SEC - S8W4: It all ends with deathsteemCreated with Sketch.

Do you believe in life after death?

Every soul will surely taste death, that's the sound of one of the verses from the holy book of my religion. I believe that there is another dimension after death. That dimension is very different from the life of the world today. About how the shape of these dimensions only God knows. Such is our belief.



Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

When death has arrived, a person does not miss even one second from the time of death. The angel of death is ready with his task. We cannot avoid death, because it is a decree from God. And we do not have the strength to refuse it.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Everyone must have been sick. There is not a single human being in this world who has never been sick. When I was child, I was lazy to eat on time. Until one day, I was sentenced to have stomach acid. I'm so weak. Whatever I eat comes back. I feel it is the end of my life.



From that incident, until now, I no longer dare to leave breakfast. I also eat on time. Even though sometimes I don't have time to eat on time, I always prepare bread or bananas in the fridge as a stomach ache. This habit made me completely healed. And I'm grateful for that.

How do you want to be remembered
after death?

An elephant dies leaving its tusks, a tiger dies leaving its stripes behind, what do we leave behind when we die? That's a sentence that I often hear from my teacher when motivating us to become great figures in the future. At that time, I did not know what to answer other than being a good person.



If I die, I want to be remembered as someone who was a generous and virtuous writer. A row of books by me lined up on the bookstore shelf. I want to be remembered as a writer. Because the author only dies in her body, but not with her thoughts.

Thus my participation post for the SEC - S8W4: It all ends with death? I invite @ashkhan, @graceleon, and @inspiracion to participate in this contest. Thanks to Steemian friends and the Steemit Team who always support me. I appreciate it.

 2 years ago 

I agree with your point of view that if the point of end has arrived there is no way one can challenge it. I can tell you with my own experience that I met three serious accidents in one day but because I was not destined to go came out unscratched.

Thanks for reading my post and support

 2 years ago 

Saludos mi linda amiga espero estés bien, excelente participación, estoy de acuerdo contigo yo también pienso que sí hay vida después de la muerte, pienso que al llegar al cielo que me lo imagino como un paraíso hermoso nos vamos a reencontrar con seres queridos que an partido antes que nosotros, no debemos tener miedo de la muerte porque tarde o temprano nos va a pasar lo importante es disfrutar cada día que Dios nos regala como si fuera el último, un abrazo para ti 🤗🥰

Thank for stopping by on my post dear

 2 years ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo en que, hay vida después de la muerte. Soy consciente que no será igual como la que estamos teniendo en este mundo pero, si tenemos una nueva modalidad de vivir en el paraíso celestial.

En esa otra vida, nos reencontraremos con los que ya se fueron y creo esto porque, estoy segura que las cosas no se quedan en la nada y lo que muere es nuestro cuerpo... Más no el espíritu.

Un fuerte abrazo amiga💚

Thanks for reading my post and support dear

You are right, we cannot miss death. When it comes knocking, we must answer. But it is how we made people feel when alive that they will remember us by.

 2 years ago 

It is a beautiful life purpose to be remembered as a famous writer. The true aspirations to see your dreams come true are the ones that make you live fully until you achieve them. That must be our focus to give meaning to our existence. Best regards, have a happy day.

Thanks for reading my post and support

 2 years ago 

The thought of death can be daunting, but it is important to remember that it is simply a part of the cycle of life. We must cherish the time we have and make the most of every moment. Although you have kept your article short, you have still explained the topic in a very composed and beautiful manner. I wish you luck in the contest! 😊

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