SEC-S17W6 "Saving Humanity "

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 months ago

It pains me when people are suffering.

Saving humanity from the devastating effects of diseases is not something that has been a long-standing struggle. Throughout history, people have faced challenges that have threatened our existence. I don’t have to remind you that only a few years ago, we experienced COVID-19.

If I had the power to write a word on a whiteboard and then the opportunity to wipe it off with an eraser, it would be that dreadful “C” word, CANCER.

Every year, the 4th of February is World Cancer Day. This day aims to create awareness about this disease, educate people, and remind governments, NGOs, and people to take action.

If you have not paid attention to this day, I do hope the following facts will make you aware of the impact that cancer has on the world.

  • Cancer is the second-most common cause of death
  • Cancer causes 1 out of 5 deaths
  • There were 9.7 million cancer-related deaths recorded in 2022
  • In the same year, it is estimated that there were 20 million new cancer cases
  • It is predicted that there will be a shocking increase of 77% in cancer cases in 2050
by WHO published on 1 February 2024

We should not be fighting each other in war, but we should be standing together to fight diseases like cancer.

In my own country, South Africa, our government posted a cancer report on March 30, 2023, of statistics that were released in 2018. This is how serious they are about cancer. No wonder we see headlines like

“Health dying for treatment: The struggle for affordable breast cancer medicines in South Africa”
Read more


“Cancer services under threat in South Africa” and the story of Ziphora Tau one of many South Africans who are not receiving the treatment they desire to have.
Read more

Last month, protesters took to the streets in one of our provinces after it was discovered that the government did not use the funds that were allocated for the treatment of cancer. This left 3,000+ patients not receiving the required treatment that could save their lives.

The cherry on the cake for me is the affordability of cancer treatment. It is not cheap.

If you don’t have good medical aid, gap cover, or a cancer insurance policy, you will, unfortunately, be one of those who returns week after week to a government hospital with the hope that you will be next in line for treatment.

My cancer policy costs me +/- 368.92 STEEM every month. I have been paying for this for nearly twenty years.

At least I get tea when I go for my yearly mamogram test. Something you won't get at a government hospital.

I think that there is a stigma attached to the word “cancer.” If you are diagnosed with cancer, it is decided for you that you are going to die. How wrong! Is this how we save humanity? By prejudging?

I told you earlier that if I had the power to write a word on a whiteboard, it would be cancer. Well, on second thought, I won’t wipe it off with an eraser; no, I would wipe it off with a cloth drenched in alcohol to make sure that it doesn’t ever surface again.

Now let me get back to the pain I feel when I see people suffering. My heart breaks for them because I know it is a tight spot to be in… I was there.

Cancer has touched the lives of countless individuals, and through it, I have challenged my own strength. Yes, I am a breast cancer survivor, and I am so proud of it! I survived the verdict that “she is going to die.”

Even though I have been “cancer-free” for more than twenty years, it will be with me for the rest of my life. I have to go for screening every year and with that face those dreadful Mamagram screening machines.

But, this contest is not about me but about the lives of so many others.

The impact of cancer is truly devastating, and it's a harsh reality that so many people suffer and lose loved ones to this disease. I have lost an aunt and a mother-in-law to cancer.

My aunt was cooking in her kitchen when the light bulb burst. A piece of glass cut her in the neck, and she had to go to the doctor. It was not a deep cut, but it kept on bleeding. It was during her doctor's visit that a lump was discovered in her neck. Later, she was diagnosed with cancer. She received treatment, but within a period of six months, she just got worse, and in the end, cancer took her life.

As for my mother-in-law, it was a different story.

She was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. The success of any form of cancer treatment could not be guaranteed. Due to the cost and the severity, it was decided that she would not go for treatment. She suffered for more than a year. She could not eat, she could not drink, and she even tried to take her own life. What she went through is something that I would not wish on my worst enemy.
It was the first time in my life that I saw a family cry out of relief, not sadness.

