SEC-S13W4 | "Is Age Just A Number?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigos9 months ago

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, I trust you're all doing splendidly. I'm absolutely delighted to join this contest and engage with such esteemed participants.

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Are you proud of the age you are? or are you one of those who take off or put on age?

I find solace in the passage of time, embraciing the richness of the years that've shaped me. With each passing moment., I've learned, loved, nd lived, gaining insights that've deepened my understanding of the world. My age isn't jst a number it's a tapestry woven with memories, laughter, nd moments of growth. I'm grateful for the lessons time has offered, nd I wear my age as a badge of honor, a testament to the intricate mosaic of my existence.


Is it really the same to be 20 years old than 65?

At 20, life is a vibrant canvas, teeming with youthful exuberance, dreams, nd endless exploration. It's a period of discovering passions, forming friendships, nd embracing the thrill of the unknown. The world is a playground of opportunities, and every experience is a stepping stone toward self discovery.

By the time one reaches 65, life takes on a mellower, yet profoundly enriching tone. It becomes a tapestry woven with the threads of love, family, nd a wealth of experiences. It's a chapter marked by the depth of relationships, the joy of witnessing generations bloom, nd the quiet satisfaction of knowing oneself intimately. There's a serene acceptance of life's ebbs nd flows, coupled with the wisdom garnered from decades of living.

Both stages, though different, contribute to the intricate mosaic of the human experience. The exuberance of youth nd the depth of later years, together, create a beautifully complex and meaningful journey.

How old would you like to be right now and why?

I'd like to be 7 years old again cuz I miss my childhood dearly. Those innocent days filled with laughter, curiosity, nd boundless imagination hold a special place in my heart. Life was simpler, nd every moment was an adventure waiting to unfold. Revisiting that age would mean reliving the joy of carefree days, where worries were few, and the world was a magical place full of wonder. Childhood memories are precious, nd the thought of experiencing them once more fills me with a sense of longing and nostalgia.


Do you agree with the special treatment of the laws for older people?

Indeed, I concur that affording special treatment to older individuals is a compassionate nd necessary approach. Acknowledging their lifetime of experiences nd ensuring their well being reflects a society that values wisdom, empathy, and respect for its elders. Such considerations not only honor their contributions bt also create a nurturing environment where the elderly can thrive with dignity nd care.


Do you think 18 is old enough to be considered an adult?

In my view, the age of 18 doesn't necessarily encapsulate the complexity of adulthood. Life's challenges nd the ability to navigate them vary greatly among individuals. While legal systems may designate 18 as the age of majority, true maturity nd readiness for adult responsibilities can't be universally confined to a specific age bracket. It's a matter of individual growth, influenced by diverse experiences and personal development.

Meanwhile, adulthood is a multifaceted journey, shaped by emotional intelligence, life experiences, nd the ability to make informed decisions. It's imprtant to recognize that people mature at different rates, nd true readiness for adult responsibilities can't be solely determined by age. Understnding the unique circumstances of each person is essential in acknowledging their readiness for the complexities of adulthood.



I invite @josephdaniela , @lizaallizana & @ninapenda to participate in this contest.

P.S : I'm Not Active On Twitter*


 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

La edad no es tan terrible como muchas veces se cree porque, cada año que transcurre, indica la gran oportunidad que tenemos en la vida para avanzar y desarrollarnos en todo lo que nos propongamos por ello, no veo motivo para que nos asuste tener más o menos edad.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you, friend!
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Hi @princa
The age of a person in life is between 18 years to 65 years so much that when a person goes to childhood, then slowly goes to the age of youth and then slowly goes to the age of old age. The race of human life goes on and on and on and on and on.Moreover, you have created a great post and I hope you continue to climb the ladder of progress in the same way. One should seek and never forget the blessings of nature but should always be thankful that she has given us a healthy and long life.

Muy inspiradora tu participación, realmente has logrado captar la esencia de lo que significa los años en la vida de una persona, trate de expresar lo pero jamas quedo como el tuyo felicidades suerte en el concurso

 9 months ago 

Saludos @princa.

Me gusta mucho la opinión que nos has compartido con respecto a tu edad, y es que es cierto nuestra edad guarda un sin numero de vivencias y momentos que nos han marcado a lo largo de nuestra vida y hay que sentirnos agradecidos por seguir sumando años de vida.

Por otra parte, la niñez es una etapa muy bonita en la cual la experimentados una inocencia y felicidad que lamentablemente es difícil mantener durante el resto de nuestra vida.

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Puntuación total9/10
Fecha de verificación06/11/2023

La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.
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Hola amigo
La buena edad creo que es a los 20 en dónde tienes mas libertad y además ya sabes tomar decisiones por tí mismo.
Creo que a los 65 años no está mal, ya tienes una experiencia consolidada que te ayuda a guiar a los más jóvenes.
Creo que la edad con el paso del tiempo no tiene nada de malo, así es la vida y si pasa el tiempo también tenemos las vivencias que tenemos en nuestro día a día mientras el tiempo pasa.
Suerte en el concurso 😸

Aging is just a natural phenomenon and I think we must like our life at fullest in all age.

Hey dear

Both stages, though different, contribute to the intricate mosaic of the human experience. The exuberance of youth nd the depth of later years, together, create a beautifully complex and meaningful journey.

Both state is I did very important for every woman whether male or female, so therefore none of this state should be ignored or estimated

Thanks for going through wishing you success, please engage on my entry

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