Packing Techniques In Outdoor Activities

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 years ago


The packing technique (carrier) when climbing mountains or activities in the wild is very necessary so that we can organize our luggage in a concise, efficient, and neat manner. Packing is also known as packing.

Packing is a way or technique of arranging equipment in a backpack (carrier). With good packaging, a backpack will be able to load equipment efficiently but still feel comfortable when worn and carried on trips.

A packing technique that really makes a lot of backpacks (carriers) but not too heavy
A packing technique that really makes a lot of backpacks (carriers) but not too heavy

By activists of outdoor activities, packing is considered an 'art' in itself. So the technique of arranging things in this backpack really depends on your skills and habits in carrying out packing management.


The principles of packing carriers that must be considered include:

  1. put the mat in the backpack.
    some people prefer to put the sleeping mat outside the carrier (backpack). However, by placing a relaxing mattress in the carrier, it will be more upright in shape and it will be easier when packing or taking things from the backpack.

  2. the heaviest item above
    By placing heavy items on top, the heaviest backpack will fall on the shoulders. Otherwise, your body will feel weak in the hips, so your legs will be less free to move and you will feel tired quickly.

  3. Balanced weight between left and right
    When packing, place things so that the load between the left and right sides of the backpack is balanced. An unbalanced load will disrupt the balance of the body considering the hiking trail which is usually done in difficult terrain.

  4. Maximize the available space.
    Items with holes in the inside such as nasting (multipurpose pots) should not be left empty but should be filled with other items such as rice, eggs, etc.

  5. Sort items by usage time
    Items to be placed at the top when packing. Vice versa, items that are likely to be used later are below.

  6. Separate items that are needed at any time
    Ponchos (raincoats), first aid kits and medicines are items that are needed at all times on a trip. When packing these items, they can be placed at the top of the backpack or in the outer pocket of the backpack so that they can be retrieved quickly when needed.

  7. Put it in a plastic bag
    Before packing, group them into several groups and put the items in a waterproof plastic bag, especially sleepwear or spare clothes, papers, books, etc.

  8. Protect fragile objects
    Fragile objects such as eggs should be placed in a strong container.

  9. hang objects outside the backpack
    Mats or other objects should not be placed outside the backpack. Hanging things outside your backpack is not only messy, but it also puts you at risk of getting caught in bushes or the like, which will interfere with your trip.

  10. Bring an extra bag
    If it supports, bring an additional bag such as a small bag that can be worn on the thigh or on the waist. This bag can accommodate items that are often carried in and out such as pocket cameras, medicines, cellphones and others.

Outdoor activities usually call this packing technique an art. Therefore, the technique of packing a backpack or carrier will greatly depend on individual tastes and expertise. However, the main principle of packing is to organize goods efficiently, neatly without having to bother during the trip.


I don't know if this backpack packing technique can also be applied to travel bags or suitcases. Frankly, I don't have a travel bag or suitcase

 3 years ago 

Una buena descripción de cómo organizar los objetos dentro de un morral. Sin embargo hubiese sido mucho mejor haber visto las partes descritas acompañadas de fotografías para mejor entendimiento de parte de los lectores.

La explicación muy acertada y dispuesta.

En relación a si se puede aplicar la misma técnica para bolsas o maletas, perfectamente se pueden aplicar, los principios vienen a ser los mismos, y el orden de acuerdo a como se aperture la bolsa o la maleta, siempre deben estar arriba los objetos de primera necesidad, buscar un equilibrio de peso en las cargas laterales, frontal y posterior, así como la superior e inferios, dejar los objetos más pesados en el centro permitirán mantener dicho equilibrio y por consiguiente un mejor manejo del porta equipaje, llamese o conozcase como morral, bolsa o maleta.

Se recomienda que si el morral o bolsa van a ser cargados por la persona, la manta, sleeping o cobija deben estar del lado que va a tocar la espalda, de esta manera servirá para amortiguar durante la caminata y evitar que cualqueir objetivo con punta golpee la columna o las costillas de la persona.

Gracias por compartir la información.

Cint Mod Fjjrg 1.png

 3 years ago 

Thank you for responding to my post. I totally agree with your suggestion.

indeed my plan is a picture and a more detailed explanation I will explain in the next post.

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