This photo was taken with her grandchildren. Together, we will beat cancer! Unfortunately, that was not the case.

For me, it is so important to remember and honor those who have passed and to support those who are currently fighting their own battles. Despite the darkness that cancer brings, we can strive to bring light and hope to those affected by it.

All that is left is for me to answer one more question.
Do I think the world would be a much better place if that disease did not exist?

The resilience of the human spirit has always prevailed, but my answer is still A MILLION TIMES… YES.

As we embark on this journey to combat cancer and safeguard humanity, let us draw inspiration from the indomitable human spirit and work together to overcome this formidable foe until the day we can wipe it completely off Mother Earth.


The photos are my own and the main image was created with Canva

I invite @ngoenyi @goodybest and @shiftitamannato to participate in this contest

Thank you to @max-pro @rosselena @waqarahmadshah @sduttaskitchen who invited me.

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Anda benar penyakit kanker adalah penyakit yang sangat serius, maka oleh sebab itu kita harus selalu mewaspadai yang nama nya penyakit kanker dan selalu memberi himbauan kepada masyarakat agar selalu waspada dalam mengonsumsi makanan, terkadang dari makanan yang kita konsumsi akan memicu pertumbuhan penyakit kanker, dan saya rasa tanggal 4 Februari diperingati sebagai Hari Kanker Sedunia, itu merupakan langkah yang baik dalam mencegah terjadi nya kanker.

Artikel yang sangat bermanfaat untuk di baca.☺☺😊😊😊🤗


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Curated by : @jyotithelight

 2 months ago 

Thank you for the visit and your comment.
Cancer is not something that is going to disappear overnight, but I must tell you that the medical profession is slowly but surely making progress.
They might not be able to stop it, but they will soon have medicine that will stop it from growing.
Fingers crossed! 🤞🏻

Saludos amiga es injusto que se le niegue la posibilidad de vivir a una persona por no poder pagar un seguro médico pero así es este mundo y por esa causa han muerto muchas personas por no disponer del dinero y terminan en un hospital público esperando o haciendo cola para recibir el tratamiento oncólogo para combatir esta terrible enfermedad
Me quito el sombrero ante usted por ser una guerrera que le ganó la batalla al cáncer pero aunque son pocas las que lo han logrado todas son inspiradoras para aquellas personas que lo padecen y que así como usted lo logro ellos también podrán
Si duda que el mundo sería mejor si está enfermedad no existiera

 2 months ago 

It warmed my heart earlier this morning when I read that you agree with me and that cancer must be wiped out.
Reading your comment now makes me want to make a poster and march all the way to Parliament shouting "Rree cancer."

Unfortunately, I doubt very much if it will help.

Thanks for the visit! 🎕


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Curated by : @mvchacin

 2 months ago 

The injustice of being denied treatment due to lack of funds is unconscionable. I think you're absolutely right that this is an area governments and healthcare systems have failed miserably, and reforms are desperately needed. On a more positive note, I'm incredibly inspired by your resilience and determination as a cancer survivor. You've endured so much, but your spirit remains unbroken.

 2 months ago 

Best of all, our president signed the National Health Insurance (NHI) bill on Wednesday. No more private hospitals or medical aid funds while he is all too aware of the state that our government hospitals are in. Babies that are kept in boxes instead of baby cribs, mom's giving birth on the floor, government not paying contractors and therefore no longer food for patients, and the list goes on. It makes me red under the collar.
At least I know they will have to fight a few court battles before it gets implemented.

As for C, thank you! It is part of me, and I had to accept it.
Often, we need these things in life to make us stronger. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.

 2 months ago 

Bienvenido a la 17 ava edición de Steemit Engagement Challenge, especialmente en el desafío auspiciado por nuestra comunidad Scouts y sus Amigos.

El cáncer es una enfermedad mortal, lamento lo que le pasó a su tía, fue muy fuerte al aguantar. Usted salió victoriosa y libre del cáncer, yo también sufro mucho al ver a las personas con esta enfermedad tan complicada y costosa, la verdad que el mundo sería mucho mejor sin enfermedades.

