I am today. I have worked so hard for I've got and I am currently working hard for all I need. Not hoping on others or totally relying on others to help me out. So that is the life I am currently living now. I make sure I treat everyone equally and always do good because when you do bad, it always backfires.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them.

Well I can remember a quite number of them and would be making a list of them as seeing below.

  • The Lion King
  • Raliyya
  • Beauty and the Beast.
  • The wise King.
  • The ungrateful grasshopper.
  • Step sisters.
  • The Iroko Tree.
  • Simbi goes to school.
  • Mr Sada.
  • Eze goes to school.
  • Mr Maccaroni.
  • Edet live in Calabar.
  • The tortoise and the squirrel.

The above are few children stories that I remember vividly and they were all great for they made my child hold days fun and well spent.

If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

If I have children in the future I will always tell tell the story of the Lion King. Because I would love them to follow my footstep and be of good behavior in future. The story would help them in preparing for the worse that is likely to occur.

They will also learn not to pay evil to evil when ever they have been offended. They would learn to control their anger at all times and embrace peace with all man. Most especially they would learn to prepare for the worse in this life because it may come from either friends and loved ones or enemies.


Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

I have not created a story for children yet because it never came to my mind but on the account of the contest today, I will try and create a wonderful story to also tell my children about it in times to come but for now, I have no story to tell for I haven't created any yet.


This has been a wonderful journey so far. Reminding us of the golden age when things were so beautiful and we need not to worry about anything at all. The joy of having friends around and listen to midnight stories was just wonderful and I sure missed those times.

Thank you all for reading from me today. I will like to invite certain users to also participate in this contest and they are @samuelebuka, @v-brainer and @mellyann.


Hello brother @solexybaba,

Lion king was a really good story, I didn't remember this story completely but I still remember parts of it. Other stories are also very good. Thank you so much for sharing your favorite story with us. I wish you all the best in this competition.


Yeah The Lion King story is a popular story about a Lion called mufassa and his brother. In which the mufassa was killed by his brother to ascend the throne that is meant for mufassa's son called Simba. It is a popular story.

Thank you for stopping by @malikusman01. Greetings to you.

The lion king story is one of my favorites when growing up. Thank you for inviting me to this contest. Best wishes


Haz elegido un Cuento Maravilloso cómo tú Favorito. El Rey León 😍 es una Joya todos al contar o escuchar esta historia lloramos de emoción es sin duda muy conmovedora y como dices educativa. Su mensaje es impresionante.

Tienes una lista larga de cuentos y lo mejor es que los hayas compartido y disfrutado con tu hijo. Eso es lo mágico de los cuentos.

Tienes una linda entrada te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso

the story of lion the king is very good and has a moral message not to act selfishly, but i have never read it.


Brother thank you so much for participating in this engagement challenge of season 8 and week 3. The lion the king is a story but in my real life lion is my favourite animal because of the bravery. You did a very good job by telling all of us about the moral lesson of this story and moral lesson is all about the weakness that we should not be weekend and we should not be selfish in our life you are true about it but I want to add one thing that all though we should not be selfish but first we should love to ourselves and then others. To love ourself into take care of ourself is a different thing then to be a selfish it is important to note.

From above all the stories that you have mentioned Eza go to school is my favourite story. I think if I tell this story to kids then they will enjoy this story more because school going children's mostly like to listen these kind of stories and the also learn more from these stories. This story can be up very good motivation for the school going children that's why I like this short and cute story.

It's a very good thing that after this contest you realise that you also have to write a good story and I think that you can and you will write a very good story and share with us also if you write any story so that will be also enjoy it and get benefited from the lessons

Your post has been supported by @simonnwigwe from Team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 40%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 17/03/2023


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