20th Contest on "Values". / "Thankfulness". / #club75 || by @simonnwigwe

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago
Hello friends, Welcome to my blog this very evening. I am so delighted to be participating alongside other steemians in this wonderful and amazing contest that talks about values. Today I will be presenting my views as well as the ideology of what I think the word Thankfulness (Appreciation) is all about. Please read through to the end and have a clear picture of what this very word means to me. Let's ride on.

Thankfulness, what is it?

I have stated earlier that a lot of people have different views on this very word. Myself, I have my view on it as well. The word thankfulness means to show appreciation for what someone has done for you. Anytime anyone does anything positive to you, you will always want to appreciate and show your gratitude for that thing being done, that is what thankfulness is all about. For those of us who are Christians or in any form of religion at all, whenever we wake up from bed and then see a brand new day, what we do is appreciate our God or whatever you hold sacred for keeping you throughout the night from any harm.

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Thankfulness to me is a virtue that enables someone to do more. If someone does anything for you today, and you appreciate the person, it is a way of pushing the person to do even more. The opposite of gratitude or gratefulness or thankfulness is ungratefulness or ingratitude. Whenever you don't appreciate what someone does for you then you an ungrateful being and that alone won't allow such a fellow to do another for you. Gratitude opens the door for more blessings.

A lot of people are not progressing today because of the ingratitude attitude they possess. They are always fun of complaining because they feel more should be down to them, they don't get satisfied. If you can not appreciate the little things you have, you can not have bigger things. You should always learn to be appreciative of little things because that will make you attracted to more things.

In the Bible, there is this scene where a man gave his servant money to use for the business till his return, but unfortunately one of the servants who do not appreciate the master went and hide the master's money instead of even keeping it in the bank to yield little profit. When the servant came he went and brought it out and the others invested and made a little gain and brought it to their master and when he saw this he collected the money from the person who refuse to invest at all and gave it to the person who invested. From this lesson, you will agree with me that even the creator wants you to be thankful no matter what you have.

Effect of thankfulness

The effect of thankfulness are numerous but I will be listing just a few basic ones in this blog. I have initially highlighted all of them in the blog above but I will be making it clear using the points below.

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  • Thankfulness attracts more rewards. When you are appreciative of what you have, more will be given to you. The story above is a complete example of this scenario.

  • Thankfulness brings people closer to you. Everyone wants to be associated with a grateful heart and for that reason, anyone appreciative always has people around him or her and such people are always cared for.

  • Thankfulness makes you live longer. A thankful heart who always acknowledges the presence of his/her creator day and night lives longer because his/her creator always ensures that his subject is given the maximum security and provision as well.


A lot more is associated with a thankful heart. As a person always learn to appreciate whatever you have in life no matter how little that thin is. It is only when you do this that more open doors will surface in your path and then you will progress even more. A grateful heart is a heart that never lacks no matter the situation. When you are appreciative of anything given to you, someone can go as far as emptying his/her account just to ensure that he helps you when in need.

Finally, I want to appreciate the organisers of this noble contest, and also I want to invite a few friends of mine to also come and participate with me in this amazing contest. I invite @josantos and @josepha. I am waiting patiently to read through your articles as well. Steem to the moon.

In appreciation to this noble community for this contest, I am setting 15% beneficiary to name @hive-181136

 2 years ago 

Hello friend @simonnwigwe, certainly we have to be grateful first of all to God our creator, of course those of us who have the Christian belief.
A thankful person has a happy heart and full of joy, and also progresses in life in each of its stages.

And since a long time ago as you mentioned in the bible, thankfulness is being instilled in all people.

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Fecha de Verificación04/06/2022

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 2 years ago (edited)

Friend @simonnwigwe
I take this opportunity to invite you to support the community through your first delegation, which you could do from 510 SP so that you get a higher percentage of votes of support from the community, in posts inside and outside the community.

How to delegate to the community Scouts and their friends.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo @simonnwigwe

La verdadera virtud de una persona esta en saber agradecer cada apoyo o gesto de solidaridad para con uno mismo.

Es importante no pereder al oportunidad de dar las gracias a Dios comocreador por la vida, y a nuestrafamilia por su amor, por el pan de cada día, por el trabajo y todas bendiciones recibidas.

Participante # 17


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 2 years ago 

Hello friend, your words lead me to reflect, "if you don't appreciate the little things, you won't be able to appreciate the big things" certainly a grateful heart will live happier and longer.

I wish you success in the contest 😃.


 2 years ago 

Hello friend, it is very true that you say that in order to receive more than we have it is necessary to be grateful to God for it, gratitude opens doors for us and ingratitude closes them. Cheers!

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