SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"

Asalam alikum, I hope all steemains are doing great. Topic of the contest is very good, it will give us opportunity to know beliefs of each other and to probe into reality of this world. First hint to the topic is basic belief of each one of us that moulds our lives as well. Those who believe in life hereafter are very conscious about all their deeds. I start with the first hint:


do I believe in life after death?

Yes I do believe in life after death. I am a staunch believer in Islam and according to Quran life after death is a fundamental belief for every muslim. According to the Quran a person's soul will be separated from their physical body after death and will go through a series of experiences based on their actions and deeds while alive. The Quran likewise makes reference to the Day of Judgment that it will come when Allah will restore every person and consider them responsible for their activities.

Numerous verses in the Quran talk about what life is like after death. For instance Allah says in Surah Al-Mu'minun

"Until when demise comes to one of them he says 'My Master, send me back that I could do honorableness in that which I abandoned.' No! He is only saying one word until the day they are resurrected and behind them is a barrier."

This verse tells clearly that after death there will be no turning back and everyone will be accountable for their actions. There is another verse too where Allah states:

And what else exists in this world but the pleasure of delusion? This verse emphasizes that the true and eternal life after death is the worldly life, which is only temporary.(Surah Al-An'am)

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death is a natural occurrence and an inevitable consequence of life. It is a progress from the actual domain to the profound one and it is a cycle that each living life form should go through. In addition acknowledging the reality of death can assist people in emotionally and practically preparing for it ensuring that their loved ones and affairs are cared for in their absence. All in all tolerating the effortlessness of death is a significant piece of carrying on with a significant and satisfying life.


Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

I had issues with their ear, nose, and throat (ENT) since childhood. It would cause issues time to time . When I was 16 years old I had to have a tonsillectomy which necessitated hospitalization. The night prior to the activity I was given a medicine which caused an unfavorable response that was startling. Albeit the medication was accepted to cause no response the inverse occurred for this situation. I became immobile and unable to communicate effectively as a result of this reaction putting a lot of pressure on the family to find the right medication.

Later I felt that it would be situation of death too in which we will be conscious but unable to move or communicate it might feel like this.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

I guess everyone wants to be remembered in good words after death and so do I. But not everyone is putting efforts to achieve this status. We should always know our rights and responsibilities and act in a way that not only facilitates us but also the people around us . We should live in a way that when we are not around people ask about us and remember us in good words.

I invite @jasminemary, @hamzayousafzai, @shohel and @abyousafzai to this contest


Saludos me parace interesante algo que dices después de la muerte no hay vuelta atras es por ello que debemos estar asegurados sabiendo que un dia estaremos con Dios si le confesamos aqui en la tierra.


Very true my friend , there is no coming back. I wish this journey is easy and full of peace for everyone. thank you so much for reading and commenting on my post.


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