SEC - S8W3. "What is your favorite children's story and why?".steemCreated with Sketch.



Hello people! I'm happy to be a part of another week of this wonderful challenge. So far, it's been a roller coaster of experiences which I am grateful for. Today's topic is particularly special to me, because it touches on a large part of my childhood that unwraps an arsenal of nostalgic memories I hold so dearly.

What is your favorite children's story, why? - Have children's stories taught you anything, marked you or influenced you in your life?

For as long as I can remember, Little Red Riding Hood is my greatest of all time children's story. There are many others but this one specially stands out. It was everything for me and I can still remember the euphoria I felt the first time my sister read it to me. What was more? She was( I don't know if she still is) a very dramatic story teller. She always brought life to her stories so much it'd make you think they really happened for real.



Nonetheless, stories were a huge part of my childhood and thinking about it now, I earnestly think that was where my love and present skill for writing stories sprang up from.

Little Red Riding Hood is easily my favorite kid story because I could relate to little Robin. While growing up, I really loved to bake and was also emotionally attached to my Grandma. I could relate because that story's plot could have been mine( except the part where she got eaten by an animal) lol. I loved to bake, and if not that my grandma lived miles and kilometers away from the family house, that story plot could have easily been mine.

And for the question of if children's stories have taught me anything or influenced me? I think I have answered that. Firstly my taking up writing as a profession today is greatly influenced by the volume of children's story I read as a kid. And given that I have always been a thinker, I'd read a particular story like Little Robin and ask why the author has to be so cruel as to end a particular story a particular way, hoping to meet them in person someday. Just like the instance of Little Robin's story, I can still remember the emotional breakdown I went through for weeks as a child just because Robin ended up dying in a gruesome manner.

How many children's stories do you remember reading? make a list, enumerate them

Like I said, they are countless. I have read many of them. Most of which I cannot remember their titles, but let me rack my brain for some.


1.Little Red Riding Hood

2.Robin Hood( can easily be mistaken for the first)

3.A great deal of Tortoise stories. There's; 'All Of You', ' Tortoise and the talking drum, Tortoise and the king's daughter, Tortoise and the porridge yam, Tortoise and the hare, Tortoise and the Akidi. There are a lot.

2.Hansel and Gretel

3.Chike and the river

4.Ralia the sugar girl( my second favorite)

5.The drummer boy

6.Samankwe and the highway robbers

And others….

If you have children or younger siblings, have you told them a children's story, which one and why?

I only have one younger sister. And to an extent, I think she enjoyed the luxury of hearing me read stories to her. Most of the children's stories I told her were mostly non-fiction though. Stories about my experiences with other people with little exaggerations here and there. Why? I told them to her because she asked for them. Just like myself, she was a great lover of stories as a kid.

Have you created a children's story? Tell us about it.

In my head, yes. Many. On prints? No, not yet. But I really hope to inspire lots of children through stories as an adult someday, when I have the resources and have gotten enough push for it.


Going down memory's lane,I now also think my love for alliterative sentences sprang from my favorite children's story. Little Red Riding Hood. On a general note, I'd like to give a shout out to parents/guardians/ older siblings who take out every little of their time to read literature texts to their kids. Reading kids stories to kids has never been a waste.

This is my second submission for the engagement challenge this week, and I'd like to ask @crismenia @ikwal and @goodybest to take part with me.


I really like the Robin Hut story, even though it's not from my country but I often watch it on tv. He is a phenomenal figure and a real legend. Success for you.
I already participated in this contest, if you have time please visit 🙏😊

Yeah...Robin hut is a wonderful story, they even made a cartoon for it. I remember watching it the last time I visited my cousin.

Thank you for stopping by


A briefing post found today in engagement challenge. The little red ridding hood is now second or third time I am seeing. Maybe will give it a read. Also you added fresh list of stories to your favorite and most of them I haven't read till yet.
Reading stories makes us special and we can yes start writing by ourselves.

 2 years ago 

Todo un clasico inolvidable y de los mas relevantes en el ámbito de los cuentos infantiles, caperucita roja constituye un icono de los mismos. Exito en tu entrada!


Debió ser lindo, crecer junto a tu abuela, esa bella etapa la vida me la prohibió a mi, y aún me duele no haber podido compartir con mi bella abuela, además que afortunado de contar con una experta narradora de cuentos, porque sino le ponen actuación y drama al cuento no es experta je je je je .

Caperucita Roja es un cuento muy hermoso además que nos hace entender que siempre las historias tienen dos versiones.

Excelente entrada . Te deseo muchos éxitos.

Little red riding hood is the name of a story which I have listening this time. I really like the name of the study and also the whole story but I want to read about the story details you have also given very extensive information about it. It is really very very emotional story as you have also told that when you were in your childhood then this story still leaves emotional impacts on your personality.

Stories that you have told in the next portion in which you have told about 5 to 6 stories I don't know about these stories but the name of these all stories are really very interesting and I develop my interest to read these stories so when I found free time from studies then I will read them.

Thank you so much for sharing your information with us.

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