The Value of "Cooperation"


Hello creative Steemians and welcome to another exciting topic brought to us by Scouts and Friends community on a very important topic The Value of "Cooperation"

As we all know Cooperation is very very vital in our daily lives which helps us to communicate and work together with different individuals from different tribes and religion and even countries.
below is my view and perception on this topic



What i understand by the word Cooperation

Cooperation is the act of Two or more individuals coming together or working together to produce a desired result or achieve a common goal.

There is no cooperation without a goal or achievement is either ideas are put in place, finances are put in place and efforts to produce a desired result.

Cooperation always involves working with other individuals to get their perspective about something to get views on how something can be done in the simplest and fastest way to attain a goal which is the result of their coming together.

Examples of Cooperation



  • Different Teachers come together to teach in different schools.

  • Different individuals coming together to build a house for example the builders, light technician, plumbers etc they all work together to erect a building

  • Film makers coming together to make a film which includes the Producers, Director, Actors and Actresses, Cinematographers working together to make a film

  • Another Example Both parents Mother and Father work together to train up their children.

Benefits and Importance or Values of cooperation



  • Team spirit: This helps to strengthen and make work accomplished within the shortest possible time while working with people you don't know.

  • It helps to build our communication and interaction with other people

  • It strengthen bonds between different individuals when ever they work together

  • You make new friends when you work together with other individuals

  • You know the strength and weaknesses of those you work together with

  • It helps an individual becomes active and outspoken.

Types of cooperation



I will like to talk about the Types of cooperation which includes

  • Voluntary Cooperation
    This type of cooperation is when an individual out of his or her free will decide to work with others or decides to do an activity out of his or her desire without being persuaded by any one without expecting anything in return.

For example an individual decide to freely join others to take care of children in Motherless Baby home everyday without collecting salary or anything in return. this is an example of Voluntary Cooperation.

  • Coerced Cooperation
    This is a type of Cooperation were in an individual is forced to work with others to perform an activity or do a task without he or she giving his consent or decision. It is usually mandatory and not Optional. Such individual has no power to say no.

For Example it is mandatory for almost all students in university schools in Nigeria to go on IT ( Industrial Attachment) to practicalize what they are taught in schools..
And as student it is a must you have no choice. this is an example of Coerced Cooperation.

  • Unintentional Cooperation
    This is a type of cooperation were in an individual decide to work because of the benefits attached to what he or she stands to gain if they work with other people.

For example if 5 persons are to partake in offloading a truck of yam tuber and after offloading each individual gets 10 tubers of yam and 5000 Nigeria Naira or currency, because of the sweet benefits i will partake in it despite the fact that i don't like carrying loads. this servers as an example of Unintentional Cooperation.


Cooperation is very important and in one way or the other we must have worked with one or to person to get results. No man is an island of his own we all in one way or the other need some one to cooperate with.


I will like to invite @zekanem, @mosesstones and @prospect2 to participate in this contest


Wonderful Thought carefully put into writing .Truely Cooperation has to do with two or more person's to achieve a goal.And types of co- operation Very intelligent content I wish you good luck friend.

Thank you very much for commenting on my post

 6 months ago 
My friend @queenella1, Cooperation is an act of union with a purpose, When there is help everything can be easier, How well you describe cooperation exists in various ways and voluntarily it is the best and the one that worked best.Thank you for your participation good luck
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 6 months ago (edited)

Efectivamente, la cooperación es un valor muy necesario en cualquier aspecto de la vida. Ahora bien, usted ha expuesto diversos tipos de cooperación, sin embargo, difiero de algunos términos ya que la colaboración en sí es el acto de ayudar a otros sin necesidad de que sea recompensado y que no sea parte de las obligaciones laborales, ya que de ser así, deja de ser colaboración para convertirse en una función por una contraprestación.

El punto de la Colaboración es destacar su carácter "Voluntario" y sobre todo el hecho de que no hay una recompensa identificada antes de dar la colaboración.

Por esto es un valor muy importante.

Participante # 15

Saludos. SLPS

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