Contest:Life Lessons

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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Hello amazing Steemians over there, how are you all doing?, It's such a good day to be alive. Today, I will be talking about one of the life lessons I have learnt in little stay yet in life, so permit me to take you through this contest while sharing with you one out of many experiences that has fixed my life and panel beat me to the man I am now today.

What Have Been The Greatest Life Lessons You Have Received? Who Did You Received It From?

Shot With Gionee F6L

In my little stay yet on earth, I have experienced alot but then, there is one that really shaped me and mended me to the person I am today. It all happened when I left my family compound and decided to make something out of my life, then I decided to work in a supermarket as a cashier, this was a reputable supermarket filled with learned and graduates.

I started working there for like 3 months and believe me, I was so hardworking, sometimes I will be the one to clean the store all alone while the other workers will be outside, I never wanted that to bother me, I kept doing it without expecting any reward from anyone. On the 6th month, the manager was to be transferred to the headquarters and the board choosed me to take over as the manager.

I felt undeserving because, I was just a newbie there, alot of people more learned and experienced than me were there, so I reached out to the CEO, he told me he has been watching me with the CCTV cameras and has been seeing how devoted I was to attending to customers and keeping the shop near. This was one of the most emotional day for me, I took over as a manager and my salary went from #20,000 Nigerian Naira which is about 125 STEEM to #65000 Nigerian Naira that is about 375 STEEM, this was the beginning of my financial freedom.

This experience made me see life differently, sometimes, we might feel our good deeds are wasted because we are not rewarded instantly forgetting the fact that every action has a corresponding reaction. He told me to remain humble while taking on my new tax, I wished I had more time to still work with him, he is such a silent action taker.

How Did The Experience Help You Improve Your Life?


Firstly, being in a position that you have to coordinate activities of both your junior and seniors, great intellects was where I saw myself. My ability to relate with people irrespective of academic, family or religious background was elevated. I was able to interact with each of them depending on how well they understood life from their perspective.

Secondly, my financial freedom started there, I was able to pay my house rent from my first month salary, I left my sister's apartment and got a new place to stay, I started investing in crypto currencies, the money was huge, that was when I decided to get everything I needed pending on what the money could afford.

Also, this present job I am handling was given to me by the former manager of the supermarket, I was able to network with people that really matters and as well as being able to gain contract jobs like auditing and stock taking as an added advantage.

Have You Shared This Teaching With Others? In What Way?


Yes, I have shared this with countless people. I could remember when I left the place and I happened to meet a certain boy who has been giving the parents headache because of his constant fighting and carelessness, I was opportune to seat with him, I told him about the repercussions of engaging oneself in social vices, he even opened up to me about how he has not been able to keep a steady job because of his angered character, I shared my experience and he promised to change which I as well believe he has because, the mum has not called to complain of such again.

Secondly, I shared with my junior brother when was newly employed, I told him how I rose to the position of a manager even in the midst of my elders. This has always been ringing in his mind that every now and then he will be calling me to appreciated me for that piece of advice.

What Is Your Opinion Of The Following Phrase?: "You Can Enjoy The Good Times And You Learn From The Bad Ones"

To my very best understanding, I think the phrase is saying even though there is always a good time at some point in our lives to merry with, the bad times also will certainly come, but then it doesn't come to break us but for us to learn from it.

Bad times are says for lessons, this is the only period we can get to learn probably from our mistakes or for the future. Either ways, bad days teach us lessons so when the good days come, we will utilize it.

I invite @etette, @wirngo and @panamaprecious to participate in this contest if they are yet to do so.

Thanks for reading

 last year 

Su esfuerzo y responsabilidad lo premió, con un ascenso, para luego servir de ejemplo para otros conocidos, además de mejor su calidad de vida.
Los errores no permiten, medir la capacidad de hacer las cosas mejores.
Saludos y mucho éxito en el concurso.

Greetings friend, what a good undertaking you made and being able to pay for your apartment, as the saying goes, the one who perseveres reaches and you did it.

I wish you a happy afternoon and luck.

Thank you so very much for this encouraging comment, I really do appreciate.

Thank you so very much for this encouraging comment, I really do appreciate.

Hi @megareigns, I loved your experience, I wish we all could have that attitude in our jobs, studies and even at home.

We must give the best of us, without expecting anything in return, life is responsible for rewarding good deeds.

Good luck in the contest. Regards.

Thank you so much for this.
I really appreciate your comment.

 last year 

Su publicación ha sido seleccionada para el soporte de cuentas en auge..gif

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Hola amigo excelente lección de vida, tu humildad y desempeño te llevo a lo más alto de ese trabajo 👏🏻👏🏻 eso habla muy bien de ti, que bueno que los transmitas a otros para que así se motiven a lograr sus sueños y crean en ellos así como tú lo hiciste y lograste .
Saludos y bendiciones ✨

 11 months ago 

Siempre debemos poner empeño en todo lo que hacemos, no importa que los demás a nuestro alrededor hagan las cosas de otra manera, siempre hay que estar enfocado en lo que se quiere, y dar lo mejor de sí.

Esta actitud te trajo un gran ascenso en tu trabajo, y es una actitud que has decidido promover en otros.

¡Gracias por compartirnos su lección de vida!

Participante #3.

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