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RE: SEC-S13W3- "La ley de la atracción "

Hi @viajarparasanar
The law of attraction is always like a magnet, just as a magnet attracts iron, so is the human mind when it reads another person or has a negative or positive thought. So that also acts like pulling someone towards you and the person automatically pulls towards you like attraction, it means that the world is running under a system and in it there are positive thinkers and negative thinkers. There are two types of people who are positive thinkers always embrace success in the world and create their own world


Sin duda, la ley de la atracción es como ese imán invisible que gobierna nuestras vidas. Nuestra mentalidad y pensamientos son clave para atraer lo que deseamos. Los pensamientos positivos crean un ciclo de éxito. ¡Sigamos enfocándonos en lo bueno y creando nuestro propio mundo lleno de posibilidades! ¡Un abrazo! ✨😊

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