SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country "

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago

It is quite a pity to always see that there is massive rise in the rate of homeless people around the country because that is another form to show that there is bad governance and which our leaders need to do more. I am always moved with compassion whenever I see people homeless on the street without a shelter because I know some of them, it is not their desire to be homeless

Today I will be Sharon my own view and perspective about homeless people in my country and not only that but also what I feel my country can do to help homeless people in the society. So stay tuned as you follow me along.

Are there homeless people in your country?


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A perfect yes is the answer to this question. There are homeless people in my country Nigeria and not only that but they are really much. One of the things I have actually come to discover is the fact that they are very much more in the town much more than the cities and that helps to curb them.

Not only that but also I have also come to discover that the ratio of people in the homeless people are of children much more than the adult and some of them been found in that situation due to a whole lot of reasons beyond what they can ever imagine of actually.

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless and without a family?

Like I said, there is a whole lot of reason that made those people to be on the streets been homeless. Some of the reason ranges from death. Yes some of them that are found on the streets is actually because they lost their families which might be their dad or their mom.

Some might be because things are really hard in the family financially so they have no other reason but to get outside and hustle for their work and to change their world. Another reason I have come to discover which affects some of them is the fact that some of their houses might have been destroyed so leaving them without a shelter to stay under and at the end of the day, they really tend to suffer for it.

Has the government tried to try or create decent shelters to help these people?


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Yes I will say to an extent in my country, the government are trying their possible best in creating decent shelters for those homeless people but just that my major concern is the fact that it is only done in the cities and not found in the town.

So I will say government can still do much more better than that which they are doing right now.

What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?

I think one of the major thing I will recommend is the fact that public enlightment programs should be done for those that are first homeless so that their orientation can be changed.

Not only that but I strongly believe also that government should build more shelter and houses to help them to have a home. And finally I belong if everyone of us can render helping hand to those in hand, it will really go a long way.

I invite @lovelystar , @shahid2030 and @maryamnadeem to participate in this contest.

Who is Mandate?

Mandate is by name Adeniji Adeshina, a student of Civil and Environmental Engineering from Kwara State University. I hail from Mopamuro Kogi state Nigeria


I am a lover of all genre which I always love to explore including Photography, Finances, Mind, Spirituality, writing, and many more as far as knowledge dwells into.

I am welcome to all, interested in many and friends with all available.

Once again I am Adeniji Adeshina @mandate by username

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When you ask the people living on the street why they are homeless, you will get so many different reasons and the major reason is poverty. I so much wish the government will look into this by increasing the minimum wages of workers, make foodstuffs and other necessities of life affordable for everyone and give financial assistance to those who want to start a business on their own and also create more jobs/ job opportunities for others. If all these solutions are put in place by the government, I guess many homeless people will leave the streets.

I really wish the government can look into it actually. A whole lot of innocent people are suffering


Your report has expressed the problem very well. The number of unemployed and homeless people is increasing in your country. This is really a serious problem. Keeping in mind your proposal and suggestions, it is necessary to consider what action can be taken by the society to help them. Thank you for your useful ideas.

Thank you for this

Your most welcome dear friend

State run administrations at different levels frequently carry out projects and drives to address the requirements of destitute and penniless individuals. These endeavors can include:

  • Shelters: Numerous urban communities and districts give safe houses to destitute people and families. These sanctuaries can offer impermanent lodging, feasts, and other essential necessities.

  • Temporary Housing: Momentary lodging programs assist destitute people and families with moving from crisis asylums to more steady, long haul lodging.

  • Reasonable Lodging Initiatives: States frequently work to build the accessibility of reasonable lodging to assist with forestalling vagrancy.

  • Social Services: Destitute people frequently face difficulties past lodging, for example, psychological well-being or substance misuse issues. State run administrations give admittance to social administrations, guiding, and other help.

  • Vagrancy Prevention: Numerous state run administrations have programs pointed toward forestalling vagrancy by giving help lease or service bills to those in danger of losing their lodging.

  • Associations with Nonprofits: State run administrations frequently join forces with philanthropic associations that represent considerable authority in assisting the destitute with offering extensive help administrations.

  • Work Preparing and Business Programs: A few legislatures extend employment opportunity preparing and work valuable chances to assist destitute people with becoming independent.

The viability of these projects can change contingent upon the locale and the degree of financing and backing accessible. Many spots are constantly attempting to improve and grow their endeavors to all the more likely help the destitute populace.

Best Regards
Maryam Nadeem

Wow thank you so much for your detail explanation

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