SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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Greetings dear friends,
It is yet another new week in the steemit engagement challenge for season 8 and I'm so happy to be among those participating in this amazing contest organised by the community for the week. The topic of discussion states that 'it all ends with death'.

This is indeed a unique topic that everyone should carefully look at. Death is a road that will be travelled by all but the question is will that end there or is there any further journey after death? In this contest today, I will be answering these questions about death by attempting the questions given below. Let's get started without further ado.


Do you believe in life after death?


As a Catholic Christian, I believe so much about life after death. Many scriptural passages communicate and prove that there is life after death and I will be picking out one among many to talk about today.

Luke 16:22-23 “One day the beggar died, and the angels carried him to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. He went to hell, where he was constantly tortured. As he looked up, in the distance he saw Abraham and Lazarus.

From the scripture passage above, you will agree with me that there is life after death. If there is no life after death, people will live without any second thoughts in their minds because they will always remember that once they die that will be all.

According to Billy Sunday, "The difference between God’s side and the devil’s is the difference between heaven and hell.” This means that there is heaven and there is hell and before one can have access to any of it, you must have travelled through the road of death.

Having heaven and hell means there is still life after death. If you are found worthy, you will be seen in heaven otherwise you will be seen in hell. But there must be a destination for everyone after death and this is determined by the way you leave your life.


Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?


I think of death as something natural. No one knows the time or the hour of his/her death hence I always think about my death too. Thinking of my death helps me to live my life with caution.

Anyone who keeps reminding himself/herself of the fact that the world is not his or her permanent home will always trade cautiously because death will always come knocking at the time that we least expect it.

Most times, death doesn't come in form of an accident but it comes when we sleep. Sleeping is a practical way of dying daily because at that point we don't know what happens around us and that is the main reason why we acknowledge the presence of God every day we are up from bed.


Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?


Yes, I have narrowly escaped death in one of my encounters. On that faithful Thursday, I was sitting under a mango tree, and I became very pressed and wanted to use the restroom. I refuse standing up because I was very weak and tired and I don't want to stop what I was doing.

I became even more pressed so I decided to hurriedly go to the restroom and relieve myself of what was disturbing me. Immediately I stood up, and left the spot, after about 30 seconds a very big branch of the tree fell on that same spot I was sitting and broke into pieces the chair I lived sitting on.

Immediately I turn to see that because I haven't gone far then I knew it was God who has made that possible for me. I didn't feel pressed again when I saw what happened. With that, I knew that God's hand is nightly on me that day.


How do you want to be remembered after death?


Everyone wants to be remembered after death but the question is how? I have read and also listened to stories of people who have lived a good life and those that have lived a bad life. In my case, I will like to be remembered for being a good person. I want to be remembered as someone who made an impact on the life of others.

I have always sorted out ways to ensure I help anyone no matter how little. In the steemit platform and in real life, I have always dedicated myself to building people and helping them to succeed. This has helped me in no small way to be loved by many because I try to live uprightly without partiality.

So I should be remembered as someone who does go and wants to see the progress of others. A man who always thinks of the welfare of the people and sorting for ways to put a smile on the faces of as many as possible. With this, I believe my legacy will last even longer.




Death is not the end of it all. Death is the transition to a new beginning. We have seen proven from the scripture that there is life after death which is staying in heaven or hell since we have God and the devil. If you live righteously, then you will be in heaven but if you live unworthily then hell will be your portion. The choice of our destination after death is solely ours to make.

I want to finally invite a few friends to also join this contest today if they have not presented their entries. I invite @msharif, @dave-hanny, @yakspeace, @sualeha, @petface, @inspiracion, @steemdoctor1 and @lavanyalakshman.

 last year 

Hola amigo. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Me alegra saber que creas que hay vida después de la muerte, increíble lo que nos comentas como Dios te libro del peligro de que esa rama del árbol cayera sobre ti, Dios cuida a todos sus hijos por eso debemos serle fiel en todo momento.

Qué bueno que quieras ser recordado como una buena persona,eso se logra con los buenos actos que podemos hacer aquí en la tierra.

¡Éxitos en el concurso amigo!

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Thanks for the review my friend.


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Curated by : @solaymann


Thanks @solaymann for the support

Saludos. Dios te libro de morir ese dia de esa manera y creó que el esta interesado siempre a que le conozcasmos tal y como es y por ello nos muestra su gran amor y misericordias.

Thanks for your comment

 last year 

You have shared with us about your believe on life after death and I also agree with what you have shared with us. The Bible verse you have shared with us has make it clear to us that there's life after death. I wish you best of luck.

@simonnwigwe greetings
You explained very well about the life after death as we do believe we have to died and will go yo eternal life which will be never ended. You further explain it with quotes.
Definitely you are good guy and would like people remember as a good person and i knew you will be very good with others.

Blessings and success

Thanks for your comment my friend.

Hello @simonnwigwe,

I agree with all your views about life after death. It doesn't end here, there is a place we are going to which is eternal. Christ himself has died for us to gain that life.

I am a catholic christian by birth and in catholic, they give clarity about life and death. Living righteously takes one to paradise and am sure that's where we all will be.

Best of luck!

Thanks my friend for your wonderful comment

Dear sir,

Your quotes about life after death were amazing. We should all remember that one day we all have to leave this world and that day will be very difficult for us. Your regular presentation was really awesome. Good luck to you.

 last year 

Mati adalah hal yang jelas terjadi pada kita, namun kita saja yang tidak tau kapan waktunya. SEMOGA saja saat itu tiba kita bisa menutup usia dengan kebahagiaan

Amen to your prayers my friend

 last year 

Saludos amigo.
La muerte es el principal enemigo del ser humano,y todos hemos sufrido tras la muerte de un ser querido.
Éxito en el concurso

Thanks my friend

If one remembers the nature of death, it will cause him or her to lose the fear of death. Because at the time of death, if one can meditate on the good deeds done without causing fear in the mind, it will be a reason to be born in happiness after death.

Thanks for your comment and contribution

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