SEC S5W4 / "Reflection of the Day in the Diary Game.".
Background Image design on canvas
Hi steemians
It is the last week of this season's engagement challenge and I'm so delighted to be in attendance. This week, we are presented with yet another dimension of the diary game I.e reflection at the end of the day.
It is the last week of this season's engagement challenge and I'm so delighted to be in attendance. This week, we are presented with yet another dimension of the diary game I.e reflection at the end of the day.
A reflection is a powerful tool for improvement as it helps you to keep complete track of your day-to-day activities and also scale them to see how far you have improved. I will be sharing my diary with us all and at the end of it all, I will discuss my reflection for the day. Let's get started.
I woke up at about 4:00 a.m on 31/10/2022. I said my morning prayers and then I decided to go through the steemit platform to check my blog and also see the latest update from the steemit team. I came across the post made by the steemit blog regarding the engagement challenge, I copied the link and shared it with my African friends on WhatsApp.
When I finished, I hurriedly took my bath and went to school because I was to join some of my students for an excursion to Jos Plateau state Nigeria. On reaching the school, the vehicle is already loaded and waiting for my arrival, so I just joined them and we left for the journey.
This journey took about 3 hours because of the bad road and traffic. Our mission was to go to 3 different IT firms but in the end, we only succeeded in going to one which is n_hub technology Jos. The entire time spent there was fun as we met lots of young guys who are into different aspects of technology talking to us.
At n_hub technology with my students
I was challenged when I notice how vast these young guys have gone in technology. I also charged my students to put effort into their learning since tech is the future. Immediately, we finished with n_hub technology, it was already late and we couldn't visit other places.
I dashed into a local restaurant just very close to the firm because I was so famished. I bought rice and stew which cost 500 NGN and which is equivalent to about 2.3 steem as at the time of writing this contest.
At the local restaurant eating
Immediately, after I was done I joined the vehicle to return home. We arrived home at about 8:00 p.m then I hurriedly took my bath and then decided to go through my blog. Before then, while in Jos I saw an update from the steemit team about the new curators for November and I have already created a server and invited all my team members to be part of it.
While resting on my bed I decided to join the discussion on the discord server and we agreed on the way forward to ensure that our curation for November is a success. So immediately after that I had my quiet time and reflected on how I spent my day.
I learnt a lot from my journey to Jos Plateau state Nigeria. It was my first time going to Jos and truly all they said about the place is quite true. Jos is one of the coolest places in Nigeria and I sincerely felt it as well. What I reflected on is how these young guys have advanced their knowledge of technology.
As I have said, I learnt a lot from all the speakers that came up and most of them are quite very younger than me. So it is something to think about and also sort for ways of improving myself as a teacher.
To me, it is a challenge to build myself even more. I know of a few technologies but I have not explored other options as well. So I reflected on this because I was sorting for ways to improve myself and keep myself updated since the computer is not static as on daily basis more research and new things come up.
Yes, I believe I learn something new on daily basis. Since learning is a continuous process, I always look out for new challenges so that I will not be satisfied with how far I have gone or I have learnt. I always try to add to my previous knowledge every day.
The diary game is a very important aspect of our daily lives because it helps us to recall all we have done for the day. My advice to steemians is that they should always sort for ways to improve their selves. Truly, if we fill too comfortable with what we have achieved so far, it will be difficult for us all to learn more.
My journey to Jos has shown me that I need to improve myself in trending technologies because younger guys are doing wonders in cyberspace. With this curiosity, I can grow beyond my expectation. So my final word is that all steemian should be curious and always seek for challenges to do better.
Diary games should always be encouraged by all steemians most especially the aspect of reflection at the end of your day. Without reflection, it is difficult to know how far you have gone for the day. I recommend everyone to always pause for some minutes at the end of each day and carry out an analysis of how far they have gone for the day. I want to invite @msharif, @ngoenyi, @lavanyalakshman, @inspiracion, @harferri and @chiabertrand.
Tuviste un gran día, dónde aprendiste más sobre tu país en ese mágico estado llamado Jos Plateau y que bueno que sus alumnos también aprendieran algo.
Siempre hay tiempo para cumplir con las obligaciones asumidas en Steemit que Dios les guíe para que hagan un excelente trabajo en si equipó de Curación.
Éxitos y Bendiciones
Hola amigo 👋
Estoy de acuerdo contigo está es una excelente oportunidad para que todos aprendamos a dejar una pequeña reflexión con nuestros diarios, que además de contar nuestras vivencias podamos expresar lo que significaron paga nosotros y así dejar una huella más significativa.
Un gusto leerte, saludos 🤗
Your diary is perfect dear friend. The diary of you reflects to what you have clearly done in the day. Spending time with academic purposes and sharing what you have eaten gives you a sense of motivation to start your tomorrow in a more blissful way.
Saludos @simonnwigwe tres horas de viaje que valieron realmente la pena ya que la satisfacción que sentiste de estar en ese lugar se ve reflegada allí, te deseo lo mejor en esta dinámica.
A veces el tiempo no es suficiente para todo lo que queremos realizar; es por ello debemos mantener siempre la buena actitud y ser agradecidos por lo logrado como lo haces amigo. Muchas gracias por participar con nosotros. Éxitos en sus labores de curador este mes.
Te invito a ser parte de nuestras redes sociales “Scouts y sus amigos”
Te invito a delegar a nuestra comunidad y así ganar mejores % de votos a favor, además de ganar mejores intereses por tu delegación, si quieres saber más visita el siguiente enlace:
Tutorial para delegar SP.
Te invitamos a seguir las cuentas de Instagram de Steemit, e interactuar a través de ellas
Hey @simonnwigwe,
I seen this contest on community page but due to lenguage barrier I'm not understood what he want to say us, but after see your post now i'm able to make contest post.