SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials"

in Scouts y sus Amigos5 months ago


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Do you believe that extraterrestrials exist?

If I'm talking about my belief, no, even science fiction films that present these kinds of ideas don't really grab me. For me, the idea of aliens remains largely in the realm of imagination. While these stories can be entertaining to watch on screen I never felt a personal connection with the idea of their real existence.

For me, it s more a source of escape and entertainment than a deep conviction. I find it fascinating to see how popular culture explores these ideas but I haven't felt any hard evidence or personal experiences that would make me firmly believe in their existence.


Do you know of anyone who claims to have seen them?

When I was little, it was the everyday story of our childhood. At each stage, a friend would talk to me about it. We often met around a table discussing flying saucers and close encounters. Their stories were so vivid, so filled with wonder and excitement, that I was almost convinced that these aliens really existed. But as I grew up, out of childhood and into adulthood, I began to question the reality of these experiences. The stories that once seemed so true have faded replaced by a feeling of doubt and skepticism.

Now, when I come across videos or online testimonies claiming to have encountered extraterrestrials I remain suspicious. Although these stories can be intriguing, I can't help but wonder if they are simple hoaxes or figments of the imagination. The accessibility of the Internet has amplified the phenomenon of alien encounters but it has also made it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. I prefer to stay on guard and not take these stories literally. For me, tangible and verifiable evidence takes precedence over fantastical stories and questionable testimonies.

What do you think of those who claim that they have always been here and have helped mankind? Give examples.

I think it's madness and my conscience would never accept this kind of story. For example, when I hear claims that extraterrestrial entities have always been present on Earth and influenced the development of our civilization I am rather skeptical. These theories often suggest that extraterrestrials shared their knowledge with ancient civilizations, helping them build monuments and advance in various fields. However, I find it difficult to take these assertions seriously without hard evidence to support them.

Although some people may be passionate about these ideas and view them as hidden truths, I prefer to keep a critical mind and examine the facts objectively. Concrete, verifiable evidence is essential to support such extraordinary claims. Without this, I am inclined to view these accounts as baseless speculation, fueled by imagination and fascination with the unknown.

Will we ever know the truth about this subject?

The truth will never convince everyone, especially those who are convinced they have seen these aliens. This is a complex issue that has long sparked debate and speculation. Personally, I find the idea of discovering the truth about the existence of extraterrestrials to be both captivating and uncertain.


On the one hand, advances in science and technology may one day allow us to unravel the mysteries of the universe and detect signs of extraterrestrial life. Space exploration missions such as searching for habitable planets or listening for possible extraterrestrial signals, could one day provide us with tangible answers to this question.

On the other hand, it is possible that some truths remain hidden forever or that we simply are not able to understand them with our current knowledge. Additionally, everyone's personal beliefs and subjective experiences can influence their perception of reality making it difficult to find consensus on this topic.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @hamzayousafzai, @suboohi, @ngoenyi to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,


Thank you so much for inviting me.. i already posted my entire.. Mashallah you are very hard working person .. i am so proud of you 😘

Thank you my dear!

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 5 months ago 

Hola amigo...a diferencia de ti yo si creo que deben existir los extraterrestres en alguna parte del universo jaja.

En algún momento la ciencia nos sacará de dudas para saber la verdadera realidad.

Fue un placer leerte. Saludos 🤗

Welcome! I agree that the universe is vast and that the possibilities for extraterrestrial life are interesting. It will be great to see what discoveries await us in the future. Greetings and it was a pleasure exchanging ideas with you!

Hola amigo, espero que te vaya muy bien.

Respeto mucho tu decisión, sin embargo yo sí creo que existan.

Y si, en nuestra infancia era muy popular estos temas de los extraterrestres, pero la verdad he visto muchos documentales que habla de ellos y son impactantes.

Un gusto leerte, feliz fin de semana.

Hello! Thank you for sharing your insight. It is true that documentaries can present very compelling cases and definitely make the subject even more fascinating. I hope you have a great weekend as well!

Its hard to believe that they are already with us jn ancient time but some documentaries are presented the same with proof. I understand the proofs are also based on their theories but some time I start believing that they exist.
Thanks for sharing the view and the comments is my view only.

Hi! It's surprising how documentaries can spark our curiosity about ancient aliens, even though the evidence is often speculative. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I guess you must check the ancient alien form History Channel.

Hola Kouba, encantado de leerte otra vez, con respecto al tema, yo si creo que existen, pero no gente verde o rara y sujetos que vengan a cazar a los humanos, yo considero a lo que los creyentes llamamos Dios, un extraterrestre, y si he de creer en la biblia como una referencia historica, pues habla que somos semejantes a ellos, que no son de esta tierra, que nos crearon, y que ademas un buen lote en rebelión con el gobierno instaurado en el sitio de donde provienen fue arrojado a la tierra como castigo.

No creo que sean seres tiernos, puesto vienen segun el escrito de Apocalipsis a una guerra, y no creo que vengan con arcos y flechas, en taparabos, y con alas angelicales y dulces, vienen con todo y su tecnología avanzada que hasta ha creado este mundo, a pelear.

Pero así como yo puedo tener esa teoría pues siempre han salido muchisimas, y muchas creencias al rededor del mundo, que como bien mencionas, espero que antes de dejar de respirar, conozcamos más cosas acerca de esto. Muchas bendiciones y mucho exito hermano, nos estamos leyendo.

Welcome! It's really interesting the way you connect spiritual beliefs to the idea of extraterrestrials, and how you interpret ancient texts as a way to understand our existence and origins. Thank you for sharing your very unique vision! I also hope that we can discover more about these mysteries in the future. Many blessings and success to you as well! We keep reading each other.

 5 months ago 

Por lo general a los testimonios que se encuentran en internet pareciera faltarles algo. Los más escépticos solemos ponerlos en duda. En mi caso no tanto porque no conciba la posibilidad de que haya vida en otros planetas, sino porque hay muchas personas con necesidad de atención que pudieran valerse de este tema.

Sin embargo, en el mundo hay muchos fenómenos que no podemos explicar o para los cuales no estamos preparados, abiertos o dispuestos.

Un cordial saludo

 5 months ago 

Respeto tu opinión respecto al tema, necesitarías pruebas científicas de la existencia de los extraterrestres. Sin embargo, soy de los que cree que el Universo es infinito para el entendimiento del ser humano.

Tal como lo expresas existen muchos secretos que la ciencia está a punto de descubrir y que develará una parte de la verdad palpable. No obstante, lo descubierto hasta ahora nos convierte en un simple polvo cósmico que no sabe nada de sí mismo ni de lo que le rodea, si lo medimos en la inmensidad cósmica.

No se trata sólo de fe o de ciencia, que siguen siendo avasallados por algo desconocido: "El Universo".

Gracias por compartir, saludos y muchos éxitos.

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