SEC - S10W1 |"My most significant achievement"

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Edit by Canva

In living a normal life, every individual wants something very special, of course all of that is not easy to get, full of struggle and struggle. Before going further I tried to invite some steemians @walictd, @f2i5, @ridwant and @suboohi to join the challenge "[ESP-ENG] SEC - S10W1 | "Mi logro más significativo" / "My most significant achievement".

What have been your achievements so far (sports, social, academic, work, personal, etc.).


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I try to share about my achievements, especially in the world of work that I am currently living. The world of work that demands professionalism is a job that I have been doing since I graduated from teacher education school.

Furthermore, I began a career in government which was placed in an elementary school in the interior. From being a teacher to now being a principal is a very special achievement for me. This is a career path that is in accordance with the profession I am living. Becoming a teacher who worked as a civil servant and now becoming a principal was unexpected for me. It was like dreaming that I would become a principal in the area where I currently live.

What has been the most significant? How hard was it for you to achieve it?


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To become a teacher, of course, you have to pass a test held by those who have the task of recruiting teachers who have better potential. And of course there were many who took the test with fewer recipient formations. With determination I tried to achieve it, learning from the previous test that we don't need to care about other people when taking the test. From previous experience I tried to be more serious in taking the test to become a teacher who was placed in the interior. With a security situation that does not guarantee to be able to carry out the task well.

Being a teacher was a very special thing, especially as a civil servant at the time. So special is being a teacher, that there is very tight competition. And the challenge is so great when becoming a principal that it feels very special at that time. Moreover, the rivals were the teachers with the best achievements in the district where we lived.

To achieve both of these things there were many challenges that I had to pass, very strict examinations and competitors with a better level of intelligence and even their achievements were not in doubt. Because in general, rivals to become a leader were trainees when I was a facilitator. And their abilities were above average. It was difficult, but I tried to keep up with the results and became one of the 200 people who took the test to become a school principal.

What has been the one you have had the hardest time reaching and why?


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The difficulties I faced when taking the test to become a principal with tricky questions so that I had to act very carefully in answering the questions and when the interview took place with two examiners who always asked questions that made me feel a little tension.

And when the training lasted for three months, which was certainly the most difficult period in building a career to become a principal. The assignments were numerous and I was also responsible for other participants' assignments. Which sometimes made me feel a huge challenge and it was so difficult when collecting the assignments that had to be sent online. Not to mention my duties as a vice-principal, treasurer and operator in the school where I was assigned with all the consequences that became the most difficult challenge.

What is your next goal to achieve?

After becoming a principal, I want the school I lead to be better and of course the teachers will also try to be able to master the skills in delivering and guiding students to better master what is conveyed to them.

Strive for a better quality of education by continuing to encourage them to want to work and strive to be better. That way the quality of education in the school that I lead will be better.

Thanks to all steemit friends who have stopped by my post. Greetings @muzack1.


আমাদের দেশে একটি কথা প্রচলিত আছে শিক্ষক মানুষ গড়ার কারিগর শিক্ষা প্রদান করাই একজন শিক্ষকের কাজ নয় সঠিক পথ প্রদর্শন করানো মহৎ কাজ। আপনি আপনার এই শিক্ষকতাকে অধ্যক্ষের পৌঁছে নিতে পেরেছেন এটি আপনার জন্য একটি বড় এচিভমেন্ট। আপনার এই উন্নত হওয়ার পিছনে আপনার চেতনা এবং কঠোর পরিশ্রম জড়িয়ে রয়েছে আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল.

Whatever we do is to provide something useful in the future, thank you for the support

 last year 

El alcanzar metas y objetivos dependerá básicamente de nosotros mismos de nuestros esfuerzos y trabajo duro. Pero a pesar de la adversidad todo es posible.

Ser maestro es una ardua pero muy gratificante labor.

Espero que se cumpla sus metas futuras. Éxitos y bendiciones.

Each individual will certainly benefit others, whatever work is done. Thank you for your support and visit

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