SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country "


"People who are homeless are not social inadequate"...

Are there homeless people in your country?

Nigeria is perceived to have the largest homeless population in the world due to numerous reasons. Among the various cities in my country, we have homeless people scattered around. They move from one street to another per day, and they sleep anywhere they feel comfortable.

Nigeria's homeless population is estimated at about 24 million and ranks as the highest in Africa. We have about 36 states in Nigeria, and each state records a homeless situation. In my state, we have thousands of them roaming the streets every day.

Most of these homeless people are from different states in my country. Most of them left their state or city for another city, but because they couldn't afford house rent, they wanted to manage the street to start life.

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless and without a family?


There are numerous reasons why Nigeria is recorded as the most homeless country in the world. Reasons like displacement through natural disasters like flooding, terrorism, such as Boko Haram, and forceful evictions by governments, among others,.

If you are updated with Nigeria's happenings, you will know that the problem of insecurity has been the major problem people face daily. How can someone be comfortable in a place where they always run for their lives? Most of them would run and never return; that way, they would possess the streets as their home. These terrorists have rendered 2 million Nigerians homeless, especially in northern Nigeria.

The government, on the other hand, would come forcefully to evict people from their homes in the name of wanting to expand the federal roads or remove improper structures without compensation to these individuals. It has been recorded that 1 million Nigerians have lost their homes to forced eviction.

Flooding, on the other hand, could be so dangerous. I have seen a family that was rendered homeless due to the flood. They kept managing this flood until one day they couldn't because it kept getting worse. Once this flood starts, it will cover up the properties in the house until they leave the house. Flooding has rendered 300,000 Nigerians homeless.

Has the government tried or try to create decent shelters to help these people?


Despite the government's claim to housing, the problem of homelessness in Nigeria remains unsolved. We still have millions of homeless people on the streets due to the problem of Boko Haram in the country.

As far as I know, the government has done nothing to help these individuals; instead, they case them around because they are occupying a particular space within the neighborhood. It looks as though these homeless people are not in any way the government's business.

Well, if they don't care about the insecurity in the country, how would they care about the homeless? I am sure the government does not regard the citizens. Imagine Nigeria recording the highest number of homeless people in the world; that is hilarious.

If the government had tried, the homeless within my neighborhood would have been given a home, and I am surprised at how these people increase daily, all on the street.

What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?


Provide a decent shelter: If the government would provide a decent shelter where all these homeless are kept safe. There is nothing like having a roof over one's head. It is the greatest joy for everyone.

An apartment could be built on one of these government-owned properties and then packed with all these homeless and placed in a room for each family. Something nice could be constructed.

Encourage them to live their lives: The government could place support on some of them who are interested in handwork or business. They could generate some funds to help them start a better life. Once they start living well, they will no longer become homeless but instead will help others become better.

I think with these, the number of homeless people would reduce in the country!

I invite @vishwara @jaynie @suahela



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As a Nigerian you have expressed homelessness ratio in your country that how much people are living without homes which is one of the most significant necessity of everyone and you have also explain some of the causes which is most commonly poverty and some of the natural disasters like floods and earthquake etc

I can just pray for Nigeria that may their people come out of this situation

Greetings to you @ninapenda.

Going through your post was one of the best things done by me this evening.

People who are homeless are not social inadequate"...

No body can understand esteem this word, lt is 100% accurate.

Nigeria is among one of those country who have homeless people, most of them are because of unforseen accordance, natural disasters and lot more.

Boko Haram has actually caused alot of problems to nigeria, there by increasing the number of homeless people, human government will never solve our problems, we have hope on our almighty. They are busy caring for their generation only.

Your proposal is on top notch, l you success in this contests.

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 5 months ago 

Saludos @ninapenda.

Wow, no sabia que justamente Nigeria era el país con mayor población sin hogar, esto es realmente triste que exista tanta pobreza y que sea un problema que en vez de disminuir con el tiempo, lo que hace es agudizarse mas.

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 5 months ago 
Hola amiga, Es un gusto saludarte. Es lamentable que en Nigeria vivan muchas personas sin hogar desplazándose cada día de un lugar a otro, sin acceso a las necesidades básicas como la educación, alimentos, agua, vestimenta, entre otros.

Son muchas las razones que están detrás de esta situación como la economía del país que genera mucha pobreza, los desastres naturales o las las problemáticas familiares, las adicciones, las enfermedades mentales, entre muchas otras.

Ciertamente, el gobierno de cada país debería ocuparse de esta problemática social y apoyar a los ciudadanos para que puedan cambiar su realidad de forma favorable.

Saludos y bendiciones.

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