SEC - S10W2 | My Languages.


Hello friends, welcome to my blog. Am super happy to make an entry into this interesting contest. Not only did I find this topic interesting, I feel it's a way of helping us assess how much we know, understand, communicate and build relationships with people around us.

I will be sharing my two cents on the subject matter, I hope y'all find my entry Interesting. So without taking much of our time, I would like to delve into it. Do sit back relax and enjoy the ride with me.


Language is an effective tool of communication. I don't even want to try to imagine what the world will look like if there was no viable means of communication called language. Language has a unique way of bonding people by default.

Just few months ago I was in a strange land distant from home, I mean up North, in Nigeria. Their language there is totally different from all the languages I have in my archive as an individual. Nigeria is actually a blessed country with hundreds of languages.

It was quite difficult relating with folks there...but guess what, out of the blue, I found someone who could speak my language there, it was like a miracle to me...the long and short was that we bonded immediately because I found someone who understands me perfectly well in a land where I was a stranger...

How many languages do you speak? Which of them are your native languages and which ones have you studied?

I can speak quite a number of languages. I speak English, pidgen English, Ika, Yoruba, Igbo, and a bit of Hausa. From all the languages mentioned here, my native language is called Ika. It's actually one of the languages spoken in Edo state, Nigeria.



Now to the language I studied among them... I actually studied English Language. An average child in Nigeria has to learn how to read and write English as it's part of the curriculum in a typical school in Nigeria. I also had to learn and understand English language right from primary to tertiary institution.

Every other language I have in my list were learnt informally some by exposure and others by personal interest. Igbo and Hausa fall into this category respectively

What methods have you used to learn other languages?

I didn't know I was going to be discussing methods of learning here as I had already giving us a tip on how I learnt. Anyways I would go a little deeper by explaining better.
So I said I learnt these languages informally, by exposure and by personal interest.

Ika language is my mother tongue, although I learnt that very late because my parent would not speak that with us while we were much younger. I was a young teenager when I decide to take the learning serious because I was been ridiculed for not knowing how to speak. Over time, I learnt it to an appreciable extent.

I learnt Hausa language via personal interest. I had always loved this language, that's the reason why I didn't really feel bad when I was posted to the north during my National Youth service (NYSC). It was fun learning as I had no choice than to learn how to speak if I must relate with those in that environment. I've also learnt that language to an appreciable extent.

I learnt Igbo by exposure, I can't speak fluently though but I understand it. Igbo language is a bit similar to our language. I got to understand this language better because the neighbor we live with for over 10 years were Igbo's and they communicated with Igbo all the time even with us that are not Igbo just in a bid to help us speak too and It paid off.

In addition to the ones you already speak, what other language would you like to learn?

I would love to learn French and Spanish. The reason is not far fetched. They seem to be two of the major general languages in the world just like English language.
I did a little of French back then in basic school but I seem not to love it the way I love English language.
Maybe the teacher ruined my interest.



I believe it's not too late to learn these languages. What I think I need now is interest and time to dedicate to this learning. Learning language is not really easy but I believe the presence of interest and determination will help achieve a successful learning.

Another reason why I would love to learn these two languages is because of my blogging activities. It will save me the stress of going through a translator to have an idea of what a user is saying.

How Interesting would it be to read beautiful comment on your blog from friends in diaspora without having to use translator. You can be sure that the original message will be preserved when read and understood directly.

What do you consider to be the most difficult thing about learning another language?

That should be ...having to learn amidst ridicule. I think I have a first hand experience along this line. There were some language I wanted to learn but then I had to be verbarly abused in the name of learning. They would use vulgal abusive words to teach you.
This is really discouraging though but I've always found a way around this and it has always worked.

Another this is having to dedicate a lot of time to the learning process. Sometime you just want to rush thing up and hope that in a couple of months you've understood the nitty gritty of the language. It doesn't work that way because language like every other productive learning takes time.

Learning multiple languages is very good and helpful. Take for example, a platform like steemit has so many user from different countries and regions of the world coupled with their different languages. As far as I know, English is not only the only recognized language here on the blog.

Having to understand English couple with other languages like Spanish, French and other languages spoken in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian, would help you build and healthy relationship on the blog and help you connect easily with other users that are not in your country or region.

It would make steemit a very lovely place and help bridge so many barriers that comes with communication.

Why do you think it is important to master several languages?

Language is viable tool of communication which has the ability to build solid relationships especially in gatherings where we have people from different backgrounds. If we can take out time to appreciate and learn other people's culture and language, we would enjoy the world more and even platforms like steemit with users all over the world.

Let me drop my pen here so I don't make this post unnecessarily long solely for the sake of comprehension. I trust you enjoyed every bit of this entry. So just before I go, I would love to invite my friends @ruthjoe @josepha @drhira to this contest. Gracias!




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 last year 

Oye eres un lingüista bastante nutrido y aún tienes ganas de aprender mucho más que estupendo. Imagino lo difícil que fue comunicarte en el territorio mencionado cuando hablaban un idioma distinto. De ahí radica la importancia de aprender diversos idiomas entre todas las oportunidades que ofrece. Saludos cordiales y éxito en tu entrada.

Gracias dear friend for this beautiful comment on my post. It's much appreciated.

Hello there, dear compendiums ! Thank you for joining me on this instigative trip through my blog. I am thrilled to be sharing in this witching
contest, where we get to explore interesting motifs and enhance our knowledge, understanding, communication, and connections with those around us.

 last year 

Saludos @lhorgic.

Me parece genial que haya tanta diversidad de lenguas en tu país, quizás por eso surgió tu interés de aprender mas idiomas y poder comunicarte con mayor cantidad de personas sin importar en que parte te encuentres.

Es una gran ventaja el poder aprender ingles, me parece excelente que sea parte del plan del estudio, ya que este es uno de los idiomas universales.

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Wow fantástico puedes hablar gran cantidad de idiomas Y eso es realmente muy interesante además que son las raíces culturales de tu país y eso es extraordinario

Poder hablar español es genial, es un idioma fascinante y el francés también me gusta mucho es sofisticado y muy romántica su pronunciación espero que puedas tomar tus clases y ampliar más los idiomas que actualmente hablas

Te deseo buena suerte y éxitos en este concurso

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