SEC- S10W5| Patience

Hi friends!!

We meet again but this time for week 5 in the ongoing Steemit engagement challenge season 10. Are you enjoying the challenge?

Do you tend to loose your patience easily or do you control yourself at all times?

Patience from my opinion is the highest demonstration of growth in life. If I want to know how matured a person is I just check how patience that person is.

There are people who are naturally patience and there are those who are not. They just want things and everyone to do things at the particular time they want it.

For me I don't tend to loose my patience easily. I think it's a gift given to me by God. I can be so patience with people and even hard situations. People who are not patience tend to give up on on people and situations so easily. Because I am patience, I don't easily give up. I can stay with a thing until I see it work even when others gives up.

What is it that makes you most desperate or stressful?
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What make me desperate or stressful is when I feel helpless especially when I have a need and I can't handle it myself.

I always love to take responsibility for my needs and others but when a situation arise and I feel helpless and do not know how to go about solving that problem it really gets me desperate. Sometimes it even makes me cry.

Been helpless and not knowing what to do can be very difficult on me, sometimes it makes me feel am behind time or wasting my time doing nothing.

How do you avoid loosing your patience
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I avoid loosing my patience by always focusing on the positive side of life or the positive side of the reasons why I should be patience.

For instance if a person has a bad character and is around me and getting me upset, instead of reacting at the person's bad behaviour, I focus on why the person behaved that way, I make excuses for the person in my mind.

Another thing I do Is stay away from people or envelope that makes me get upset no matter who they are. I try my best to relate with such people from a distance. Some times, to Avoid loosing my patience I allow some people to have things done their way.

When you loose patience how do you act?
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If I was still 10years old and this question was asked I would have told you funny stories of how I reacted when I lost my patience but not withstanding I still have those stories to tell.

I don't loose my patience easily but when I loose my patience one way I react is that I either don't talk at all or I talk too much.

Once I lived with some ladies in a one room apartment some time ago. One of the ladies had this bad character that I beared foe so long. Even when other ladies in the room were fed up, I wasn't. But a time came when I had alot of her troubles and lost my patience with her.

The lady is older than me but I spoke to her that day as though we were mates. I tried not to be disrespectful In my words but I made sure I gave her a piece of how I felt the whole time. She was astonished, she didn't believe I could talk. She felt am always this no talking person.

So when I loose my patience, I will always say what's on my mind not minding if you like it or not.

What advice can you give us regarding Patience?
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Patience is a gift because not many have it. But even if you don't have it as a gift, you can culture yourself to have patience.

When you have patience, you won't be all quick to judge people or accuse them. You won't even get so angry all the time.

Patience helps you understand motives behind actions and not just the actions. So my advice to for us to always understand reasons why people are the way they are. This will enable us give more room for their shortcomings.

Patience helps you forgive and let go of issues. You God is always patience with us even when we do the things he does want us to do, so why not behave like God. Show people mercy by been patience with them.

I know of this lady that can never let go of any matter. She looses her patience at any single thing someone does to her but you know she forgets that she is not perfect either. She has offended people God and people too and they didn't kill her so why not extend such gesture.

You will avoid many trouble if you can only learn to be patience with others. When you love people more, you will definitely be patience with them.

I invite my friends to join this contest @okere-blessing @sahmie @ninapenda


With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @alejos7ven, member of team #2 at 30%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 05/07/2023


Thank you so much @alejos7ven

I completely agree with you. Patience is indeed a virtue that demonstrates maturity and growth. It allows us to persevere through challenges and not give up easily. Your ability to remain patient is a valuable gift that sets you apart. Keep up the positive attitude!

Thank you so much for your kind means alot to me

Eres una persona muy calmada que siempre trata de no perder la paciencia, pero como seres humanos es normal que en algún momento nos irritemos cómo te sucedió el día que estabas con las señoras reunida esa vez por más que te controlastes perdiste la paciencia, la paciencia en un don que nos ayuda a controlar la rabia y la ira y a ver las cosas de otra manera

Yes no matter how much we try, sometimes we just loose patience..
Thank you for the show of support

that's right, patience is a gift, not many are able to be patient. Good luck

Thank you my dear friend for your nice words..

i like those who remains calm during their dealings . patience always bring happiness. Patience plays a crucial role in fostering healthy relationships. By being patient with others, we demonstrate understanding, empathy, and respect. It allows us to communicate more effectively, listen attentively, and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. Patience strengthens interpersonal connections and builds trust.

You are very tight my friend..
Patience is all it takes to live peaceable with others.

 last year 

Saludos amig@. Ciertamente has dado en el clavo la paciencia es señal de desarrollo personal, es muestra de que hemos aprendido en la vida a tener autocontrol emocional y con eso tenemos más de la mitad de la batalla ganada porque sin duda alguna la paciencia es la clave del éxito en diversos ámbitos de nuestra vida ;por ello me alegra mucho que te consideres una persona paciente que así lo hayas desarrollado en tu vida y que expreses que es un regalo de Dios, porque ciertamente es así ,tener paciencia es un don divino te felicito por ello y continúa cultivándolo éxitos en tu entrada.

Aww! Your words are not just beautiful but heart warming..
Thank you so much

 last year 

Tiene razón en cuanto a que la paciencia es una virtud que demuestra nuestro desarrollo personal, cuánto hemos evolucionado psicológica y espiritualmente ante las circunstancias que se interponen en nuestro camino existencial. Se trata, en efecto, de una virtud que puede cultivarse, siempre que tengamos conciencia de que carecemos de ella y nos encontremos dispuestos a cambiar nuestra conducta. La paciencia es un don que nos evita muchos problemas y pone en relevancia otros aspectos positivos como la humildad y la empatía. Éxitos, amiga...

Yes patience is a gift that prevents us from many trouble..

Thank you for your support

 last year 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Me encanta el concepto que desglosas sobre la paciencia porque, ciertamente, ella nos permite tener un excelente desarrollo personal y a su vez, disfrutar de todas las cosas fantásticas que tiene la vida así que, debemos aprender a ser pacientes si queremos triunfar en la vida.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

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