SEC - S10W1 | My Most Significant Achievement.
Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh
Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Best wishes to all of the Scouts y sus Amigos community for a chance at SEC - S10W1. Today I will be participating in an interesting contest organized by the Scouts y sus Amigos community. This has been said about my most significant achievement.
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We all have main goal in life and according to that main goal he is able to achieve the goal by hard work. I am no exception to this. I was focused on my every goal from childhood. I am very patient about these things because Allah loves the patient. Today I will share with you the most remarkable achievements of my life through this competition. So let's get started.
My father always taught me that you should plan your life before you achieve it. So I had a plan behind every significant achievement I made. The benefit of planning is that I can target my significant achievements and move forward. So to achieve every goal in life I always focused on my studies. Because I think that nation is more developed which will understand the proper importance of education.
Self Image, My work place is Bangladesh Batar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Location
I have many achievements so far, First of all, my government job. A review of the social context of Bangladesh shows that government jobs are not that easy. From that point of view, I am lucky that among so many competitors, I have become an employee of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Government and have been serving the people of the country as a devoted employee of the government.
Secondly, another special achievement of my life is being selected to participate in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related training at the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center under the Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladesh. And after participating I got a higher degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Which is one of the many achievements in my life.
Self Image, I am receiving a certificate from the president of this institution after completing the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training from Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center.Location
I would consider getting selected in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training as one of the most significant achievements in my life. Because this training Bangladesh government only government employees and those who have knowledge in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are selected through preparatory test. And I had to study a lot and practice ICT for this exam.
Self Image, My Certificate in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).Dhaka, Bangladesh.Location
Then after getting selected I got the opportunity to participate in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training. In this 12 days training I completed the training with tireless hard work and patience and I excelled. And as a result I earned a valuable certificate and an award. I think this achievement is the most important achievement of my life.
Self Image, The most significant achievement of my life.Dhaka, Bangladesh.Location
Self Image, I took the photo standing in front of my nameplate in my office. Location
I had the most difficult time in my life before I got my job. Because I have already mentioned this fact that getting a government job in Bangladesh is not that easy these days. Whereas currently the young society of Bangladesh is unable to get out of unemployment. In every job circular around 100 people fight for 01 post hoping to get job. In that situation I don't get upset and with confidence I work tirelessly to clear the job test.
I still remember studying day and night to prepare for the job exam and with that I think I had Allah's grace with me so that I was able to build my career through that difficult time.
Today I am successful in moving forward with my career with a good plan. I am a government employee in Bangladesh, besides doing financing. I have been working with him for the last 6 months on the Steemit platform. After I have achieved this success, My next goal is to perform Hajj for the pleasure of Allah. Because I want to observe this practice while I am alive. I am saving my money towards that goal.
pexels My next goal to achieve is to perform the Holy Hajj.
But to be honest with my next goal I think Steemit has given me an extra income. I am hopeful that I will be able to provide the necessary funds by working on Steemit to perform my Hajj. For this I will be forever grateful to the Steemit team.
In conclusion, we all have dreams in our lives. And to make those dreams a reality, we must be patient and hardworking. And set goals and move forward according to the plan towards significant achievements in life.
I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @simonnwigwe, @waterjoe, @goodybest to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link- Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1|"My most significant achievement"
Hola señorita la felicito por sus logros en sus estudios eso es muy bueno metas propuestas metas realizadas. un fuerte abrazo de corazon
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Hello friend, that's how each achievement must have a plan to be able to execute it and achieve success and that starts from the studies to achieve a profession that you like.
Also get your government job and be selected for the information and communication technology related training course.
Excellent friend, being selected for this training course helped her to develop more in her work since it is not easy, as she says, to get a job in the government. It is good that you are saving money for that objective that she wants to be a part of so much.
Saludos 🇻🇪👍
Thank you very much @wilmer1988 sir for your compliment. Please pray that I want to use my achievements in my life success in this way and fulfill my dreams.
Also, my best wishes to you and your family. God bless you.
Saludos amiga
Muy bien dicho, todos debemos plantearnos metas, pero también ejecutar planes para llevarlos a cabo y que dicha meta pueda ser cumplida.
Te felicito por ese nombramiento que te ha dado mucha experiencia y que te mantiene activa.
Nada más especial que lograr cumplir lo que soñamos, muy pronto estar siendo parte de está proyecto que tanto anhela.
Buena suerte
Amiga. Qué bueno que te sientas orgullosa por haber sido seleccionada en un sistema cuyas escogencias se deben a la meritocracia. Espero que esa eslabón de tu vida sirva para abonar al crecimiento de tu intelecto y tu persona. Bendiciones