Steemit Engagement Challenge S5w5: My values

Hello my friends

Week 5 of Steemit engagement challenge is here and am so excited to be a part of it. This week topic is so interesting and very important as well and am here to give my opinions about it.

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Values are behaviors and principles we hold at high esteem, We got them built in us either through upbringing or leant them as we grew up. Values over the years is what keeps the world in shape. There are different values in life depending on the personality.

Why are values important to the society

Values are very important to the society and below are some importance of values in the society.

  • Continuity of culture in our society is made possible through values: The culture of people, nation or even community can be passed on from generation to generation through the teaching of the right values to the individuals in the society.

  • The right values enhances growth and progress of a society.

  • Because values are what form the basis for the decisions we make in the society, having the right values will contribute to the good decisions making, therefore making the world a better place.

  • Values in the society makes it possible for one another to coexist or live peacefully.

  • The right values keeps the society in top sharp making the world go round.

What do you consider to be the values that define you?

Over the years I have noticed that I have lived my life based on the values I have and that has affected positively the direction of my life. Below are some of my values.

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To be polite means to be mannered in ones speech and in ones action for example using the word "please", "thank you", "am sorry". Polite can also be used in actions such as showing regards or respect.

Been polite is one of my values that defines me. I grew up learning how to be a polite person first from my home. When I wake up in the morning, am expected to greet my parents and siblings. When I want something or help from my parents or siblings, am expected to use the word "please". When I do something wrong, I was taught to apologize by saying "am sorry". All these built in me the value of been polite.

Today it is just impossible to see me not use those words I was taught to use while growing up. You can't catch me been rude to people.


To be selfless means having a character of considering others first before ones self. The word self less is made up of two words "self" and "less" that means to think of oneself less.

The value of been selfless is another value that has formed me over time, it defines my decision making most of the time. I always think of ways to be of help to others rather than just myself.

Been selfless it's easy for me but I have noticed that alot of people wonder how it's so easy for me, sometimes they try to talk me out of it but it has not worked. I fill fulfilled been selfless.


Hard does not mean to do hard things no! To be hard working means for a person to work extra until result is produced. To be working also entails that a person is works and don't stop no matter how hard the work is, until result is achieved.

Hardworking is one value that defines me. I believe in working hard. I believe that hardwork has its results if we don't relent in working.

When a person is hard working, he will not be a liability to the society or to anyone, he won't put dependence on people, rather he will become a person of esteem, people will look up to you.


To be honest means always telling the truth and not giving to lies or painting words to favour others or ones self.

Honesty is another value that defines me. You will hardly catch me lying. I do my best to avoid situations that will make me compromise my value of been honest.

In what circumstances of the day do you apply them

I have mentioned 4 values that defines me which includes; polite, selfless, hardworking and honest. These values are a part of me, which means it can't be separated from me.

IMG-20211121-WA0018.jpgmyself enjoying the sunny weather what3words

These values manifest stress less everyday of my life even without me noticing that it is actually what am manifesting. These values manifest in my dealings with people around me when I converse and interact with them out there in the society. For example,When am in the market, I regret the trader politely and politely ask for the price of the goods or products. And when am done with my purchase, I thank them with a thank you words for doing business and I leave.

What are the anti values that you have witnessed the most?

Recently there are alot of anti values in our society today, and these has contributed to the negatives happening around us. Below are some anti values I have seen lately.

Corruption, infidelity, Dishonesty and selfishness has been the major anti value I have witnessed the most.

Recently infidelity has contributed to alot of broken homes here in my country Nigeria. Husband's no longer trust their wives, and wives no longer trust their husbands, so sad!

Corruption has destroyed and displaced the place of hard work in work places over here. People hardly gets things by merits or hardwork.

Dishonesty is like the cousin of corruption. Every day I see it been displayed, people fighting for their own tummy not minding the lies they have to tell. What a life!

Do you think values change or go out of style?

Yes I think people's value can change. When I was younger I had some values but I noticed as I grew older some of my values changed either because I became more exposed or the kind of people I kept close to me.

Values may change as a result of education, exposure, relationships, or even environment. I believe these are some key factor that can aid change of value.


Values are important that it shapes the life of people. If we can get it right with our values in homes and families, then we can get it right in our society, city, county and nation.

Am glad I could share with you my views on values through this week's engagement challenge.

Thank you for reading, I invite my friends to join this contest @lhorgic @okere-blessing @temitopef



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Thank you so much for your support, it's well appreciated

I can attest to the values highlighted in this post. I won't be wrong to say you've got more that I personally know with you. You're amazing i must say and am glad you have also chosen to promote values worth emulating in the society. Thanks for sharing dear. I wish you the very best.

I feel flattered I must say.
But am so glad you support me.
Thanks for the good wishes too

You're welcome dear. #steem-on!

Hello @ruthjoe I don't really know you but based on the few interactions that we had I can attest that you are Polite. Obviously for the other values it goes together like the honesty, hardworking.

I like your smile, you are cute.

Stay bless

Aww! Thank you so much for your lovely and kind words, its well appreciated.

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga. Realmente tienes mucha razon, una vez que nuestros padres se encargan de enseñarnos la importancia de los valores en nuestra vida, estos se hacen parte de nuestra personalidad y son los que determinan nuestra manera de relacionarnos y conducirnos en la sociedad.

Siempre he dicho que la honestidad, la educaciones y sinceridad son valores indispensables en la vida de cualquier personas, y esas características nos ayudan a abrirnos camino y a cumplir nuestros objetivos, sin tener que hacerle daño a nadie.

That's so true, your views are very correct💯

Thank you for your support

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga me gusto leerte y te felicito porque, eres educada, mantienes firme lo que aprendiste en casa. La educación es la base de la sociedad. Nunca pierdas de vista tu esencia, también me llamó la atención que te mantienes firme en la honestidad, personas como tú son la que valen la pena de tener en un círculo social, buen post.

Greetings friend...

The write up on your last photo frame got my attention 100%.

for a person to work extra until result is produced.

This is another aspect I love from your post. It is the perfect truth that most people seems to forget as they tend to call people who carries heavy loads as hard working. Thank you for this beautiful blessing. Good luck

These are attributes that should be found in every responsible person and you able to exhibit these attributes. You are one of a kind. Great work

You are so right

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