SEC-S13W3- "The Law of Attraction "steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigos9 months ago

Hello everyone, I send you a warm welcome to my blog. This week, the Scouts and Friends community invites us to take on their challenge on "The Law of Attraction", a theme which arouses divergent opinions, some considering it controversial, while others firmly believe in it. However, it is precisely this diversity of perspectives that makes this challenge so captivating.


Edited By Photofilter

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Yes, the law of attraction really exists and can be implemented to manifest positive changes in one's life.

The law of attraction is a fascinating and important topic to discuss because it raises many questions and differing opinions. Understanding whether or not it really exists is crucial for those looking to use this approach to improve their lives and achieve their goals. Positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, positive emotion, action and perseverance are indeed essential elements of this philosophy.

It is also important to note that the law of attraction does not guarantee instant success but rather an ongoing process of creating the desired reality. Everyone can interpret and apply it in their own way but the basic idea is that our thoughts and emotions influence our experience of life.

Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not an emphasis on positive thinking, deliberate action and visualization can certainly be beneficial in achieving your goals and improving your overall well-being , it is a philosophy that encourages taking responsibility for one's own life and thoughts.

Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?

The law of attraction is a philosophy that our thoughts and emotions can influence reality and attract what we desire into our lives.

According to this theory, if we think positively and emit positive emotions, we will attract positive experiences, and vice versa. Many authors, speakers and personal development practitioners have promoted this idea in their books and speeches.

Let’s take a concrete example to illustrate this. Suppose a person has a career dream, such as becoming a writer. According to the law of attraction, if this person regularly thinks positively about their writing career, visualizes their success, and works hard to achieve their dream, they will attract opportunities and synchronicities that will bring them closer to their goal.

This could manifest through meeting an editor interested in his work, publishing a best-selling book, or other positive events that help him realize his dream as a writer.

However, it should be noted that the law of attraction does not claim to be a magical method for obtaining everything one desires effortlessly. It also does not guarantee that all desires will come true, as many other factors come into play in achieving our goals.


Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?

When I wrote, I was confused about how words and ideas flowed into my mind. When I opened the computer, I felt mentally depressed, meaning that I did not know what I was going to write - only sometimes - and then the words began to leak out, as if there was a hidden force controlling my fingers, and that same hidden force was pouring out ideas and letters from my mind.

As the words begin to flow out of my mind naturally and effortlessly, I can feel connected to the deepest part of myself. There seems to be a deep connection between my feelings and thoughts and the words that come out on paper or screen. This hidden power allows me to freely and creatively express everything that is on my mind and heart, without any technical obstacles or problems.

Sometimes, this flow that comes through me can be an inspiration to others, and they may find that the words we share touch their hearts and thoughts. It is an inspiring experience that always reminds me of the importance of communication and writing as a way to convey our feelings and thoughts and connect with the world around us in a unique and personal way.

How would you describe a positive person?

First, we must agree that positivity is a purely internal feeling that results in positive actions, and its meaning depends on your view of things and your reaction. If you see the bright side in different life matters, you will find yourself tending to interpret them in a positive way and deal with them accordingly, even the bad things that need to be dealt with. This happens so that the universe remains balanced.


You must look at it positively and accept it as coming from God, who knows better than humans and their interpretations, and try to live with it, because no human being, no matter who he is, can object to its occurrence or avoid it. And if you say: If I had not done such-and-such, then such-and-such would not have happened. You are young. Faith, this will not prevent God's command from happening.

Everything big and small in our lives is written in the book, such as the day of your birth and death, and your objection will only exacerbate your negative feelings, which over time will turn into pessimism about everything, and your horizons will narrow and darkness will descend on everything white in your life.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @chiabertrand, @nahela, @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

 9 months ago 

Hola amigo 👋

La ley de la atracción existe y podemos manifestar tanto cosas buenas como malas, si queremos atraer cosas buenas debemos ser positivos además de trabajar por lograr cada una de nuestras metas.

Fue un placer leerte. Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

Greetings friend, very good publication. I agree with you that the law of attraction exists. If we are positive we can achieve our goals, that is key to it. However, we must also make efforts because nothing comes by magic, as you explain. Blessings and much success!!

Thank you for your kind words! I completely agree with you. The law of attraction is powerful, but it works best when combined with focused effort and determination.

Hey! I am glad that I stopped by to read you post. Your have explained the law of attraction so beautifully, I liked it. And, the best thing is that I got someone who believes in affirmation, I am someone who always keeps talking about affirmation and the power of words. So, happy to see someone who believes in same 🙈

Lots of happiness and success to you💛

Thanks for your comment! Really it's nice to find someone who shares a belief in the power of affirmations and positive words.

hola @kouba01, opino igual a ti,
tengo mucha excepticidad con este tema ya que no creo del todo lo que la gente dice acerca de la atración;

ley de la atracción no pretende ser un método mágico para obtener todo lo que uno desea sin esfuerzo. Tampoco garantiza que todos los deseos se hagan realidad, ya que muchos otros factores entran en juego para alcanzar nuestras metas.

es mucho lo que podemos decir pero solo Dios contrla los tiempos y las sazones de la vida.

Es cierto que no es un método mágico y que hay muchos factores en juego en la vida. Las creencias religiosas también son importantes.

@kouba01 the law of attraction can serve as a powerful tool in cultivating a positive mindset and manifesting one's goals. Focusing on positive thinking and taking deliberate actions can truly pave the way for achieving one's dreams and improving overall well-being. Keep up the great work

 9 months ago 

Our attitude can influence what we attract. It's like our thoughts and emotions are the magnets that pull things toward us. When you focus on your dream and put in the work, opportunities just seem to pop up out of nowhere, like the universe is on your side. As for the power of the mind, I've definitely had those moments when the words just flow effortlessly. It's like a creative force takes over, and you're in the zone.

Hey friend 👋,

We meet again 😄😄

When I wrote, I was confused about how words and ideas flowed into my mind. When I opened the computer, I felt mentally depressed, meaning that I didn't know what I was going to write

This shows that you are really an open-minded and positive minded human, because positive mindedness don't only give positive result but triggers positive talents which could be blessings from God .

.Thanks for sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

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