Le deseo mucho éxito en su entrada.

Le recomendamos compartir su publicación en X (Twitter) y apoyar el resto de las participaciones.

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Fecha de verificación16/05/2024
Verificado por@damisvilladiego

La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.

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 2 months ago 

Thank you for the kind verification. 🎕

Till now one of the things that still bother me is the fact that why will till today people are not yet still been able to find cure to cancer

 2 months ago 

I read a lot of cancer articles, and my son is also a surgeon, so I can tell you that they are making progress, especially with the treatment of cancer.
Hopefully, we are in for a good surprise one of these days.

dear you have shared a very long and detailed post that we can learn very information about disease. Through this post, you can Aware us about this disease. And the family was looking so nuce with teir grandchildren with great happiness.

The impact of cancer is truly devastating, and it's a harsh reality that so many people suffer and lose loved ones to this disease

You are right that many people lose their loved ones due to the reason of this disease. And I personally lost many close relativeddue to this disease. Well happy to see that you want to eradicate this disease

 2 months ago 

Thank you for the visit and the comment.
As for cancer, there are indeed many families in the world mourning the loss of a loved one.

Fingers crossed that a solution will be found one day. 🤞🏻


Hola amiga @patjewell un gusto leer su presentación, de acuerdo con Ud con la intención de ayudar a la humanidad al desear desaparecer el Cáncer, es una enfermedad maligna, las células comienzan a multiplicarse formando tumores, es realmente feroz esta enfermedad ¡le tengo pavor!, los científicos han trabajado y aún lo hacer para erradicarla, no lo han logrado y a nivel mundial, mueren adultos, jóvenes, niños con sus flagelo los envuelve y los aniquila.

Dios nos ayude a controlar, por lo menos
o a seguir creando conciencia con ese eslogan que tienen El cáncer es curable si se diagnostica a tiempo y usted es un ejemplo fidedigno de esa verdad.

Saludos cordiales y más exitos👏👏👏

 2 months ago 

You know, you are right. It all boils down to that: if you think something is not right, go and see a doctor.
So often we don't do it due to finances, time, or even because we are too scared. It is so wrong. Go see your doctor, and there will be fewer tears later on.

Thank you for your visit and the beautiful comment!

 2 months ago 

Realmente el cáncer es una enfermedad maligna que actualmente es la segunda causa de mas muertes en el mundo. Y es que son millones de personas las que se encuentran batallando por continuar viviendo y está lucha implica una gran inversión económica para poder costear los tratamientos que son muy costoso y complejos.

 2 months ago 

Cancer is indeed a struggle.
All that we can do it so continue hoping and praying that soon there will be a solution for it.

Thank you for the visit! 🎕

 2 months ago 

Están triste saber como el gobierno usa parte del dinero que debería tomar para erradicar o proteger de a las personas de alguna enfermedad.

En cosas que no tienen ninguna importancia para la sociedad. Algo así vivimos aquí en nuestro país Venezuela hace unos días, donde el gobierno utilizó una cantidad de dinero para exhibir unos juegos artificiales.

Dónde existen numerosas personas necesitadas de recibir un tratamiento en los hospitales, los cuales no pueden costear por sus propios medios, además que es algo que debería ser gratuito.

 2 months ago 

Oh gosh! It sounds like a never-ending story for our two countries.
Our government hospitals are in a terrible state. So much so that some don't even have food for their patients as the government is not paying the suppliers, and they stopped their services.

Thank you for the visit and the engagement.

I am quite so sure that very soon, the world of humanity will get the cure of cancer they have actually been looking for . I believe the medical researcher are continually doing a great job in that aspect

 2 months ago 

I think it will take a long time before they find a cure, but what I do know is that they are making progress with the treatment. For instance, with breast cancer, there is now an option whereby the treatment can be implanted into the breast. It will be wonderful if it is approved.

Thank you for the visit and the comment! 🎕

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