SEC - S17W3 - "Let's talk about ponzi Scheme.


We know Ponzi Scheme as Rob Peter to pay Paul. Ponzi Schemes is a fraudulent investment scheme in which early investors are paid with the money collected from new investors. The Organizers often promised higher returns on investment (ROI) with little or no risks. The fraudulants are good with words, they know how to convince people especially the unemployed to invest in a fake company or enterprise. Sometimes, they create an enticing story with a forged documents or paperwork to make it seem like the company is actually a legitimate one to invest in.

Question 1: Have you ever heard about ponzi schemes?

Yes, I have heard about Ponzi schemes in my country Nigeria.

Question 2: Have you been offered to invest on any of these schemes?

Yes, I have been offered to invest in more than 3 different ponzi schemes. At first, I was so naive that I didn't know they were Ponzi schemes. In the year 2015, I had a bitter experience with one ponzi schemes known as Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox ( MMM) which is a popular ponzi scheme in Nigeria as at then. They launched their highest website in Nigeria. They targeted a good number of unemployed people most especially the youths, the house wives, market women who are into cooperative societies, and others. They "initiated "people with an enticing and mouth watering offer of 30% returns (ROI) on investment including other bonuses.

This Ponzi Schemes officials carts away with lots of millions of Naira from Nigerian citizens. In fact, the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Cooperation (NDIC) said that an estimated three million Nigerians lost #18 billion in the MMM Ponzi Scheme.



According to the report, the number of people that signed up by the late 2016 was 2.4 million Nigerians; whose hopes was that MMM will give them easy money. After a year of launching their biggest website in Nigeria, MMM announced the freezing of all members accounts. Reason was systems overload. People started to panic after their accounts were freezed, and the worst happened. A group number of people mostly the unemployed, who considered MMM as their only source of income committed suicide. The house wives who used their children's school fees and house rent to invest on MMM with the hope of getting a huge amount of returns also committed suicide. Many homes were broken because of this. Some workers who borrowed money from individuals, banks and cooperative organizations attempted suicide by jumping in the lagoon and rivers.



Some were rescued while others didn't survive.

As one of the victims of MMM, I lost more than #1 Million Naira.

Question 4: Do you know how to detect ponzi schemes?

Yes, from my previous experiences with Ponzi Scheme, I know how to detect ponzi schemes now, and these are some ways one can detect a ponzi scheme.

  1. Any promises on higher returns on investment ( ROI) with little or no risk.

  2. Any company that is unregistered and unlicensed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

  3. Any company that are secretive to share the full details on how their investments operate.

  4. When the investment company offers an overly consistent returns on investment even when all investments experiences fluctuations all the time but they kept generating high returns consistently regardless of the fluctuating market conditions is a ponzi scheme.

Question 5: Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?

No, I don't think steemit is a ponzi scheme because as a new user on steemit, I haven't been asked to make an initial investment before I become a steemit user.And you are only awarded when you create a unique content.


A ponzi scheme is an illegal investment. I advise that before investing in any investment scheme, one should ask for the company’s financial records to verify whether they are legit and also as an investor, you should always be skeptical of investments that sound too good to be true. Try to investigate by contacting the securities and exchange commission (SEC) of your country asking if they know about that investment company.

I hereby invite my good friends @alexanderpeace, @sbamsoneu and @mandate to join the contest. I will like to read their experiences and opinions on this.


Hi my friend I really enjoy reading your entry, I see you really like steemit, this platform is one of the best and I know you know it's not a scam. Wish you success

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm really passionate about Steemit and believe in its potential. It's awesome to connect with people who shares my enthusiasm. Thank you for you stopping by.

Interesting post you have here. I must say that Ponzi schemes have done more harm than good to many people and all these are in a bid to make ends meet. It’s a pathetic story you told here concerning your experience with MMM. I didn’t invest in MMM then even though some of my friends did. I think it crash when I was about making up my mind to join. Sorry about your loss my dear. I’ve lost money too in some Ponzi schemes and finally decide I was done with any get rich quick scheme again. It better to be safe while working hard than trying to get the money quickly and end up losing the little one you have. I do hope to read from you again. Success

Thank you for stopping by and for your contribution. You know what they said, an experience is the best teacher. I won't make such mistake again investing on any of these ponzi schemes because it always ends in tears. A widow committed suicide 3 years ago when one forex trader duped people and run away with their money. I so much wish the government will look into it.

Greetings dear friend.

Ponzi scheme is a rampant business all round the globe, unknowingly so many people falls victim and cry bitterly. Most of the victims develops high blood pressure, heart attack and some stroke due to the shock.

All thank to steemit platform for being far from Ponzi scheme, here can only earn through patience, hardwork and consistency.

I wish you success in this contest

Ponzi scheme caused lots of mayhem to many families and people. Wish the government will look into it and set a taskforce that will be catching the defaulters and penalizing them by dashing them 10 years imprisonments or more.
Thank you for your contribution.

Mmm Nigeria… the Ponzi scheme that showed Nigerians that there is a difference between 6 and half a dozen… 😊😊

It was just greed that killed so many of us that period..😭😭

It wasn't actually greed for some people though... people are looking for a means to survive the hardship and when they saw a mouth watering offer, they rushed in to invest their money. Who will hear 30% returns in investment and won't rush to it?

Es una inversión ilegal que busca beneficios del dinero de personas que no saben nada de este esquema

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