SEC-S17W3- "Let's talk about Ponzi scheme"

From Sitaraindaryas,

It is a pleasure for me to greet you in another week of the engagement challenge, I hope this is being quite beneficial for the growth of the community and for those who make life in it, this week's topic is really important and seems like a good one. In this challenge i have to discuss about ponzi schemes. Thanks for organising this challenge. So, let's start writing on it.


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Have you heard about ponzi schemes?

Yes, like as most people, I discovered what a ponzi scheme was by participating in one and watching all the promises and profits disappear overnight. From there, I started to investigate a little more about them, discovering that they are an investment fraud in which existing investors are paid with the funds raised by new people who invest in the scheme.


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Which is why in the majority In most cases, your profits will always increase the more referrals you bring to the platform so that there are always new investors, however, ponzi schemes are like a time bomb that you don't know when the leaders or owners can simply empty the accounts without leave a trace and often affect people who are unaware of this type of scam.


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Often, the leaders of the scheme will promise you a high return on your investments with little or no risk which makes the offer much more attractive, plus the daily tasks tend to be very simple and do not require much time.

Have you been offered to invest in any of these schemes?

Yes, about 3 years ago, on the recommendation of a friend, I joined a platform called Amazon A platform, it was like a free crypto mining. Where just i have to make account with my friend's referral and then i have to invite my friends to build my team. And just opening app once in day i hot 5 dollars but for withdrawal my rewards i have need to buy a wallet of this app that's cost is almost 20$ dollars.


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To all of these, it already seemed strange to me that everything was so easy so in less than a month when I had recovered what I invested I decided to withdraw what I invested so as not to lose anything and continue with what I had already done, a week later, it turns out that They no longer allowed withdrawals due to problems on the platform.


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From there, I investigated more about these schemes and I have not fallen into them again because I already know how to recognize them, however, you can make money if you enter at the right time and recognize when it is time to get out, but always with money that you are willing to lose and that does not affect your economic stability.

Do you know how to detect Ponzi schemes?


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The platform you want to invest in may be a ponzi scheme if they offer you investments with excessive profits and without any risk. There is a dependency on new investors, the more referrals you bring, the more eager you are. They promise to make you rich.
Their real leaders never have a real ID. If you meet all of these requirements, it is a ponzi scheme. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?


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Steemit is not a ponzi scheme, firstly, because it does not meet the conditions that I gave in the previous question because here the investment is optional, personally since I came to Steemit I did not have to invest my money to grow on the platform and profits What I have generated has been thanks to the work and dedication that I have put into my posts and the interaction with other people in the community, it is not something easy that you achieve from one day to the next, it takes time and that is what makes it valuable.

Now i invite, @stef1, @pajtewell, @kouba01 and @suboohi for participating in this challenge.



Thank you, friend!
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Saludos @sitaraindaryas.

Muchas veces aprendemos a partir de las malas experiencias vividas y es que esta modalidad de los esquemas ponzi tienen muchos años operando, pero siempre se muestra de una forma que parece muy tentadora y atractiva, por lo que siempre hay personas que le dan su voto de confianza e ingenuamente se suman a participar y terminan siendo estafados.

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Fecha de verificación24/04/2024

La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.
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Hi my friend I really enjoy reading your entry I see before you choosing a platform to invest you have to check if it legit because right now in the world we are there are a lot of fake investment company around and we need to be careful

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