SEC - S8W3: What is your favorite children's story and why?steemCreated with Sketch.

Good day once again to everyone, my name is oluwatimileyin and I welcome you to the season 8 of the engagement challenge.

I welcome you to my participation in the week 3 Engagement contest with the title: What is your favorite children's story and why?

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  • What is your favorite children's story, why?

The Children's story that is my favorite is the The Lion and the Mouse, this story is common in my country Nigeria while growing up, i learn some great life experience from this story while growing , read with me.

The Lion and the Mouse

The beginning of this story started with a big lion taking a nap in the jungle, While the lion was sleeping, a little mouse runs through his nose and this disturbance wakes the lion up. The lion become angry for being disturbed and grab the mouse with his paws.

The mouse become sacred, and beg the lion to spare him, the mouse made a promise to repay the lion with kindness one day if he will let him go.

The lion consider this offer, and let the mouse go. The lion was already making joke of the mouse thinking that how could a little creature like that help him or save him.

So, later in the future, there was a situation that occur where the lion was trapped in a hunter's trap. This lion struggles to get himself free, but the more he struggles with the trap, the tighter the trap becomes. The lion begin to roar in frustration, and asking for help.

Luckily for him, it was the little mouse that he had spared that day that heard his cry and come to his aid. The mouse then realize immediately that this is his chance to repay the lion's kindness he had promised that day , and the mouse begin to eat the rope the lion was trapped in.

While this takes the mouse a while to chew through the thick ropes of the trap , he was finally able to free the lion from the Huntes trap, The lion was then surprised that how could a small mouse help him in this way, and he then thanks the mouse for his kindness.

Story Lesson: - What this story teaches is that showing kindness is always important as we don't know when we too will be in need of the same favour we had shown, even when the people we show the kindness too are more powerful than us.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them.

This has been a long time ago, but the ones I can remember are :

  • The Lion and the Mouse : Which was about a small mouse that came to the aid of Lion when he was in need of help, despite that the lion already underestimate the mouth thinking what possible help will he need from the small mouse.

  • The Elephant's Child: The Elephant's was a story about an elephant who was born with a long trunk, but doesn't know what he's supposed to do with it, so instead, this Elephant went on a journey to find out about his mystery, and along his journey he met several animals who gave him the knowledge about who he his .

If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

When the future comes and I have my children, I will definitely tell them about my favorite childhood story The Lion and the Mouse, this story contains lots of lesson to be learned.

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The story teaches not to underate people no matter who they are or where they come from, it teaches to always appreciate people's kindness and this is the kind of logical example I would like to lay down for my children.

I have narrated this same Story to my younger siblings as well on a several occasions, the story encompasses lots of life lessons, and this is the same knowledge I will like to pass through to them also.

Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

No, I am yet to create a children's story, I am more of some who likes to read poet and story than to like them.

I find them fascinating thou, and writing children's story is another way of contributing to the uprising in a better way, maybe when a future come, I might be oblige to write a children's story, thank You .


The lion and the mouse is a common childhood story that encompasses a lots of lesson to be learned, the story teaches us on how to passionate towards other, and also teaches us to show kindness.

Showing kindness to others is important as you don't know when you likely will be in need of that same gesture, in the story, the lion had underestimated the moise because of his size , but at the end during his time of need, it was the same mouse that came to his aid and save him from the hunters trap. I would use this moment to invite @jasminemary, @Lhorgic, and @jueco to participate in this contest.

 last year 

Saludos @negro-bby.

El león y el ratón es una historia que es muy grafica para los niños, al leerlo o escuchar atrae su interes de inmediato, logrando que su imaginacion se desarrolle y al final que puedan tener una bonita enseñanza en la cual se refuerza la importancia de ser bondadosos y saber ser agradecido y actuar de buena forma ya que esto en algún momento se nos devolverá.

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Thanks for the reviewing mam, I'm glad you share the same insight as me concerning the Story.


Has seleccionado un gran cuento, esa historia deja ver lo importante que es la empatía que debe haber entre los seres humanos, que aunque nos sintamos superiores a otros, todos somos iguales y que el algún momento necesitaremos el uno del otro. Genial historia con mucha enseñanza.

Los cuentos enseñan mucho pero también nos permiten descubrír nuestra capacidad de imaginación y Creatividad, quizas te animas a escribir y te sale una gran historia.

Buena suerte en el concurso.

Thanks very much, I'm glad you were able to see the moral outcome of the story, always be willing to help even though the other person is more powerful than you are .

This is a nice post you have written my friend, it is interesting to know you still remembered some of this stories.

Thank you for sharing ♥️

 last year 

El león y el ratón es un lindo cuento, una gran moraleja que el tamaño no importa cuando se impone la fuerza del corazón. me gusto leerte, éxito en tu linda entrada.

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