SEC / S8W3 - It all ends with death

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Greetings to you all from me this day dear steemit family and I just hope we are all good and sound this day. I am @preshy101 and I be joining the engagement challenge contest in this community that says it all ends in death.

Below is my participation as I get to provide answers to some basic questions that are related to this contest. I wish you all a happy reading as I engage today.

Do you believe in life after death?

Clearly I do believe in after death. Beyond this earthly life we live, I surely know that there is another life after we die as we all know that every living organism will eventually die at the end of the time they have been given to live on this planet earth.

And this after life is predetermined by the way we live our lives. If we do good and live in peace with everyone and we are of good behavior then we will sure enjoy the life after death in paradise. In summary, there is a life after death and I do believe in it.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death is assured to be a natural thing that occurs eventually after one's time is come. If there is no death then the society would be nothing to talk about because there would be all kinds of immorality and ill doings in the world.


Death is a particular natural happening and in that note, it can never be avoided because no matter how one has decided not to talk about it or do anything to stay away from it, at due time it will surely occur in a way or another.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

I have been in a situation that I almost experienced death but God helped me out of it. When I was much younger I was diagnosed with Apendix and the only treatment and cure for it is by operation.

I became scared for I have heard about people that went inside the operation theater and didn't make it out. Death happened to many people at the cause of operation and that was my phobia.

I became scared. Many thoughts were over my hand and I kept thinking if I would make it or not because I was too young then but death is not fan of age and on that note, it happens to whosoever be it young or old.

I was at the point of death as I went inside the operation theater to be operated. It was a battle between I and the doctor and I kept pleading with him not to take my life because that was my thought when I was young.

At the end, I survived it and I am happy that I didn't experienced death that year but eventually it will come and I pray that I will be ready when it come for no one knows the hour it will knock at the door.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

We all know that there is no family after death. No father, no mother, sisters nor brothers. I would love to remember them after death and also their memories while I was on earth with them. The memories of my friends and love ones are the things I would love to remember after death.


We should all bear this in my heart that death is inevitable and it can happen to anyone at any time in this world. It is part of the calls of nature which everyone will definitely answer in time to come although individually.

This is my participation for this contest today. I invite @samuelebuka, @solexybaba, @mclems

 last year 

Saludos @preshy101. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!!

Debemos estar conscientes de que en algún momento vamos a morir, cuando Dios así lo decida, todo creyente cree en una vida después de la muerte sin duda alguna.

Me alegra saber que saliste muy bien de esa operación de apéndice, cuando entramos a un quirófano corremos el riesgo de no salir vivos, Dios te protegió en ese momento.

Amigo te recomiendo hacer un mejor uso de tu poder de voto apoyando a tus amigos con votos y comentarios, así tu CSI se incrementará, por otro lado debes invitar amigos que están actualmente activos en la plataforma.

¡¡Éxitos en el concurso!!

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Saludos que bueno que en medio de pasar por ese quirófano saliste bien y hoy eso te recuerda el cuidado de Dios para con tu vida.


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