SEC-S8W4"; It all ends with death?"

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)
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Hello friends,

It's a new week and guess what? It's already week 4 of Steemit engagement challenge season 8. I remembered when week 1 commenced but here we are today. I hope you are all in health no matter where you are right now.

This week's engagement challenge topics Is one of the subjects I try as much as possible to avoid but here I am today to talk about it publicly. "It all ends with death". I know you would like to know what I think about this topic right? I would respond to it by answering some questions.

Do you believe in life after death
beyond-g9b0a379c2_1920.jpgA man walking into the unknown source

Death from my opinion simply means the loss of life. One of the characteristics of anything that is living is that it dies, which is death.

Everyone is entitled to their thoughts about this subject but for me as a Christian believer, I was taught that death was introduced into human life when the first creature God created, sinned against him. So this was how death came to exist.

Yes I believe in life after death. Even our dreams shows us that there is life after death. Have you asked yourself this question before, when I am sleeping, where do I go to? Which sphere does my dreams exist upon? My body is asleep yet am seeing my self somewhere else, alive, talking, walking and probably eating. I think this is one proof to me that there is life after death

bible-gf0637c850_1920.jpgPicture of the Bible source

My second thought backing my believe that there is life after death is a sentence in the bible I find very interesting. Jesus talking to a woman said he is the one that has power to life and death, he then said any one who believes in him, even though death kills him, he will live again. This is a pointer that there is life after death. This interesting sentence can be found in The book of John 11 verse 25 of the Bible.

Do you think of death as something natural or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death in our world today has become something natural because it seem like no one can stop it. Although there are exception to people loosing their lives. Over here in my country Nigeria, we have seen and witness how a person can decide to take the life of another through some fetish means. Now that kind of death for me I think I would not say it a natural death.

Like I said earlier, I always shy away from the subject of death because I often feel death is not a good thing. Just imagine waking up one morning to discover that the person who had a chat with previous day is dead? You won't see the person ever again on earth, you talk to him or her and so on. So I find the subject scary.

But today I have decided to kill my fear for the subject by writing on this engagement topic and talking about it publicly.

Have you ever been in a situation that puts you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Yes I have been in a situation that puts me at risk of death.

Two years ago, one night at about 1:30am. I woke up to notice that I was in pain. The pain started like joke. The right side of my tummy was aching me, the pain affected my breathing. I was rolling on the floor and I could not scream for help.

The pain was severe. I knew I was dying if help didn't come. I rolled to tap my room mate that was on the floor sleeping. ThankGod, she is not a deep sleep type of person. She woke up and was really scared of the drama going on.

She took my phone and started calling contacts on my list for help. When no one was picking, she started praying for me . The only thing I kept saying was "I will not die" I was in pain until 5:am.

That experience left me really confused about what really happened to me. Maybe I would have passed on. My friend who happens to be my room mate said my eyes turned white that night. I felt scared too.

How do you want to be remembered after death?
IMG_20230319_083849_460.jpgselfie of me taken from my phone gallery

I guess no one wants to be remembered for evil or bad. Likewise me. So I would want to be remembered as a woman full of love actions. As someone showed the world the way! That's why I would do my own part as God enables me. But until then am going no where...I am still here alive and well.


This subject this week is really deep. I know alot of friends who shay away from this subject but am so glad I finally overcame my fear!

I want to say thank you for coming up with such contest topic. Now I invite some friends to tell me what they think about this topic. @lhorgic @thomisin @beautiefair @mato445


Life after death is certainly a real thing we shouldn't joke with. How we live our lives before we die determines how we will be remembered after we die

You so right dear sister!

Hi @ruthjoe,

I love your view about this topic. About your experience, it was a very bad one, imagine you were all alone at home, wow that was terrible. It was really a near death but God rescued you on time.

The talk about life and death is too deep, everyone has different opinion according to their believe. I am glad I have learnt something new from your post.

Best wishes!

Thank you for your best wishes

Yes my experience was bad but thank God I was saved and it's now in the past. Am glad you leant from my post.

 last year 

Amiga, buena opinión tienes de este tema, es como dices la muerte es algo natural que es imposible de controlar, solo Dios sabe el momento en que nos tocará partir de este mundo.

Wow me impresiona lo que viviste, gracias a Dios tu amigo pudo reaccionar y te pudo ayudar.

Te deseo suerte en el concurso amiga😊

Thank you so much am glad you like my opinion about the topic. And I wait for your entry too.

 last year 

Cómo bien dices la muerte no es algo que deberíamos experimentar los seres humanos, es por ello que nos causa tanto dolor y queremos resistirnos a la idea de la muerte de algún ser querido o la nuestra.

Pero también está la promesa de Jesucristo de que los muertes resucitarán y podrán experimentar vida, quizás no en este plano físico, pero la vida puede continuar.

Of course you are so correct.

Jesus Christ himself said he is the resurrection and the life. So the dead in Christ will be resurrected and would live again.

Thank you for your visit.

You haver put down every thing, my dear there is life after death because I was to know by my Bible that on the resurrection day there will be no more sorrows and suffering. Thank you putting down this content. I wish you luck

 last year 

Hola amiga!!

Es cierto, nos debemos preguntar cuando estamos dormidos a donde vamos? También creo que existe la vida después de la muerte, la muerte es algo inevitable en la que debemos estar preparados, por supuesto que las personas que se quitan la vida no es a causa de muerte natural, esas personas no deben estar al lado de Dios.

Guao que experiencia tan horrible la que nos comentas del dolor que tuviste, muchas veces Dios nos pone a prueba para ver qué tanto creemos en él.

¡Éxitos en el concurso!

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Thank you so much for reviewing my entry.

And for your good wishes.

Amazing post there my friend, you've really shown us how death came to the world and why we should believe in life after death. You see the words of Jesus was just so direct and real that you couldn't misinterpret him. As he spoke to Mary Magdalene when Lazarus died, he made it crystal clear that there is life after death and in many other circumstances too. He said also that He is going to prepare a place for us where we will live with him after we die. So beautiful.

Oh my God! That kind of situation where all your contacts seem to be sleeping. God bless that your roommate I'm sure it's the prayers she made that revived you back. All glory to Jesus.

And yes you are right. Am glad to see that you share the same thoughts as I do.

Glory to Jesus

That was a horrible experience you had, but thank God it's a story right now.
Life after death is real, our daily experiences without much argument is an indication that there is somewhere one goes to after death.

Nice and detailed article here, I enjoy reading your post.
I wish you well in your entry.

Great and valuable post in my opinion. Help with future posts. Have a nice day

Thank you!

Saludos gracias a Dios eres parte de la gran familia de Jesucristo. Y que bueno que a través de esa oración Dios hizo la obra en ti mediante ese amigo que también presto para ti la ayuda. Pero es importante que la Dios es suficiente.

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