SEC-S17W6 "Saving Humanity ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 months ago
Topic of the contest is very thought provoking. It is giving us all opportunity of thinking beyond our personal interest and to feel for people who are suffering from any chronic disease.

If we had the power to eradicate any one of those diseases (just one) which one would you prefer to see go away? Describe your opinion.


I have seen a lot of people suffering from different diseases in my life. All diseases are a test from Almighty Allah and are very difficult to tolerate. I have seen people suffering from cancer and undergoing difficult phase of chemotherapy, I have seen people breathing with so much difficulty that I felt suffocation; I have seen young children needing blood to maintain their Hb. I have seen beautiful children suffering from hemophilia and the difficulty they experience when they lack the ability of blood clotting. But there is one disease that scares me a lot and whenever I hear someone suffering from it, I get goosebumps and that is epilepsy. It is a disease in which patient gets an unprovoked disorder in brain function which results in unconsciousness and patient needs to be controlled as in some cases they do involuntary clenching of jaw which makes them bite their tongue or cheeks from inside of the mouth. These patients need a caretaker to deal them on time.

Have you known people who have suffered from that disease?


Though I have not seen patients of epilepsy but I have heard about them and the people who are taking care of them. In one such case, wife was a patient of epilepsy and husband had to leave job because there was no one to take care of her and no one was willing as it was difficult to control her when she had fits of epilepsy. They were suffering a lot, as they had financial issues too. Whenever I recall the plight of that family I just pray that this disease may vanish from the face of earth.

Do you think the world would be a much better place if that disease did not exist?


This world is a place of test for all of us; there are many diseases in this world so that we value health. In case of epilepsy, I think that the people who are immediate family of the patient are in constant state of mental stress and may develop psychological issues and may receive physical injuries too. So as long as the world is maintained by Allah we will be tested but with the elimination of epilepsy, the caretakers will be relieved from the mental stress.

I invite @abdulhakeen, @safdarali, @mandate, @moyeon and @ahsan sharif for this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I value your on-time response and encouragement.

 2 months ago 

Saludos @roomi.

De verdad son muchas las enfermedades que afectan la salud de los seres humanos, pero tienes mucha razón que la epilepsia es una enfermedad muy difícil, que impide un buen desarrollo social y hace que quienes los padecen sufran mucho dolor en su cuerpo, así que sin duda alguna, seria maravilloso tener ese poder de erradicar por completo esta enfermedad.

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Dear it's very difficult to handle the epilepsy patient as you Share in your Contest one person leave their job only for their wife condition because they are suffer with this disease so we thankful to Allah Almighty in every moment who gave such a healthy life to enjyamd seen this world.

So Best of luck for you this Challenge

Amazing Information.
Hope u get the sucess in life.

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